Chapter 428 She is our spiritual support

If his condition worsens again, the most important thing in the next period of time is to find medicine for her.

When these words came out, everyone else looked at Luo Xu with concern.

Luo Xu opened her mouth and was about to speak when she was interrupted by Jia Bei.

"Don't lie. We can see that your face doesn't look right. Moreover, you are sleeping longer and longer. You were sleeping all the time in the car this morning."

She rubbed her brows, "Yes, I've been having a headache today. I didn't feel this way when I was in other places before, but since I entered here, the headache has gotten worse. I don't know why."

In another world, the system couldn't give her an answer.

Jia Bei said: "Have you been working too hard recently?"

Zhu Congjian thought, "She had a hard time before and there were no serious signs. I guess there must be something affecting her in this place, otherwise her condition would not have worsened."

They only thought that Luoxu's mental power was damaged and that it was some kind of disease.

Zhuo Wei nodded, "I agree with this. Let's go look for it early tomorrow morning."

Gabe asked: "What are you looking for? We don't have any clues. Only the captain himself should know what is effective on the captain's condition."

Zhu Congyian nodded, "It's like that air purifier. Who would have thought that that thing is a ball."

"Yeah..." Zhuo Wei sighed, sat on the small chair, leaned back slightly, and yawned lazily.

"Captain, do you know what the thing you need looks like?"

Luo Xu shook his head.

"I don't know."

Zhu Congjian asked: "If you see that thing, you should notice it, right?"

Luoxu nodded, "Yes."

Something like mental power.

It's all unfamiliar territory to them.

But there is definitely this thing in the simulated town.

The mental power level of several of them is around 1 or 2.

Their mental power cannot reach that of Luoxu, but it can only allow them to persist longer with very little sleep.

Malik suddenly said, "Can I ask, Captain, what is your current level of mental power?" Luo Xu took a sip of soup and said vaguely, "It's quite high."

Since she didn't want to say anything, they didn't ask any more questions.

Anyway, the stronger Luoxu is, the better it is for them.

There were ding-dong-dong sounds outside from time to time, but this did not affect the five people's good sleep.

Each of them wore eye masks and earplugs and slept comfortably.

Early the next morning, at around five o'clock, they were woken up by their biological clocks.

Only Luoxu was still sleeping.

Her breathing was steady and she fell asleep motionless.

By the time everyone else had packed their sleeping bags, she hadn't moved.

This scared the others so much that they quickly went to check Luo Xu's physical condition.

Fortunately, her physical characteristics were intact and there was nothing wrong with her.

Zhu Congjian put down the scanning equipment for examination and sighed.

"She just fell asleep. It seems that this place has a great impact on her. We have to find medicine to treat her as soon as possible, otherwise, the situation will get worse and worse."

People outside the live broadcast room watched with horror.

If a team of hundreds of people is [-]% dead, but as long as Luo Xu is around, they can see hope.

With her, it seems that all problems can be solved perfectly.

But now, in a team of five people, although the others are very strong, they are also very smart and rational, and they have not fallen behind so far.

But seeing Luoxu's condition getting worse day by day, they were really panicked!

"I'm so nervous that I can't do any work today. I want to take leave and go back to watch the live broadcast."

"General Luoxu should be regarded as the last light of our humanity. If something goes wrong with her in another world, it feels like there is really no hope for our earth."

"I'm going to pray now. Don't let anything happen to General Luoxu."

"We must get back to health!"

(End of this chapter)

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