Wearing a peaked cap and a black mask on her ears, Ming Dai stepped briskly into the supermarket, pulling a cart, and passed through several shelves in the blink of an eye.

"Slow down, don't get tripped up."

He Mu followed behind her unhurriedly, and helped her take out the hair that was under the strap of her bag.

Ming Dai casually glanced back:

"No wonder my scalp hurts."

He Mu was amused by her.

"Don't you know that your hair is being pulled?"

"I didn't pay attention."

Ming Dai answered absent-mindedly, her eyes sweeping across the dazzling array of cake freezers.

Durian Melaleuca, Matcha Basque, Tiramisu...


"I want to eat it."

Ming Dai's eyes are almost star-like.

With one hand in his pocket, He Mu turned his body sideways:

"buy it."

Ming Dai is not strong-willed at all, and there is He Mu instigating by her side, the little devil in her heart is showing up at a rapid speed...

"No, no, I'm going to join the group soon, I must control my weight!"

Ming Dai tried hard to swallow her saliva, and turned her attention to the chicken breast fat-reducing meal.

He Mu didn't persuade her either, it all depends on Ming Dai's own willingness.

He followed Mingdai all the time, accompanied her to the supermarket, and shuttled among the shelves... It happened that a couple or a man and a woman who looked like a couple passed by holding hands, discussing dinner, full of the fireworks of life , seeing that Ming Dai kept turning her head.

Seeing this, He Mu's thoughts moved slightly.

He suddenly asked:
"There's a...party recently, Dede, would you like to come with me?"

The picture of the couple was still in Mingdai's mind, and when the topic of He Mu and the party were brought up, she couldn't even turn the corner in her mind.

She blinked, and repeated in a somewhat sluggish way:


"Well, there are quite a few people present at the private gatherings in the circle, and my mother will also go."

Mentioning Ms. Guo, Ming Dai's mind became sober, and she turned her head to take a deep look at He Mu——

Only then did she understand what He Mu meant.

It is very meaningful to attend this party.

Because... this will be the first time that Ming Dai will appear on social occasions as Mu's girlfriend.

This is obviously different from the interaction between the two.

Their falling in love is a matter between two people, a pure emotional exchange, without thinking too much about external things.

However, when Ming Dai steps into the circle with Mu and gradually adapts to the gradual change of status with Mu's girlfriend, fiancee, wife, etc., there will be many things behind it, many things and people, which may follow. Change.

No one knows what kind of consequences will be caused by the flapping of the wings of a little butterfly.

That would be a completely unknown path.

Ming Dai was stunned.

Seems to be facing an important decision.

And Ruhe Mu, who was always calm, became nervous at the moment.

It was like waiting for Ming Dai's verdict.

And in this scene, the first sentence that Mingdai could think of was:
"Is it too hasty to suddenly make such an important decision on the way to the supermarket..."

He and Mu Mo fell silent.

It seems...he didn't think carefully.

He didn't think too much, just because of the warm atmosphere of the young couple and Ming Dai's instant admiration, he blurted out this proposal.

In fact, before this, He Mu thought in his heart that if he wanted to bring Ming Dai into his social circle, he would at least wait until Ming Dai graduated from university.

As for now, the wait seems a bit too much to suffer.

However, He Mu didn't dare to tell Ming Dai that he didn't have to worry about anything, and he would take care of all the troubles.

Even the father and Jing Qing haven't completely settled it, the father and son are still in a state of half stalemate and half relaxation, how dare He Mu pat his chest and boast to Ming Dai?

What's more, the world is unpredictable, even if she is as powerful as He Mu, she dare not say that everything is under her control.

It has always been like this, He Mu is really not very responsible.

Both Lian and Mu were shaken, and while thinking, slowly opened their mouths and said:

"Otherwise, let's change places? Or this matter..."

Ming Dai smiled.

Yes, everything is not considered the most fully prepared and perfect time.

But in life, you need to be impulsive occasionally.


"Okay, let's go to the party."

Ming Dai responded immediately, and then didn't dwell on this question for too long, and started thinking about other things, and kept asking He Mu,

"What is the specific occasion? Is there a dress code? Lingling will also go?..."

She asked too many questions in succession, but it diluted the hesitation and uncertainty in He Mu's heart.

He Mu smiled helplessly:

"It's next week."

"So what? You should get ready early!"

Ming Dai speaks plausibly, and doesn't give He Mu a chance to refute.

It should be with Mu Liansheng, as gentle as a restrained jade without sharpness.

But the party He Mu mentioned was indeed not a common dinner party, the kind where everyone wore evening gowns and held goblets to socialize and talk.

The meeting place was at a resort in the suburbs of Beijing, and its owner was He Mu's uncle Guo Xiye, a well-known big player in Yanjing City, who has always been first-class and tasteful in this regard.

A simple party villa, under his management, from hot spring viewing to horseback riding, all kinds of activities are very interesting, and the list of items is pulled out, so that people can stay for three days without being bored.

Ming Dai listened with great interest, and soon turned her attention from the clothes to the party itself.

"Riding? Is there a horse farm there?"

He Mu nodded, as if he had guessed Ming Dai's plan:
"Well, next week's party can just bring Mary and Andre there to get some fresh air. The horse farm in the villa is very professionally maintained, and the race level is much better than the one at home, which is enough for Mary Andre to let go of playing."

Ming Dai gasped in astonishment.

"I didn't think I'd take it next week... I mean later! It's too high-profile to bring a horse to a party!"

People bring pets when they go out to parties, at most they bring a kitten and puppy, and the rarer ones bring lizards and the like.

She is fine with He Mu and brings two horses!
It's hard not to attract attention!
He Mu heard the words, raised his eyebrows lightly:
"Isn't it good to be high-profile? It's not that we can keep a low profile if we want to."

These words made Ming Dai instantly relieved.

That's right, since she decided to go to this party, she was doomed to be low-key. She and He Mu must be the focus of the audience when they appear on the stage, so it's better to follow your heart!
After she figured it out, her question came up:
"So how far in advance does Mary and Andre plan to go?"

He Mu patiently answered her, including questions that might be encountered during the transportation process.

...Actually, there is one point that He Mu didn't explain too thoroughly.

He wants to be high-profile so that others can see how much he cares about Ming Dai.

Although, his feelings never need these foreign objects to prove and embellish.

But he cared about others, he didn't want Mingdai to be wronged because of some trivial things, he would rather trouble.

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