
Chapter 114 The Man Who Puts Up One Finger

Shen Ke keenly understood what Yan Xiulin meant, not throwing the corpse here.

Jiang Yuan was killed in the alley, where she was raided.

Thinking about it, Shen Ke quickly took out her mobile phone and opened the map. Sure enough, there was a subway station not far from this dark alley.She thought, and turned on the car navigation mode.

At this time, Qi Huan and Li Yuan also came over, "If you drive from here to the subway station, you have to pass under the Tonghui Bridge. According to the navigation prompts, there is serious water accumulation under the Tonghui Bridge. It is recommended that vehicles take a detour."

"So, Jiang Yuan got off the car at this intersection, so that the driver could make a U-turn at the traffic light ahead. She took this shortcut and planned to take the subway home from the subway station at the other end."

"The driver of the car followed her, or the murderer lurking in the alley attacked her. She may have been strangled to death in this alley before she could react."

"The murderer tied a red scarf on her, put on lipstick, took her ID card out of her bag and placed it next to her, and then adjusted the position of her hands before leaving the crime scene."

Shen Ke said seriously, and Qi Huan over there immediately said, "I'll check the surveillance along the way to see if I can take pictures of what kind of car Jiang Yuan got on. Tonghui Bridge will accumulate water every time it rains, and people who often take this road Everybody knows."

Shen Ke nodded, "I'll go back to the bureau and check about Er's affairs, and see if there are no clues."

Li Yuan listened and raised his hand, "I'll stay and help Qi Huan, I'm not good at using my brain, it's fine to move my legs and mouth."

Shen Ke had something in her heart that she wanted to check, so she didn't stay long, bid farewell to everyone, and drove back to Nanjiang Municipal Bureau quickly.

The city bureau was completely dark. After being busy for half a month, it was hard to take a weekend off. Most of the office doors were closed.

Shen Ke turned on the light and turned on her computer. She looked at the empty search bar, thought for a while, and entered the three words "red scarf", and the cases related to the whole country were densely presented.

She frowned.

In China, red is a very special color.

It not only represents joy, it will be used in wedding celebrations; it also represents evil and warning, in many urban rumors, there will be red high heels, which are designed to kill women in red clothes...

Even to rank female ghosts, female ghosts in red have to be used to represent ferocity.

Shen Ke slid the mouse, and entered the word "suffocation" in the search box.

The search results decreased a lot at once. She continued to slide the mouse, and suddenly, she paused and clicked on a picture of the scene.

"The name of the deceased is Lai Gui..."

Shen Ke was startled by the sound, she stood up like a bazooka, only heard a bang, Chen Mo covered her chin and her eyes were red.

"You stunned young man, if my old teeth are knocked out by you, wouldn't I be unable to eat the braised pork in the cafeteria!"

Shen Ke covered her head and looked at Chen Mo with her eyes wide open, "Why are you silent when you walk? You can't eat braised pork and I can exchange it with braised tofu for you. I have good teeth and can eat well!"

Chen Mo was so angry that he rubbed his chin, "Eat, eat! Why don't you eat the pot?"

"If the pot tastes like braised pork ribs, I think I can," Shen Ke said seriously, showing her white and neat teeth.

Chen Mo didn't cover his chin now, but covered his heart instead.

Sooner or later, he will be pissed to death by Shen Ke!
"Don't you know? Both the leader and the class teacher have such a natural lightness skill! Why, do you really think this is a serial murder case? Just relying on Biye's gesture and Li Yuan's speculation?"

"Do you really believe Li Yuan's speculation?"

Shen Ke enlarged the picture of the death scene, "Blind cats can still encounter dead mice, why can't Li Yuan's speculation be believed? The intuition of wild beasts is sometimes better than humans. After all, humans have brains, so it is easy for them to Complicate things."

Chen Mo was silent for a while.

He didn't know whether he should be happy for Li Yuan, or light the wax for him.

Shen Ke didn't speak any more, she stared carefully at the photo of the death scene.

The deceased was wearing a black down jacket, black pants, and his hair was combed meticulously.He wears a big red scarf around his neck and hangs on an old locust tree.The cyanosis is obvious, the eyes are slightly convex...

Both of his hands are clenched into fists, but the middle finger of his right hand sticks out, looking quite cynical.

"Look, Captain Chen, red scarf, hanged, one finger..."

Shen Ke said, looking at the case records, "The deceased Lai Gui, 63 years old, was suffering from terminal cancer. He got up early in the morning and was found hanged on an old locust tree in front of his house by his neighbors. His family found his suicide note, but the family refused An autopsy concluded that the death was a suicide."

Chen Mo frowned, "This case happened three years ago. If according to your guess, it was a serial murderer, then why did this murderer commit the second case after three years?"

"Also, Lai Gui left a suicide note...Even if there was no autopsy, the neighbors called the police and the police arrived and made a preliminary appearance judgment. You mean, they all made a mistake?"

Shen Ke heard the disapproval in Chen Mo's words, and emphasized again, "Red scarf, hanged, one finger..."

Chen Mo raised his hands helplessly, and made a gesture of surrender, "You check Lai Gui's affairs first, and I'll ask Qi Huan to check Jiang Yuan's social relations. It's too late, I told Xiaomeng not to come here."

"Don't get me wrong, this Lai Gui doesn't wear lipstick."

Shen Ke nodded, ignored Chen Mo, and continued to look at Lai Gui's case.

What Chen Mo said was correct. Although no in-depth autopsy was done, the police officers who arrived at the scene still dutifully took a lot of photos. From the photos, one can clearly see the deep strangulation on Lai Gui's neck after he took off the scarf. mark.

The details in the case show that the police did not find any signs of struggle at that time, nor did they find any dander in the deceased's fingernails.These all became evidence of suicide.

Shen Ke watched, frowning tightly.

She stared at the photo and looked at it again and again, always feeling that something was wrong.

"This Lai Gui didn't wear lipstick..."

Shen Ke was thinking about Chen Mo's words, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration. She thought, picked up the phone on the table, and dialed the cell phone number of the family member left in the file.

"Hi, hello, this is Nanjiang Public Security Bureau, my name is Shen Ke. Are you Lai Gui's family?"

There was silence on the phone for a moment, and then an old woman's voice rang, "Yes, I am Lai Gui's wife. Officer Shen, what can I do? Lai Gui has been dead for three years."

Shen Ke pursed her lips, "My condolences. I have a few questions I want to ask you. Please think about it carefully and give me a clear answer. This is very important for our current case."

"Please tell me?"

"Does Lai Gui pay attention to grooming himself? Is he the kind of person who combs his hair neatly? The kind that is fixed with hairspray."

"No." The old lady suddenly laughed out loud as if she was recalling something from the past, "He's just a rigid old man, he can't help nagging even about his daughter perming her hair."

"Well, the day he died was good. I don't know where to tidy it up. I combed my hair and bought a new scarf for myself... He is decent, and he doesn't look like him anymore."

"He was sick, and he didn't want to drag the family down, so he just left. In a flash, it's been three years."

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