At this time, the man grabbed the giant scorpion's tail with his bare hands, picked it up and threw it on the sand.

This giant scorpion has no power to resist under the man's hands.

Is this man an alien?
Luo Xu couldn't help thinking this way.

Harriman star.

I don't know if it is because the system is gradually improving, and the map of this world is becoming more and more abundant, and now there are even indigenous people.

The man pulled out the dead giant scorpion, dragged it towards Luoxu by its tail, and stood still in front of her.

Only then did Luoxu see clearly the appearance of this native.

The appearance of the aborigines and humans is exactly the same, Luo Xu is a little lucky, at least she is more acceptable in this way.

"Are you hungry?"

The native looked at her with a muffled voice, as if coming from a protective suit.

Luo Xu shook his head.

"Go ahead," he said again.

After speaking, he turned around and moved on.

And Luo Xu stood there a little at a loss.

When encountering aliens who are not of the same kind, her first reaction is whether she will be eaten.

Wei Zheng's voice came from the headset.

"Xiao Luo, get out of that place quickly."

Luo Xu gritted her teeth and lowered her voice, "Uncle Wei, I don't know how to trigger the hidden map. If I leave here, what if I can no longer enter this map?"

That's why she's been struggling.

This is the first time they have triggered so many hidden maps.

She didn't even want to understand the reason for triggering the hidden map. If she left, she was afraid that the map would disappear completely.

"No matter what, your safety is the most important thing." Wei Zheng said.

Luo Xu secretly gritted her teeth, looked at the background where the man was fading away, and let out a breath of foul air.

"Uncle Wei, I'll go and have a look, maybe I'll find something unexpected."

Wei Zheng was very angry, "For us, you are the most important, this native has unknown origin, it is dangerous for you to follow, come out quickly!"

This time, Luo Xu directly cut off the connection with Wei Zheng.

She needs to explore and explore this map.

Luo Xu followed.

The man took a long step, and she couldn't keep up, and she was so tired that she was out of breath after taking a few steps.

The system beeped again.

This time, it gave a profile of this Harrimanian.

[Harriman Stars: Indigenous people in the desert area are resistant to drought and have great strength. The entire Harriman Star civilization was born in the desert, and they are extremely short of water. They firmly believe that the person who can control the water source is the holy son of the gods. 】

Luo Xu didn't know what the introduction was for, but she read it carefully.

The civilization of the Harriman Stars is still only in the Stone Age. Human beings can already use weapons easily, and their physical fitness is extremely strong, far surpassing that of Earth people.

The cruel living environment destroyed this civilization over and over again, and it was buried in the yellow sand.

During their evolution, they have a special way of reproduction, which is the only way to preserve civilization.

Luo Xu only felt her feet go limp and fall straight to the ground.

She struggled to get up, but felt that her feet were sinking deeper and deeper into the sand.

Suddenly a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her up easily.

Luo Xu looked up, and the man looked at her expressionlessly.

"Outsiders, if you don't want to die here, leave with me as soon as possible."

Luo Xu pursed her chapped lips, gritted her teeth and stood up, closely following the man's pace.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"It's going to be dark soon, this place is about to become a paradise for wild beasts, we have to return to the sanctuary as soon as possible."

Could this be the place marked on the map?

After walking forward for about ten minutes, she saw some buildings.

There should be a small town in front, and the overall architecture is similar to ancient Egypt.

Flat-roofed houses, the entire building is made of bricks, dusty, almost integrated with the entire desert.

It is a miracle that such a town can be built in the desert!
She quickly flipped through the map, and yes, the location marked by the black triangle is indeed here.

Could it be that this black triangle means the existence of these indigenous people?

"Continue to go."

The deep voice of the native brought her back to her sanity.

Luo Xu felt the hairs all over his body stand up, and shivered suddenly.

She suddenly felt a little regretful. To be on the safe side, shouldn't she go back?
command center.

An accident occurred in the live broadcast room, which caused the entire command center's phones to explode.

The operator took the trouble to explain the current situation, but couldn't hold on any longer, so he rushed to report the situation to Wei Zheng.

"Sir, when will we resume the live broadcast?"

"Now everyone is very concerned about this issue. They invite them to rest assured that the soldiers are safe and sound."

"Our phone is about to explode. Sir, if you don't resume the live broadcast, please clarify in person. It's better than making everyone suspicious of each other and losing confidence in the zombie war."

Wei Zheng's face was serious, his eyes were lowered, and he didn't make a decision for a long time.

Thirteen hours had passed since the live broadcast suddenly ended.

Although the country gave a corresponding explanation, the panic among the people still exists.

With a live broadcast, it means that there is a realization.

When the people are fighting against the zombies, they are looking forward to it, hoping that a miracle will happen to them.

But now that the live broadcast is interrupted, everyone is very worried, are all the fighters in the other world dead, and has the channel to the other world been forcibly closed?
These negative issues have created a certain degree of panic within the entire country.

"Hold a meeting." After pondering for a long time, Wei Zheng finally said.

Half an hour later, the commanders of the entire central base who knew the inside story all arrived at the meeting.

The chief stood in front of the screen and looked at dozens of screens inside.

In each screen, the situations encountered by the fighters are different.

Two of the teams had already been attacked by ferocious beasts, and their screens had gone out, and no one could contact them.

A meeting was held, and the commanders discussed whether to continue the live broadcast.

"The live broadcast means that people all over the world are paying attention. Our Dachuan Kingdom can explore it first, which means that we have the initiative. Now that we have discovered so many hidden maps, it is a good opportunity for us to develop secretly!"

"I think it's better for us not to start a live broadcast. We have to hide such a good thing."

"But without the live broadcast, the people are panicking. It's only been a short dozen hours, and the hearts of the people who have finally settled down are about to be confused again. This is not good for us."

"I also think that nothing is more important than the hearts of the people. I agree with the live broadcast."

"I don't agree! We have to keep some cards for ourselves! Moreover, publicly announcing the discovery of aliens in another world is not a good way to stabilize people's hearts."

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