Granny Oman's eyes were even more contemptuous, as if she believed that Duke Tony was lying.

"Really! We're just cooperating to deal with the cardinal!" Duke Tony wanted to go crazy, whether he should be the one who was being counted or not, why did it look like he was leading these children to do bad things for a long time? .

Granny Oman was noncommittal, she looked at Shen Yin, who seemed to be the leader, and her tone was full of kindness, "May I ask if you can hand over these people to me?"

She thought that if she killed these cardinals, the troubles of these young people would be less.

Shen Yin was grateful for her kind thoughts for them, then turned around and stabbed people one by one with the broken sword.

Granny Aman: ...

This little girl is really ruthless, no wonder she can be the leader, she feels ashamed.

In fact, Shen Yin has never really wanted to kill anyone other than the opponent player, but she observed with her celestial eyes just now that these cardinals are not good things, bullying men and women, full of evil, she killing them can be regarded as killing harm for the people .

Shen Yin wiped off the blood on the broken sword, her brows were flat, as if she wasn't the one who killed several people in a row just now, "Mother-in-law, let's talk about business next time!"


The cardinal, whose arm was cut with a big cut by the sword, fled back to the city in a hurry. He didn't dare to stay in the city any longer. He took some supplies from the empty church and left the city overnight.

He was going to report the situation here to the church in Green City next door. The gold was not obtained, but the cardinals lost only his only seedling. This incident was enough to cause an uproar in the Holy See.

The area of ​​Green City is two or three times larger than that of Tok City, the church site is larger, and the number of cardinals is also larger. There are almost 80 people stationed there, and he will be blessed in the past.

The cardinal named Eric swung his whip and kept urging the horse forward.

What he didn't know was that there was a shadow following him closely in a place he couldn't see.

This set of shadows is the mysterious thorn that can break away from Shen Yin's spine and act alone.

It was entrusted by Shen Yin to follow this man, and watched him run like a frightened bird without stopping till now.

The gate of Green City was close in front of us. At this time, the sky was already pale, and the soldiers guarding the city were changing shifts. Eric showed the badge on his chest and entered the city without hindrance.

Xuan Ci thought about it, and continued to follow him.

Gotta find out where the lair is, don't we?
On the other side, Shen Yin retracted the gold into the space in front of Granny Aman, causing her to be amazed again and again.

"If you don't want to go to the castle, you can stay in this small village."

Shen Yin handed out a bag full of gold coins to Oman's mother-in-law, "The money will be used for the expenses of their moving here and settling down."

All the residents in the village were demolished by her with gold coins. She didn't think about how to use the village before, and now it is just right to house the girls rescued by Aman's mother-in-law.

From the conversation, I learned that Granny Oman has rescued many people one after another during the witch cleansing activities over the years, and she placed them in the back mountain of her small village to live in a difficult environment, almost all relying on the flowers she planted. In exchange for the money purchased necessities.

The number of people is large, the income is meager, and everyone is living very hard.

But it will be different soon. They will have a warm and warm new home, and they will no longer have to go hungry or cold, and hide in Tibet.

Granny Oman's eyes were a little wet and hot, and the hand that took the coins kept shaking. She choked up for a long time and couldn't say a complete sentence.

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