Chapter 217 Zombie Country
City D is in complete chaos.

Zombies bite and eat people, rich people are taken away by their own helicopters, and people from better families take all the food and water at home and prepare to drive away from the city occupied by demons.

Shen Yin and Huo Xiao met Zhi Kongzhizhi on the stairs with guns on their shoulders. Cheng Yuanyuan and Zhou Qian, who received the text message, organized the teachers and students on the fifth floor to take chairs or brooms and mops that could be used as weapons. Evacuate downstairs.

There are a total of six classes on the fifth floor, and one class went downstairs to take physical education class. It was the group that was first infected by the school doctor in the health room, so there were only five classes left, but there were still more than 200 people. It is easy to cause trouble, and some prickly people who usually bully their classmates because of their good family background want to rush to the forefront by cursing.

Cheng Yuanyuan and Zhou Qian won't spoil them, and pull them down if they don't obey the command. At worst, they will give them a good time after they become losers.

Those thornheads usually like to play together. Seeing that Chen Yuanyuan and Zhou Qian didn't stop them, they thought they were afraid of themselves, so they moved forward quickly with their heads held high. When the zombies first appeared, they wanted to run away. But when they were stopped by the teacher and those two girls, they already had resentment in their hearts, a bunch of poor nerds, why should they stop them?

Shen Yin took out her mobile phone, glanced at the message sent by Cheng Yuanyuan, then stuffed the two guns back into the space and replaced them with two steel pipes.

Huo Xiao: ...

So why did you give me a badminton racket just now?At that time, I was not worthy of using steel pipes?

Shen Yin raised her head, looking at the sky and the earth, but she didn't look into his eyes.

From the corner of the eye, she caught a glimpse of Zhizhi and Zhikong, the crude "weapons". She took out two steel pipes from the space and stuffed them with a big wave of her hand.

Wisdom & Wisdom:…

I don't really want to see that kind of flower.

A few thorns ran over first, and rolled their eyes in disdain when they saw the four of them guarding the stairs.

Xuan Ci was so angry that he cursed, "White-eyed wolf! Saving them is better than saving a piece of char siu!"

Shen Yin is not angry, there are more than 200 people behind, where is the time to get angry with these SBs?

The thornheads hurried downstairs, unwilling to wait for a moment. They went down for less than 5 minutes before the team of teachers and students behind approached cautiously with simple weapons.

"We need to move to the cafeteria. Everyone try to be as gentle as possible, and control yourself not to scream. If necessary, please pick up your weapons to protect yourself. From now on, the boys with weapons go to the periphery, and the girls without weapons go to the middle "Shen Yin said calmly, and winked at Zhizhi and Zhikong.

"I'll take the lead. After Huo Xiao is finished, Zhizhi and Qianqian are in charge of the left side, and Zhikong and Yuan Yuan are in charge of the right side. Do you have any objections?" She quickly gave an order.

The other five people responded in unison, "No!"

Everyone quickly organized the team, and only waited for Shen Yin to give an order. At this time, heart-piercing screams came from downstairs.

"It's them! Those who just went down."

"What should I do? Will Xiao Ming be in danger? I'm so scared..."

"Why do they want us to go downstairs? What right do they have!"

"They just want to kill us! Harmful!"

"I miss my parents so much... woo..."

Hearing the students whispering and some crying, Shen Yin closed her eyes silently.

When I opened my eyes, there was no emotion, only indifference.

"Follow us if you want to go, leave if you don't want to go." She is still not willing to take it!

 New copy
  see you tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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