Before going to the fourth-level map, Luo Xu received a call from the Global Defense Council, asking her to go to the National Research Institute to preserve the genes.

In the hall of the National Research Institute, she saw almost all the outstanding fighters, and everyone gathered here, waiting for the next order.

Su Xing and Cao Jing were all there.

Cao Jing and Huo Feibiao also brought their own family members.

They came to say hello to Luo Xu. Huo Feibiao's son was only five years old and was a fan of Luo Xu. When he saw her in person, he shyly hid behind his father, only poking his head out occasionally to see her.

Huo Feibiao laughed and dragged his son to the front, "Go, say hello to the captain."

The child came to Luo Xu cautiously, and blushed before opening his mouth.

Everyone laughed, Luo Xu rubbed his head, "I want to be a man like your father in the future, okay?"

The child nodded vigorously, blushing even more.

Several people chatted about today's events, Cao Jing sighed.

"The above said that it is to leave seeds for the country to prevent us from dying in another world. No one will protect the earth. It makes sense when you think about it. Who knows if these aliens will do things like doomsday again? .”

Luoxu asked, "What's the use of preserving our genes?"

Ju Chen, who came over, said: "Keep our genes, upload our memories, and when we die, we can create a new clone of us. It is said that we can even retain our fighting power. It's amazing."

Luo Xu frowned, "Then if we didn't die, we were also cloned?"

Several people are also very worried about this kind of thing.

If you die, you will die. If you don't die, and this kind of thing is left behind, isn't this a great hidden danger?

At this time, Wei Zheng's voice sounded not far from everyone.

"If you can come back alive and have the authority to destroy all these memories and genes, you can apply here."

"But everyone can rest assured that this is only part of the Ark project. Our cloning technology is still immature, and what we make is just a pile of waste without thinking ability. Even if you have your memory, there is no extension and development. Sex, you are all unique and cannot be copied.”

These words gave everyone a shot in the arm.

If it is really possible to copy a person exactly like them, this is terrifying.

After completing a series of physical examinations and gene storage procedures, Luo Xu refused to store the memory, and the staff advised her to keep the memory to avoid any mistakes.

Luo Xu refused decisively.

"Genes are left for the sake of the country, memory... There is no good memory, so there is no need to keep it. I hope you can use genes to create a super warrior with a face different from mine."

She was born again, she was inexplicably thrown here from a comfortable planet, and she cleaned up a lot of mess.

In her previous life, she had no one to worry about, her memories were all of loneliness and helplessness, self-healing from despair, but this life is better, with comrades and friends who lived and died together, and learned a lot...

These broken memories are still gone, maybe people created with her genes will have a better life than her.

The staff member couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this, and suddenly felt sorry for the most powerful warrior in the world.

She actually has a fragile heart.

The first four days of exploration of other worlds on all maps.

A zombie virus broke out again on a large scale on the earth.

This time, the virus hit a small town where more than 4 people lived.

As soon as the virus was discovered, people became vigilant, and every household took out weapons to fight against the zombies, which prevented the massive spread of the zombie virus.

The military also dispatched immediately to suppress it directly.

There were 300 people turned into zombies, 18 of them were important talents. They were pulled out by special forces to carry out medical rescue, and their lives were saved. The other zombies were all killed.

This kind of thing was suppressed, but Luo Xu knew the inside story.

Watching the video, the zombies were killed one by one, and the corpses piled up like a mountain, Luo Xu felt a little sick.

Before there were healing potions, once they turned into zombies they would be ferocious beasts and devils, but now that they knew there were healing potions, Luo Xu looked at them, they were all a group of sick people, killing them directly was tantamount to killing people.

But there is no way, the healing potion is too expensive, and you can't buy too many.

She can't just stay on the mall every day, waiting to sell money and buy medicine...

Three days before the adventure on the alien map, a major earthquake broke out around the world.

The movement of the entire Earth's crust has changed, moreover, for unknown reasons.

But everyone knows that it must be those bastards who did it.

Su Xing and the others called Luo Xu out for a dinner party and a hot pot meal.

When we met, Shu Xuanming said that he was going to retire and would no longer walk on the front line, so this meal was considered a retirement meal.

This time, when going to another world, Cao Jing and Huo Feibiao are in a team, going to the third level map.

Knowing that Su Xing, Ju Chen, and Luo Xu are going to the fourth-level map, Cao Jing laughed, "We are not surprised at all that you two are going to the fourth-level map, but Su Xing, you little girl, can keep up with the captain and the deputy captain." footsteps?"

Su Xing shrugged, with a bad attitude.

"I'll follow. I'm just cooking for them. Don't come to me for fighting or anything else. I can't do it."

Luo Xu smiled, "Sister Su Xing's fighting power is still very strong. From now on, when those beasts see you, they want to hide and run away, lest you throw them into the pot and fry them."

The crowd burst into laughter.

At the end of the dinner, Shu Xuanming raised his glass, "Everyone must come back alive."

The day before going to another world.

Luo Xu went home for a trip.

Parents are not at home, said to go to the hospital for examination.

Luoxu sat in the pavilion in the garden for a day.

The housekeeper asked her if she wanted to call to see when they would be back, but Luo Xu refused.

Since they left home last time, they had never called to greet her, and it was clear what they meant.

The task will be carried out tomorrow, and it has been widely circulated on the Internet, and some people have made a 24-hour countdown to the live broadcast, but my parents have never paid attention to it, nor have they asked me if I want to enter the map.

They didn't come back until the sun was about to set.

Luoxu stood up and straightened her clothes, "I'm leaving, let's tell them."

Looking at her back, the butler secretly sighed in his heart.

Who would have thought that this girl who was respected by everyone outside had such a family.

As the housekeeper, he knew very well how much the couple were looking forward to the birth of their son, and their [-]/[-] attention had completely left Luo Xu behind.

That night, Luo Xu went to a cake shop and bought a cake for herself.

Today is the anniversary of her rebirth, which is also her birthday. After eating a few bites, the cake was too sweet, so she simply threw it away.

Tomorrow, officially enter the fourth-level map.

Will it die?

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