Chapter 230
"Aunt Peng, give me this bag. I'll get it. You can look around to see where my sister-in-law is."

A large group of people got out of the car in front, Bai Jiu kept searching the crowd, but couldn't find the person he wanted to meet.

Fortunately, when there were fewer people, the person she was waiting for appeared.

"Aunt Peng, here I am." Bai Jiu shouted loudly.

There's no way, if you don't shout, there will be too many people, and you won't be able to see her at all.

After shouting several times, she was finally heard by Aunt Peng with sharp ears.

"Quick, Bai Jiu is over there." Aunt Peng only had a cloth bag in her hand, and she was light-headed. Looking at Bai Jiu, she abandoned the two of them and went straight to Bai Jiu.

As soon as she got to Bai Jiu's side, Aunt Peng threw herself into Bai Jiu's arms like a bird returning to its nest.

If it wasn't for her gray hair, with the height of the two of them, they really looked like a child in a mother's arms.

"Oh, you miss me so much." Along the way, Aunt Peng kept thinking about Bai Jiu.

"Auntie, I miss you too." Bai Jiu was not lying, she really missed Aunt Peng, no matter what, this is also the first kind person in this world to herself.

How much more special than ordinary people.

Just as the two of them were doing this, Peng Aiguo and Gao Weimin walked over.

"Grandma, you're not afraid of bumping into someone and throwing yourself off." Maybe it's because you met an acquaintance, and it's rare for Peng Aiguo to tease his grandma.

Aunt Peng was not happy to hear these words, "Boy, your grandma is such a blind person." After finishing speaking, she gave him a hard look.

There were quite a lot of things, Xiao Li helped to carry some, and when they got in the car, the conversation between Peng Aiguo and Gao Weimin was opened.

Asking all the time, Aunt Peng and Bai Jiu never had a chance to catch up.

"Okay, it's late at night, what's there to see, isn't it brighter than the village, isn't it just more crowded than the village, what's there to be excited about?"

Seeing the two of them looking so hopeless, Aunt Peng scolded them directly.

Seeing that Aunt Peng was still scolding, Bai Jiu quickly stopped her, "Auntie, forgive them, this is not the first time in Beijing, after a long time, they will definitely not be like this." First comfort the old man.

After all, it was late at night, Bai Jiu didn't take everyone back to Mr. Mu's side, but went directly to the yard bought for Peng Aiguo.

She has packed up here a long time ago, so she can live here as soon as people come.

Don't worry about what to eat, she will prepare it early.

As soon as the car stopped, Aunt Peng got off and saw the closed door. Although it was a bit broken, she was pleasing to the eye no matter what.

Because it has the word Peng's family on it.

"This yard is good, good." Aunt Peng said good words one after another, showing how excited she was.

"Here's the key. Auntie, you open the door first, and we'll take things in." Bai Jiu handed the key to Aunt Peng, and the big general on the door couldn't be opened without the key.

She specially spent fifteen industrial tickets to buy it back.

You can see how strong it is.

"Success." Aunt Peng wiped her hands on her clothes before taking the key from Bai Jiu.

Seeing her like this, Bai Jiu was delighted.

But she doesn't understand the old man's mind, let alone make irresponsible remarks.

As long as the old man is happy.

After Xiao Li helped carry the things in, he went back first.

Bai Jiu and the children have agreed that they will pick up Grandma Peng tonight, so she won't go home, and will pick them up tomorrow to see Grandma Peng together.

The two agreed, and urged their mother to hurry up and bring him home.

"Isn't this yard expensive?" Although Aunt Peng has some knowledge, such a big yard is somewhat ignorant.

"Is the money I gave you enough? You don't know how to put money in it, do you?" After Aunt Peng went around the yard, the way she looked at Bai Jiu changed.

She knows how much she has given Bai Jiu.

That thing is worthless now, and it might not be enough to buy such a large yard.

Bai Jiu was very helpless, she wondered if Aunt Peng had misunderstood gold.

"Auntie, what are you talking about? You only used one-third of the things you gave, and there are still many left unused." When she bought this yard, she also thought it would be expensive.

He also estimated the value of the box that Aunt Peng gave him.

Unexpectedly, the price is really not as expensive as she thought.

The Peng family is a hospital.

The U-shaped building used to be the annex of a family. Later, because of an accident, the house of that family was demolished, and there are really not many left.

In addition, the opening of an account is partial, so the asking price is really not expensive.

But there are quite a few good courtyard houses around this side room, and those are the real expensive ones.

It's not that she didn't want to buy a good one for Aunt Peng, but she didn't sell any.

The big one she bought, with a garden and a back mountain, cost her about a hundred thousand.

One can imagine how expensive it is.

Even the yard that Deng Meina bought was only one yard bigger than Aunt Peng's, and it didn't even have a garden.

There are many small courtyards, but there are really no large ones.

"You didn't lie to me?" Aunt Peng didn't believe it.

She felt that Bai Jiu was lying to herself, where is this?

Beijing, the capital of the country, is the house here expensive?
| "I really didn't lie to you. If you don't believe me, you can ask. This house was bought through a legitimate channel. It was bought at the Beijing Real Estate Bureau, and it has been recorded on it." Bai Jiu couldn't laugh or cry.

Haven't seen any doubts about buying cheap ones.

"That's good, as long as you didn't lie to Auntie, Auntie is afraid that you will suffer." The old man asked her to hide that thing, and she was obedient and hid it.

Afterwards, all the people in charge of the family left, and it was difficult for her as a woman to take it out, so she has been hiding until now.

"I can't afford it." Bai Jiu really loved this old lady.

The heart is upright, the shape is also upright, and only when you get along can you feel comfortable.

"It's getting late. I boiled water in my aunt's pot. Let's wash it first. I'll serve you a bowl of noodles. It must be too late for cooking." This day, Bai Jiu didn't dare to let them eat leftovers. What to do if you eat a bad stomach.

Simply wait for them to eat the next noodles.

"I'm not in a hurry, I'll help you." Aunt Peng is excited now, but she doesn't want to go, and wants to know more about her home.

Peng Aiguo and Gao Weimin didn't have the right to speak, so they went to wash up in the backyard by themselves.

If you say too many mistakes, you will be scolded easily.

Just be obedient.

Aunt Peng lit the fire, looking at the pile of firewood behind the kitchen, she knew that Bai Jiu was worried.

"Everything in Beijing costs money. For the things in this house, Bai Jiu, don't pay for it yourself. You also know that my aunt has money." Aunt Peng looked at the neatly arranged daily necessities at home. How could she not know these things? It's not easy.

In addition, she didn't have a ticket in hand, so she couldn't buy some things even if she wanted to.

"Auntie, I'll get angry if you do this again. We can't be so polite. I think I wasn't polite to you when I was in trouble."

Bai Jiu remembers love.

"You child, you still have to be so strong, okay, I will listen to you."

Soon, the water in the pot was boiling.

The noodles floated up after a while.

Bai Jiu put a few eggs in it, and put some vegetables in it, and then took out the noodles, vegetables and eggs after they were cooked.

There are four bowls in total.

She wasn't hungry at first, but she couldn't stop eating, so let's watch them eat three times, goodbye, everyone will feel uneasy about eating.

It's better to eat less by yourself and just be with your aunt.

The arrival of Peng's family made Bai Jiu feel happier.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would be greeted with a bigger surprise afterwards, which made Bai Jiu almost turn around.

Seeing her go crazy after hanging up the phone, Mr. Mu and the two children watched her worriedly for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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