Chang'an is good

Chapter 457 What if the first prince is a woman?

Hearing this, Luo Guanlin was silent for a moment and then said: "Even if your Excellency wants to be greedy, I'm afraid you can't be greedy right now. When your Excellency takes over the finances of the states, I'm afraid they will give you a big 'surprise'."

Needless to say, most of them must be in deficit. Even if there is a small surplus, those people may not report it honestly.

Chang Suining was very optimistic: "Don't worry, sir, we have territory, weapons, and people. Are we afraid of being poor forever?"

Looking at the person in front of him, Luo Guanlin suddenly realized that no matter what she faced, she never seemed negative.

On the contrary, everything she did was something that everyone would shun. She can always find a way out of things that others dare not face, and she becomes more and more stable as she goes.

Luo Guanlin has also encountered some people who are naturally insensitive. When faced with setbacks and tribulations, such people will show optimism and courage that ordinary people do not have because of their insensitivity.

But the person in front of him was obviously not "blunt" at all.

Luo Guanlin suddenly couldn't help but ask: "Facing the difficult road ahead, don't you ever feel negative and fearful?"

"When you hit my hand, you should feel negative and fearful because of the difficulties and the road ahead." Chang Suining joked and said, "I'm not afraid because I believe everything is up to me."

Luo Guanlin looked at her: "What if you can't do it?"

Chang Suining: "Then force yourself."

"What if we force ourselves to do it?"

Changsui Ning Hun said nonchalantly: "It's considered my lack of ability, but I have no regrets."

Looking at the fearless and free-spirited person in front of him, Luo Guanlin suddenly realized that for people like her, there was no way she could turn back from the path she wanted to take.

After a moment, he said: "People in the world may fail in their actions due to timidity, or fail in the beginning due to blindness. Only by transcending these two can we achieve success."

Chang Sui Ning smiled and asked, "Do you think, sir, that I have the potential to succeed now?"

The tone was still not modest at all, but it was hard for Luo Guanlin to deny it anymore.

The position of Jiedushi was a position that others would not be able to achieve in ten, decades, or even a lifetime, but she achieved it in such a short period of time.

Because she was so fast, it became more and more proof that she was different from ordinary people, and it was also more and more shocking to people, so they dare not underestimate her.

Nowadays, no one knows that Chang Sui Ning has occupied a place among all the forces.

Luo Guanlin held the wine cup on the table and asked Chang Suining: "Do you still remember what you said on the Jiangdu Tower last year?"

She said that if there is a wise master, she will follow him. If there is no clear master, she will be the clear master.

From the beginning, she openly confessed to him the ambition that should have been hidden. She told him at that time: "Even I think that a woman's ambition cannot be dealt with, and I dare not admit it openly." , then how can I let my husband and others recognize me?]

Recalling the powerful words of the girl on the tower that night, Luo Guanlin felt complicated.

And he had to admit that after a year, when he faced the person in front of him again, his mood had indeed changed a lot.

Seeing Chang Suining nodding, he asked: "What do you think of Prince Rong Li Yin?"

Chang Suining raised his eyes: "Sir, do you think Prince Rong is the choice of the Ming Dynasty?"

Seeing the calm look in her eyes, Luo Guanlin was noncommittal: "I don't know much about him, so we can't even talk about making a choice."

"But sir, he is still under consideration." Chang Suining was not shy, and his tone was still casual: "Just because he is famous now, is he a man, and his surname is Li?"

Luo Guanlin did not deny it and said: "Your Excellency cannot deny that the success of Li's children is the safest thing for the people of the world."

Talking with the current master about other potential masters, even if there is a three-year agreement in advance, is a bit presumptuous and reckless——

But Luo Guanlin's sincere conversation was also a "heart-to-heart" in another sense.

And he could also see that Chang Suining was not emotional at this time. Such magnanimity was rare and worthy of admiration, so his tone was unusually calm: "And as far as I know, King Rong and We have a very close relationship with His Highness the Crown Prince, and we were trusted by His Highness the Crown Prince in the past."

Such royal matters that are openly stated are no secret at all. In addition, a few years after the death of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, King Rong wrote many mourning poems on the occasion of the Jingling Memorial Ceremony, and several of these memorial poems have been circulated. Very broad, the words about memorializing nephews are full of deep sorrow, and we can also get a glimpse of the feelings between uncle and nephew from the past events mentioned in the articles.

