Chapter 521 The Eve of the Screening
Not just small gifts, but the intentions of the film crew of "Omen" are reflected in all aspects.

For example, by dialing a specific mobile phone number, you can hear the voices of creators such as Ming Dai inviting them to watch movies;

For example, log in to the official website and enter the movie ticket number, and you can have your own virtual ID card;

Another example is to leave a picture of the movie ticket stub, and you will have the opportunity to win a movie set, figure, etc.

Compared with the careful attention to these details of "Omen", the magnificent premiere of "Broken Array" is more like a face-saving effort.

Of course, this kind of thing is different for everyone, and there are always people who like the vigorous set of "Broken Array" and think it is decent and interesting.

What I have to say is that starting from here, "Omen" and "Broken Array" can be regarded as completely put on the balance of comparison, and any detail will be compared and discussed in an all-round way.


"It's our honor."

Su Fangyun raised his eyebrows, and his tone was meaningful.

Ming Dai was reclining on the sofa, holding the tablet computer in both hands, staring at it raptly, she didn't even notice what Su Fangyun was saying, instead her brows frowned slowly, as if seeing something unpleasant .

Worried that the dazzling public opinion on the Internet would hurt Ming Dai, Su Fangyun hurriedly got up and walked over:
"The premiere is about to start, your house...huh? Aren't you watching social platforms?"

Ming Dai blinked belatedly.

"Why should I watch?"

This rhetorical question stopped Su Fangyun from asking.

Su Fangyun: "I thought you would care about the comparison of the two movies in the current public opinion."

Ming Dai casually said: "It can't change anything if you care about it. The finished movie is already placed here, and who is superior and who is inferior will soon be determined, isn't it?"

As he spoke, he squeezed out a bright and unclouded smile towards Su Fangyun.

"Yes, yes, what you said makes sense." Su Fangyun let out a helpless sigh of relief, but was infected by Ming Dai's open-minded attitude, and couldn't help looking at Ming Dai's computer, "What are you watching? Online dramas?"

Ming Dai nodded: "Well, it's a suspenseful web drama, and it's very tasteful."

Su Fangyun focused his eyes on the tablet screen, and silently read the name of the web drama: "I don't seem to have heard of it at all."

"The popularity is relatively low. It's a young director. The actors are all little-known young actors or old actors, but their acting skills are very solid. Now the complete episodes have been released. Strongly recommend!"

"At this juncture, you still have the heart to recommend online dramas. You are really not nervous."

"Of course." Mingdai blinked, and suddenly remembered something, "Sister Su, are you in good health? You've been working overtime for the past few days, so don't tire yourself out. healthy body!"

The recent mudslides and natural disasters are still vivid in my mind, and the scars from Su Fangyun's surgery are still hidden in her hair, and I don't know how long it will take to completely disappear.

But looking at Su Fangyun now, he has returned to his normal working state like a normal person, and even started working overtime crazy to make up for absenteeism during the recuperation period in the hospital!

Ming Dai persuaded her several times to no avail, so she couldn't help but bring it up again today.

Su Fangyun waved his hand: "I know small things well."

It's no wonder that Mingdai believed it, and immediately said forcefully: "Go home and rest as soon as today's premiere is over!"

"But..." Su Fangyun's words were stopped after meeting Ming Dai's firm gaze, and he could only sigh, "Okay, listen to you."

Only then did Ming Dai show a satisfied smile, ready to ramble a few more words.

Su Fang's head was clouded, and he quickly changed the subject: "By the way, where are your family and your husband? Why haven't you come yet?"

This really caught Ming Dai's attention, she thought about it, and murmured in agreement: "That's right, I said that I arrived earlier."

Ming Dai was about to take out her mobile phone to call He Mu when she heard someone knocking on the door of the lounge.

Su Fangyun drew his voice: "Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here."

Ming Dai ignored her teasing, trotted over to open the door while stepping on her slippers.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a bouquet of roses delivered to me.

Upwards is He Mu's smiling face.

"Thank you!"

Ming Dai's eyes were shining brightly, and she happily took the flowers.

I lowered my head and sniffed, the white lychee rose has a strong sweet floral fragrance.

He grinned unconsciously, raised his eyes with a smile, and bumped into He Mu's deep eyes.

Ming Dai couldn't help but raised her arms and hugged him.

He Mu, who seemed restrained and polite at first, couldn't help but put his arms around her waist and clasped her palm tightly when Ming Dai took the initiative to hug her.


There were two coughs at the same time.

A sound came from Su Fangyun behind Ming Dai.

The sound came from Xia Ling who was just blocked by He Mu.

Embarrassed by embarrassment, Ming Dai quickly backed out of He Mu's embrace.

Then, facing Xia Ling's resentful gaze, he smiled flatteringly: "Lingling, you're here too."

Xia Ling sighed: "Yes, I'm here too."

Ming Dai hurriedly leaned over to coax her affectionately.

Xia Ling didn't really bother about such a trivial matter, he complained a few words, and was soon coaxed by Mingdai to make the weather clear.

The two were dragged into the lounge by Ming Dai one after another.

Xia Ling asked curiously: "Is there no red carpet part in this premiere?"

Ming Dai: "Cancelled, keep everything simple."

Xia Ling immediately comforted: "It's okay, these are foreign objects! The movie box office still depends on the statistics after all!"

Ming Dai couldn't see the feeling of being affected at all: "Well, I think so too, anyway, I definitely won't let you lose money!"

As the main producer of the third pick, Xia Ling has no doubts about this: "Of course! I absolutely believe in you! I'm still waiting for you to bring me money, and I will definitely give you a big gift when the time comes!"

The two of you said one sentence to another, the discussion was in full swing, and they never thought about what to do if the movie lost money.

He Mu on one side remained silent, only sighed quietly in his heart.

It's still a pity.

Su Fangyun observed his figure, and greeted him with a smile.

It was the first time the two had met since the previous hospital farewell.

Even though Su Fangyun can say without hesitation that He Mu is not good in front of Ming Dai, but when he really stands in front of He Mu, he still feels trembling in his heart, unable to stop admiring and fearing.

During this period of time, Su Fangyun also learned about the identity of Mr. He and the career map he currently controls.

She thought that He Mu would not be an ordinary person, but He Mu's achievements were still beyond her imagination. Su Fangyun still couldn't connect the young and handsome face in front of him with the legendary business myth.

Therefore, it is inevitable to feel a little restrained in front of He Mu.

There is also a bit of worry about Ming Dai's situation.

There is no way, the social status gap is too big, and I am always worried that my baby will be hurt.

And He Mu seemed to be able to see Su Fangyun's deep worry at a glance.

"When I came in just now, I saw a poster of De Dai."

(End of this chapter)

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