Chapter 547
In fact, most people with normal views know that Shen Qinghe's biological father, the man who was imprisoned for robbery and wounding, is a complete rotten person, and his views are not credible.

In the eyes of such obscene people, Shen Qinghe deserved what happened when he was a child, he was out of good intentions, and he was in the same boat with his restless mother.

But in the eyes of discerning people, Shen Qinghe might be the real victim.

What kind of dirty thoughts can a child of how old be?
On the contrary, those adults who wear tinted glasses painted his experience with dark colors and commented wantonly.

Therefore, most of the mainstream comments are sympathetic to Shen Qinghe:

[I'm angry, this is my father?I'm not happy to see my son walk out of the past. Is this because I wish my son would die? 】

【Shen Qinghe's experience since he was a child was too miserable. He had no feelings for him at first, but now he has some sympathy. 】

[Suddenly want to buy a ticket to go to the cinema to support him. 】

[It's really hard, coming out of such a bad environment, and still growing so well. 】

【Shen Qinghe shouldn't be ashamed of his past experience, the ones who should be ashamed are those adults who inflict harm on young children! 】

Public opinion seems to have turned around.

Originally, he was dissatisfied with the identity of Shen Qing and the robber's son, but now he was separated from that scumbag father.

Is it a good thing?

It's a good thing.

It's also bad.

Shen Qinghe's image to the outside world is too successful, and the label of a winner in life and a perfect idol has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Many high-end and compelling brands choose him as their endorsement because his image can make people think of words such as nobility and perfection.

What now?When everyone sees Shen Qinghe, they will only think of his dark experience and sympathize with him, which is completely contrary to the tone of the brand.

As a result, Shen Qinghe's commercial value fell again and again.

Smart brand PR would not choose to terminate the contract when the whole people sympathized with Shen Qinghe, but behind the scenes, they had already expressed their willingness to Shen Qinghe——

'We deeply sympathize with what happened to you, but I am afraid that the renewal of the contract cannot continue...'

The outside world is still unknown, but people in the industry have already spread the word.

Some people say that it doesn't matter, the big deal is that after a few years, the limelight will go down and then get back up again. If you choose another track, maybe you can make a smooth transformation and broaden your play path?

Unfortunately, for Shen Qinghe, this was not the case.

So far, Ming Dai has read the whole incident.

Regarding the rumors in the industry that Shen Qinghe's high-end endorsements are not planning to renew their contracts, they also heard Huang Yuanyuan's gossip.

She was holding the phone, thoughtful, and suddenly understood why Shen Qinghe had such a personality——

The appearance is warm and moist like jade, but the inside is thousands of miles away.

His broken and bad childhood became the dark undertone of his character, and it haunted him for many years after that.

Therefore, it is difficult for him to trust people, and he is even less willing to give his true feelings to people easily. He always looks at everyone close to him with a critical eye, and judges their purpose.

This includes her too.


Ming Dai's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

Huang Yuanyuan came over and took a look: "It's an unknown number, don't answer it."

Ming Dai seemed to have a premonition, she smiled and shook her head towards Huang Yuanyuan: "It's fine."

Then he picked up the phone.

"Mr. Ming! Thank you for answering my call!"

On the other end of the phone was a grateful and even crying male voice.

Ming Dai heard this voice very strangely: "Sorry, you are..."

"My name is Yi Li, and I'm Shen Qinghe's assistant."

Following this name, a figure following Shen Qinghe like a shadow slowly appeared in front of Ming Dai's eyes.

"It's you."

Ming Dai's tone is very firm, it reminds her of Yi Li.

Yi Li was flattered and thanked Ming Dai repeatedly, his words were very clumsy.

But Ming Dai interrupted him directly: "Sorry, what's the matter?"

Yi Li faltered: "It's Brother Shen..."


Yi Li probably knew that his request was a little too much, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Ming, can I beg you to see Brother Shen?"

Ming Dai remained calm: "Oh?"

Yi Li: "Mr. Ming, I don't know if you have seen the news on the Internet. Brother Shen's bad past has been exposed. This incident has a great impact on him. I have been unable to contact him. I went to his home He won't open the door even if he knocks... So, so I want to ask Mr. Ming to meet him. Brother Shen may refuse to others, but he will definitely meet Mr. Ming! He has been looking forward to seeing you! Is that okay?"

Ming Dai patiently listened to this passage, but at the end, she ruthlessly gave a reply to the cautious Yi Li:

"Why, why."

"There is no reason, I have no relationship with him, and there is no need to meet."

Ming Dai's thoughts are firm.

She was able to tolerate Yi Li for a few minutes because he was emotionally broken, and in his previous life he had a good attitude towards her, unlike Xiang Yuan, who always liked to glance at her with the whites of his eyes, for fear that she would mislead Shen Qinghe.

Xiang Yuan...Ming Dai suddenly remembered that the public opinion that Shen Qinghe had encountered this time was probably behind the pushers, and anyone who could know Shen Qinghe's secrets, except Xiang Yuan, did not think of him.

These two fell out?Didn't they were very good brothers in the previous life, but they made her look like a stumbling block?

What happened now?
But Ming Dai quickly snuffed out this curiosity in the cradle, and didn't ask Yi Li.

She thought it was enough to give Yi Li a few minutes, and then hung up the phone politely.

Huang Yuanyuan listened to the whole process from the side: "Who is it, what does Shen Qinghe have to do with us? The phone calls are all to Dai Dai!"

Huang Yuanyuan's attitude shines brightly in four big characters: Don't touch porcelain!
Ming Dai smiled and looked at the time.

"Is it almost there?"

"Well, go into the underground garage ahead."

Huang Yuanyuan nodded in response.

Then Ming Dai's nanny car drove into an underground garage not far away.

After confirming that no one was following her, Ming Dai got out of the car under the protection of Huang Yuanyuan.

In the adjacent parking space, there is a black Maybach with a familiar license plate.

Then the window of the car was lowered, and the darkness was opened, revealing He Muying's deep eyebrows and eyes.


When he smiled, it melted like ten thousand years of snow.

Ming Dai also tiptoed happily.

"I'm coming."

Thinking of the upcoming itinerary, Ming Dai is full of expectations.

Huang Yuanyuan handed over a small luggage bag from behind: "Here, just enough for two days and one night."

Ming Dai was about to take it.

But He Mu had already opened the door to get off the car first, stretched out his hand past Ming Dai, and took the luggage over.

Ming Dai didn't fight with him, she smiled and watched He Mu help pack her luggage, and then escorted her into the car.

Through the car window, Huang Yuanyuan waved goodbye to her: "Have fun!"

The next two days and one night were Ming Dai's rest schedule.

(End of this chapter)

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