On the back seat of the fast-moving Maybach, He Mu was holding the phone, talking with Ming Dai.

"Sorry, I came to see you as promised."

"It's okay, I'm going to school today anyway."

There was a rustling sound from Mingdai, probably packing her schoolbag.

From Ming Dai's tone, it can be heard that she really doesn't care about breaking the appointment with Mu, after all, she has class today, and she didn't plan to meet He Mu at first, but He Mu said that she would come to see her at home, and the appointment time was after school in the afternoon.

If Mu and Mu don't come after school in the afternoon, Ming Dai will drive to the company by herself.

She has already thought about it.

However, compared to Ming Dai's indifference, He Mu is more concerned about it.

He thought for a while and said, "If I come back early at night, I will come over."

"It really doesn't matter." Ming Dai persuaded with a smile, "Didn't you say you're going to the neighboring city? The one-way trip takes three hours, and it must be very late when you come back. It's better to go back and rest early. I don't have class tomorrow afternoon, so let's go have dinner together then."

He Mu reluctantly agrees.

He thought: "Aren't you curious about where I am going?"

Ming Dai said confusedly: "I thought you were going to work."

"No." He Mu took the initiative to confess, "I'm looking for someone."

"Who is it?"

Ming Dai is really curious, who can make He Mu run hundreds of kilometers to meet him?

"Very important person?"

Thinking of that person, He Mu's expression darkened.

"A person who avoids me." He said, "I'll tell you the details after I meet him and ask him."

Ming Dai muttered dissatisfied: "What, don't say anything, but still arouse my curiosity."

Complaints are complaints, Mingdai didn't ask any more questions, and only told He Mu to be careful on the road.

He hung up the phone with Mu, because of Ming Dai, his originally gloomy mood improved.

But not much better.

He Mu was always in an irritable mood, and always had a strange premonition that a storm was coming.

For this reason, he had to pick up the computer at hand and start looking at the files, using work to eliminate redundant thoughts in his mind.

This method is very useful, at least in the following time, He Mu did not fall into this whirlpool of irritability, but spent time in documents.

From Yanjing to the neighboring city, it was scheduled to take a three-hour drive, but Hemu's well-trained and excellent driver abruptly shortened this time to two and a half hours at his request.

It was afternoon when we arrived at the destination, and the Maybach stopped in front of a small fishing village near the sea. Through the window of the car, Kazuki looked at the surrounding environment, his face silent as an abyss.

This is not a popular tourist destination, there are not many tourists coming and going, more are local residents.

Probably the economy of the fishing village is good, and the houses here are beautifully built.

Coupled with the quiet environment and slow pace, it can be regarded as a good retreat.

No wonder Zhou Yunzhi lived here for a month.

The driver parked the car on the side of the road and pointed to the small white building not far away:

"It's the building in front. Because it is not under the name of Mr. Zhou, the investigation took more time."

He Mu twitched the corner of his mouth, knowing why Zhou Yunzhi chose to be here on purpose.

He is avoiding him.

As for why...

I think this answer will come soon.

Because He Mu had already seen Zhou Yunzhi.

Seeing his friend again after a long absence, He Mu didn't feel happy, only unspeakably complicated.

Seeing Zhou Yunzhi, who was thin and completely dressed, He Mu frowned and pushed the door to get out of the car.

His appearance is like a black hole vortex, unconsciously attracting the surrounding light and attention.

Not only the villagers who came and went noticed him, even Zhou Yunzhi saw him immediately.

It seemed that Zhou Yunzhi was not surprised.

When He Mu walked up to him unhurriedly, Zhou Yunzhi put his hands in his pockets, didn't turn around, and didn't panic, just like he met casually on the street, he nodded and greeted:

"It seems that you are not surprised that I will come to you."

He Mu looked Zhou Yunzhi up and down, recalling the weird phone call from Zhou Yunzhi not long ago, and his thoughts became deeper.

Zhou Yunzhi said softly: "You always get to the bottom of her affairs, that's why you came all the way from Yanjing, didn't you?"

No name was mentioned, but both Zhou Yunzhi and He Mu knew who this "she" was.

He and Mu's eyes darkened suddenly.

He didn't like Zhou Yunzhi's mention of "her", the kind of intimacy and naturalness that crossed the proper boundaries, as if there were countless unknown stories behind it.

But Mingdai is clearly alienated and unfamiliar with Zhou Yunzhi.

So Zhou Yunzhi's emotions, are they self-indulgent or something else?

"I heard that you have been seeing a psychiatrist not long ago."

He Mu's tone was slightly cool.

If you don't know him well, you might mistakenly think that this sentence means caring.

However, Zhou Yunzhi and He Mu were good friends, so he knew very well that He Mu was mocking him.

"You think I'm sick?"

Zhou Yunzhi seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

He Mu declined to comment, his expression said it all.

Zhou Yunzhi laughed softly, his chest was shaking, as if he heard a big joke.

He Mu watched him smile expressionlessly, and waited for him to finish laughing.

Smiling and laughing, Zhou Yunzhi's expression changed.

Like intense sadness.

It's like extreme despair.

His much thinner body gave people a sense of bleakness and vicissitudes. Those who didn't know it thought that he had experienced countless major changes in his life, and he was an old man who had gone through thousands of sails.

In fact, Zhou Yunzhi is only 25 years old this year.

His dark eyes were filled with emotion, and he murmured words that He Mu couldn't understand:
"Sometimes, I really wish I was sick, and those things never happened..."

"What do you want to say?"

He Mu frowned.

Zhou Yunzhi paused his head, and looked at He Mu meaningfully.

"Maybe one day you'll understand, or maybe you never will. I hope it's the latter."

His eyes were almost pitiful, as if to say "It's better for you not to know anything".

He Mu's lips were tightly pursed, and the lines of his face became more and more cold and hard.

He was full of momentum, and anyone else would have been trembling under his might.

Didn't you see that the nearby villagers who pretended to pass by and looked at him curiously were so afraid that they deliberately avoided He Mu, and didn't even dare to look at him?

It's just that these majestic auras are useless to a person with a haggard heart.

Just like Zhou Yunzhi at this time.

He could still consider the surrounding environment, and smiled nonchalantly to send invitations to Chao and Mu:
"There are a lot of people nearby, do you want to go to my house for tea?"

"it is good."

The small building where Zhou Yunzhi lives is next to it, just step into the yard.

The location of this small building is quite quiet and elegant. There is a big tree planted in the yard, which is full of shade and the sea breeze is cool.

According to Zhou Yunzhi himself, the small building is the house of his mentor's hometown, and he just came here temporarily to borrow for a while.

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