
Chapter 120 The Purpose of Buying a Birthday Cake

"However, Lai Gui doesn't have a red five-pointed star on his body. And the red five-pointed star is too common in our country."

While everyone was talking, the door was pushed open, and Chen Mo walked in with a grimace on his face.

He looked seriously injured, as if he had been hit by a buff of weakness and was losing blood continuously.

"Captain Chen, are you okay? Why does it feel like you're going to die at any time! This patient Qi Huan can't help but get up and let you lie down in the hospital bed!" Seeing this, Li Yuan immediately took a step forward and supported Chen Mo .

He poked his head around and looked towards the door, and was relieved to see that Chief Ma hadn't followed.

"Captain Chen, you have suffered!" Li Yuan was just short of snot and tears.

Chen Mo waved his hand impatiently, "Go, go, go! You boy, you look like a dog. The publicity department saw you looking majestic before, and wanted you to take a promotional photo, but it turns out, good guy, in Our special case team stood at the door for 30 seconds and left without saying anything."

Li Yuan chuckled, "You still have the heart to joke, it seems that the skill of the horse game is not as strong as the legend!"

Chen Mo glared at Li Yuan angrily, "If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb."

He said, looking at Shen Ke, "I heard everything you said. The most important thing now is, where do we go to find this murderer?"

Shen Ke glanced at Qi Huan who was sitting on the hospital bed, and blurted out five words, "Red Star Orphanage."

"Why, you can't suspect that it is the Red Star Orphanage just because there are red five-pointed stars?" Chen Mo frowned.

This is of course a possibility. If it was someone else, Chen Mo wouldn't ask at all. They are the police. If they can catch the murderer by running, that would be a very happy thing. Isn't it just a trip?At most it was empty.

However, the person who spoke was Shen Ke.

Shen Ke never said anything he was not sure about.

"After seeing the red five-pointed star that Qi Huan pulled down, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind. I always felt that there was something I should think of, but I didn't connect it all at once."

"Team Chen is right. The red five-pointed star is so common in Huaguo, we wouldn't even notice it if it was dark under the lights."

The red five-pointed star is a very common brand of canvas shoes. This kind of pattern is not uncommon on the schoolbags and peaked caps worn by middle school students. Therefore, when she saw the five-pointed star on the schoolbag at the scene of the death, she didn't take it to heart at all. .

Jiang Yuan's umbrella was even worse. Because of Qi Huan's preconceived introduction, the dash cam's picture was not clear, it was still black and white, so they didn't pay attention to the dot, which was not a dot, but a five-pointed star.

When the umbrella was blown over, the white car stopped right in front of Jiang Yuan, everyone was paying attention to that car, so how could they pay attention to the umbrella that was blown over for a moment?
"The murderer will make up the deceased, put on a red scarf, and adjust the posture of his fingers, which shows that he is a person with a strong sense of ritual, or in other words, this sense of ritual is very important to him."

"So I think that when he kills, the red five-star that he carries with him is also a very important prop with special meaning."

"At the beginning, before I saw Qi Huan's cell phone, what I imagined was that the murderer's Red Five Star → the Red Star Orphanage mentioned by Qi Huan → the high school student Sheng Xuan's mother said that he would do volunteer work, middle school students would do volunteer work, nothing Nothing but orphanages and nursing homes."

"What is the nearest institution near Tonghui Road? It's the Red Star Orphanage."

"What is the mask the murderer is wearing? According to what Qi Huan said at the beginning, it is a faceless male mask used by children to pretend to be ghosts on Halloween. Where does this kind of thing tend to appear? Where there are many children."

As Shen Ke said, she picked up her mobile phone and dialed the number of the mother of the high school boy surnamed Sheng.

"Hello, Shen Ke, Nanjiang Municipal Bureau. I want to ask you a question. You said by the river that day that your son is a very good person. He even volunteers. Where does he volunteer?"

When the people over there received the call, they first shouted excitedly, "Officer Shen, have you caught the murderer who killed my son?"

Hearing Shen Ke's question, he became discouraged instantly, "Why are you asking this? It was for a social practice assignment during the summer vacation, the orphanage not far from our home...he donated all his pocket money, and returned I took a lot of books and toys over there."

"He...Officer Shen, you must quickly catch the murderer, so as to comfort my son's soul in heaven!"

Shen Ke's mobile phone was put on the outside, and everyone in the special case team changed their faces when they heard it.

"Okay," Shen Ke said blankly, and hung up the phone.

She raised her head and looked at Chen Mo, "That's all I thought of before I saw the red five-pointed star sticker on Qi Huan's phone case."

"Of course, there are five red stars on Qi Huan's phone, on Sheng Xuan's schoolbag, on Jiang Yuan's umbrella... well, the murderer is much more superficial than I thought."

"Of course, this further proves that I am not wrong. The red five-star is very important in this case. It is an inducing sign to stimulate the murderer to kill."

"Then the cause of this induction should be in the Red Star Orphanage."


Li Yuan stood in the elevator, raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist, it was almost twelve o'clock.

Qi Huan needed to recover from his illness, while Chen Mo and Zhao Xiaomeng used his ward as a base and guarded it there, in case the murderer failed to kill him and reappeared in the hospital.

He and the hot-tempered woman next to him wanted to knock on the door of the Red Star Orphanage at this point.

Just as he was thinking, he heard Shen Ke next to him seriously say, "Happy birthday."

Li Yuan was startled and almost didn't jump up. He looked at Shen Ke in surprise, "Who? Who's birthday? There are only two of us in this elevator. Don't pretend to scare me! Didn't I just play a joke on you?" ? Do you still hold grudges?"

Shen Ke gave him a contemptuous glance, "Did no one tell you? When you conceal your true intentions, you will chatter a lot."

"The watch will be seen through by you. I'm worried that no one will say happy birthday to you before twelve o'clock?"

Li Yuan's ears turned red, and he cleared his throat, "Who's worried? How old am I? What birthday do I have? Isn't this following behind to protect Xiaomeng? The dryness is too conspicuous, so I just bought one cake."

Shen Ke didn't speak, looked at her tattered skirt, thought for a while, rummaged through her small satchel, found a piece of chewing gum, and handed it to Li Yuan, "There's nothing else, this, a birthday present. "

Li Yuan took the piece of chewing gum somewhat dumbfounded, "Thank you! Don't tell them it's my birthday, or you'll die laughing."

Shen Ke said "Oh", "It's okay, they will die laughing every day when they mention you!"

The elevator door opened, Li Yuan was so angry that he sank to his dantian, and shouted, "Shen Ke!"

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