Chapter 220 The earth is angry
Almost at the same time, people all over the world felt the trembling underground.

The land beneath their feet is being transformed.

People all over the world prepared the tools for digging wells early, and they started to dig wells directly after the groundwater maker equipment was completed.

A well was dug, and clear water sprayed out from inside.

"Ahahahaha! This is what we want!"

"Water, it's all clear water! It's perfect!"

"Hahaha! We finally have fresh water!"

"Gift of the Earth!"

Everyone cheered and opened their mouths to suck.

There is even a trace of sweet grass in the groundwater.

Their bodies told them that these waters are definitely the cleanest existence in the world, even comparable to the heaven and earth spirit water at the beginning of the birth of the earth.

People in those arid areas almost extended their claws to the lush green grass on the ground.

Fortunately, they held onto their desire in time, otherwise, this place would have turned into the desolate desert it was before.

Now that the groundwater has been produced, the state has arranged for many people to devote themselves to the development of water wells and water conservancy projects.

In just a few days, those remote places can also have tap water, all of which come from groundwater.

The capabilities of these countries are far inferior to the executive power of the Dachuan Kingdom. It will take a long time to connect all remote towns across the country with water and electricity.

However, new problems emerged.

When Mi Geguo was using the instrument, he was always monitoring the situation underground.

But at this moment, they suddenly noticed a strange fluctuation in the ground.

"Quick, continue to monitor and bring the data to me."

The professionals noticed something strange in this and immediately became vigilant.

Not only that, but the same is true for the country of Taal and the country of Fei Jia...

The relevant departments of geology have hidden all these materials tightly.

Obviously nothing happened, but everyone else could smell something was wrong.

Early the next morning, Wei Zheng also received relevant data.

Seeing these data, Wei Zheng's expression was extremely gloomy.

"Is this true?"

The staff looked terrified.

"Chief, the continent is now drifting by itself, and the speed is tens of thousands of times faster than before. The previous natural disasters are just the beginning, and there will be more natural disasters soon. We must take precautions as soon as possible."

Wei Zheng nodded, "That's right, let people keep an eye on these data, and if something like an earthquake and volcanic eruption is predicted to happen, a warning will be issued immediately."


After the staff left, Wei Zheng turned around and came to the window, looking at the sky outside.

Now the sky is foggy from beginning to end, occasionally there will be a period of time when the sky will appear blue, and then the sun will shine directly on the earth.

The green vegetation in the whole world has been destroyed, and the ozone layer has also been severely damaged. Now Dachuan National Energy has such a development because of the manifestations given by the system, which also allows them to move in the sun in peace.

Other countries are not so lucky. They have just solved food and water resources, and now the most serious threat to them is the torture of disease.

In a remote border area of ​​Feijia country, a volcano that had been silent for many years suddenly erupted.

The volcanic eruption created a large volcanic cloud, and the surrounding small villages suffered, and magma quickly poured into their residences.

People had to leave their homes and fled into the bare mountains.

The soil repaired by the soil restorer has now taken on a new look, and a new forestry industry is gradually forming, and the escaped people are finally struggling to make a living in the mountains and forests.

They looked at the erupting volcano on the distant hill, and the village chief sighed while leaning on his crutches.

"God, you're angry. The last volcanic eruption was 3000 years ago. I didn't expect it to erupt again today, 3000 years later."

"What shall we do, village chief? In the future... where will we live?"

"Kneel down, we are going far away, if the volcano erupts again, the place we are standing now will also suffer."

The village chief waved his hand, "Come on, kneel down, this place can't live anymore, we need to find another place to live, but fortunately, the mountain has regained its vitality, and everything is much better now."

Not just Figa.

There is also the country of Thar, the country of Migo, and the country of Dachuan...

All over the world, there have been different levels of volcanic eruptions.

These are definitely a special sign.

There was a meeting of high-level officials from all over the world.

At the meeting, they discussed some related issues, but they all attributed it to possible environmental problems.

Countries all over the world have integrated the remaining soil repairers in their hands, and are preparing to make a rescue plan for the entire earth.

This plan is in full swing.

But in general, human beings all over the world are still developing in a good direction.

They finally have water and land on which they can cultivate fields, plant trees and forests.

And the soldiers in the foreign world also spent a difficult night and prepared to collect supplies separately.

Luo Xu and Ju Chen rushed to Su Xing's side and joined them.

Walter took Marcy and Barlow and continued to follow Luoxu.

After reuniting with Su Xing, Luoxu pulled Walter and Ju Chen together, and prepared to go to the nest of those saber-toothed tigers.

She had been staring at those saber-toothed tigers for a long time.

Walter grinned, "Now our country has a lot of land that can be planted, and it should be the best time for us to deal with the saber-toothed tiger. Seeing that the rainy season is coming, let's not delay, let's solve it early. "

Luo Xu nodded, "Okay, let's leave today."

Su Xing, Cao Jing and the others found many types of materials in this area.

Titanium steel, tungsten steel, and some kind of alloy that does not exist on earth.

These alloys are impenetrable even with bullets, and their defense is extremely strong. They should be the raw materials that can be used to make space carriers.

She seriously told them, "You search for more of these kinds of supplies here, and I will send you a message in a few days. Let's meet in the cabin we built earlier."

"Okay." Several people nodded.

Ju Chen followed Luo Xu silently from beginning to end.

Since he took that medicine last time, his illness has not flared up again, and he doesn't know if he has been completely cured.

Although Luo Xu didn't ask any more questions, she was also a little bit relieved to entrust him with many things, which also made him feel at ease a lot.

The place where the saber-toothed tiger is located is at the foot of the mountain, and they need to go back. Fortunately, the speed of the three of them is extremely fast, and they can walk half of the distance during the day.

At night, the three of them got ready to go, packed their things and went into the dense forest to look for the saber-toothed tiger.

(End of this chapter)

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