Chapter 648 Family
According to Gu Qi, it is——

He has experienced a lot, so he is enlightened and transparent.

The previous chasing of fame and fortune is no longer important. As long as the members of a family are harmonious, warm and happy, it is more precious than all money and wealth!


Gu Changming couldn't help but be moved by it, and the cry of dad was sincere and from the heart.

He couldn't help but think that the past and the grievances of the previous life can be written off. What they should look forward to is the future, how to welcome Dai Dai back home!

Wein also ignited a burning hope, since everything can be done again, and the hearts of the family members are tightly linked together, then sooner or later Mingdai will be able to change her mind!
"Husband, son, let's work hard together."


The three of them exchanged glances silently, smiling warmly and touchingly.

Until someone knocks on the door interrupting their happy family moment.

The person who came was Gu Qi's bed doctor. It seemed that a nurse heard the screams, but dared not come in casually even though the door was closed, so she asked him to come and have a look.

The doctor's inquiring gaze moved back and forth among the three members of the family, and the question was reserved, but the curiosity in his eyes could not be deceived.

In the past, with Gu Qiweiyin's character, he would definitely be annoyed at the doctor's ignorance of the rules, and turn around and complain him to the medical department.

But now their mentality has completely changed, and they can openly accept others to explore.

Anyway, they are in a good relationship!Say whatever you want!
After Gu Changming explained to the doctor that it was nothing serious, the doctor conducted a simple physical examination on the injuries of Gu Qi and Wei Yin.

"There is nothing serious at present, and he can be discharged from the hospital as soon as tomorrow."

Gu Qiwei was naturally very happy.

When the doctor went out, what did Gu Changming think of.

He tentatively asked: "Dad, the company over the past two days..."

"Don't tell me."

Gu Qi interrupted Gu Changming with a smile, his eyes were gentle and trusting,
"Father believes in you. I'll hand over the company's affairs to you these few days. It's a good time to test your ability. Anyway, the company will be handed over to you in the future."

It's rare for Gu Qi to say such a thing.

Although Gu Qi told Gu Changming before that he would be the only heir of the Gu family.

But in reality, his behavior was like hanging a carrot in front of a donkey's head, holding it up and then suppressing it. This trick was played so smoothly that Gu Changming didn't even dare to believe that his position was stable.

This was the first time that Gu Qi calmly and sincerely said that he would hand over the company to himself, and Gu Changming had to believe that his father had really changed.

"Okay!" Gu Changming was a little excited, "Dad, don't worry, I will not disappoint your expectations. The company will definitely not have any problems these days!"

Gu Qi patted Gu Changming on the shoulder in relief, feeling that this son was born well.

As he said that, he said earnestly: "This time we must not mess up the Gu family! This company was founded by your grandfather, and it is his life's hard work! After the death of my previous life, I always felt that I met him. Scold me bloody for being an unfilial son, haha."

Neither Wei Yin nor Chang Ming thought that Gu Qi would have such an experience. Could it be that the grandparents who have passed away for many years have really turned into ghosts?
They asked curiously, Gu Qi smiled and shook his head.

"Maybe it's because I think about it every day and dream at night, and I don't feel clean after death. But thanks to this experience, I have a clearer understanding of what is truly valuable in life. Good thing."

"Indeed, dying once made me think more clearly."

Gu Changming nodded in agreement.

Why didn't Wein feel the same way?

The family reached an agreement, and the atmosphere was joyous.

Afterwards, Gu Changming received a call from the company, asking him to go back and deal with something.

Gu Changming looked at his parents worriedly and asked them to call him whenever they felt uncomfortable.

Gu Qiwei coaxed him to leave patiently.

When there were only two people left in the ward, they looked at each other quietly, and the feeling of being in love seemed to have returned.

After being separated for many years in the previous life, it is definitely impossible to say that there is no estrangement at all.

His son Gu Changming is here, and he can still be used as a bridge.

When Gu Changming left, the two of them were so embarrassed that they didn't know what to say.

Wein was the first to bow his head in guilt: "I'm sorry, I was the one who failed you in my previous life."

Gu Qi sighed: "What are you talking about? We fell into such a situation in our previous life. None of us were innocent. Even if you went abroad in the end, I would not blame you. I only hope that Mingdai can see that we sincerely repent. Son, be able to readmit us back."

Wein also thought the same way: "Yes! I have no other intentions, I just want to visit her occasionally! She can live well, it is the best gift for me!"

The husband and wife looked at each other and smiled, because they agreed, something disappeared quietly, and the relationship became intimate again.

The topic gradually developed, and the two somehow started talking about Gu Lingsi.

Speaking of this raised daughter, Gu Qi kept shaking his head, but did not comment lightly.

It was Wein who hesitated and remembered something.

Gu Qi: "What's the matter? Did something happen to her afterwards?"

In his previous life, Gu Qi ended badly. Every two years after Ming Dai's death, the Gu family went bankrupt due to poor management.

He was burdened with huge debts, and he was like a irascible lion all day long. How could he have the mood to manage a mere adopted daughter?
In the end, the money was all gone, and there was time, but he was already using alcohol to numb himself, and he couldn't even tell the year and month, let alone know Gu Lingsi's later story.

After thinking about it, Gu Qi said: "She should be doing well. Even if Ning Shu broke off the engagement with her, she seems to have a special kindness towards Ning Shu. No matter what, Ning Shu will not let her go."

Wein shook his head.

She said, "Actually, I secretly went back to China once to see how you and your son are doing."

Gu Qi was surprised by Wein's words.

The next words doubled the surprise:
"However, you had moved to other places at that time. I came back alone. I couldn't find any news about you at first, so I asked my former friends, and found out about Gu Lingsi by accident. She...she..."

"What's up with her?"

"Gu Lingsi deliberately killed someone with his car and went to jail!"

After Wein said this, goose bumps all over his body.

Gu Qi was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Wein rubbed his arms: "Aren't you very surprised? I was the same when I heard it! I never thought that the daughter we raised so carefully for so many years turned out to be a murderer in the end! Oh my god, how could she do it? ! That's a life!"

Wein felt terrified, as if someone he had known for many years tore off the surface and turned into a wild beast.

Gu Qi also did not speak for a long time.

"Who did she kill?"

"I don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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