"It doesn't seem to mean that I have the former prince's trust." Chang Sui Ning said: "What if the first prince made a mistake?"

Chang Sui Ning didn't want his blindness to cause others to misjudge others, so he asked Luo Guanlin to frown: "Even if your Excellency says a word about the fickleness of people's hearts, it will be more pleasing to the ear than the look in your eyes that accuses the former Crown Prince."

Chang Suining could tell that although Luo Guanlin was dissatisfied with her "disrespectful remarks", he never got angry, which showed that he was quite tolerant of her now.

This is a very good sign.

Chang Suining was in a good mood, so he became curious: "Sir, if you respect the late Crown Prince so much, can I ask you a question?"

"Just ask, sir."

"If the former Crown Prince were a woman, would Sir still behave like this?"

"..." Luo Guanlin's eyes twitched twice: "Why make such a ridiculous assumption?"

Chang Sui Ning raised his eyebrows: "Sir, there are a lot of ridiculous things in this world."

Luo Guanlin glanced at the tea bowl in front of her: "Although your Excellency has not drank, you are still quite drunk."

He greatly admired and regretted the late Crown Prince Li Xiao. Chang Sui Ning was so "nonsense". He did not reprimand her for blasphemy and disrespect, which was already a great honor.

Chang Suining realized that he had stepped on the edge of Luo Guanlin's bottom line, so he stopped talking "nonsense", brought the topic back to King Rong, and asked bluntly: "Sir, do you want to persuade me to support King Rong?"

If he just wanted to throw himself in, there was no need to put the matter in front of her.

Luo Guanlin shook his head slightly: "It's too early to talk about this now, and I just mentioned it casually."

In addition, he wanted to test Chang Suining's attitude towards supporting the Li family.

"I also think it's too early to say anything." Chang Sui Ning said with a slight smile, "Maybe in the near future, a more promising Li family member will appear."

Seeing her expression, Luo Guanlin couldn't help but ask: "If a worthy person appears, will you really be willing to support the Li family?"

"Of course." Chang Suining said without hesitation: "As Mr. just said, it is the safest choice for the Li family to come forward to take charge of the overall situation. Since it is beneficial to the people, why wouldn't I want to?"

Perhaps these eyes were too sincere, or perhaps he really saw her compassion for the people. At this moment, Luo Guanlin felt suddenly touched.

"If your words are true, and you are really willing to care about the people of the world -" Luo Guanlin held up the wine cup: "Then Luo, for the sake of all the people in the world, would also like to drink a glass of wine to you."

This glass of wine contains many things. Chang Sui Ning picked up the tea bowl and said, "I will not disappoint you sir."

Perhaps because of Chang Suining's statement, Luo Guanlin felt more at ease, and the subsequent conversation became more harmonious.

But Luo Guanlin mentioned a piece of bad news. He had introduced three people to Chang Suining before. In addition to Wang Yue and Tang Xing, there was another person who had not arrived. After these days of inquiries, Luo Guanlin recently learned that his old friend was no longer alive last summer.

"A group of soldiers and bandits entered the house, burned, killed and looted..." Luo Guanlin mentioned this, with sadness and anger hidden in his eyes: "There is no law and order there. Those people threatened to follow the example of Bian Chunliang and kill everyone who is unkind and unjust. The noble families and officials."

But his good friend was not considered a scholar at all. He was wantonly slaughtered by those people just because his family had a collection of books and a son of his family had become an official and was well-known in the local area.

What’s even more despicable is that this has become the norm in many places.

Bian Chunliang's actions were like a fire. When a strong wind blew, the sparks scattered in all directions, giving birth to greed and evil thoughts in many people's hearts. They used the so-called slogan of "working for the people" as a cover to do all evil things with swords.

Chang Suining could only say a few words of comfort to Luo Guanlin, and then thought of the battle situation in Jingzhou. Xiao Min was also in Jingzhou now. He only hoped that good news would arrive in the near future to curb the arrogance of Bian Chunliang's army as soon as possible.

"By the way..." When mentioning his friends, Luo Guanlin couldn't help but ask: "Why didn't you go back to Jiangdu with Xiukeng this time?"

This was the first time Chang Suining had time to sit down and talk with him alone after returning to Jiangdu, so he had the opportunity to ask.

"I couldn't bring him back." Chang Sui Ning said, "This is my incompetence."

Luo Guanlin was quiet for a while, and finally sighed: "This is not your fault...On the battlefield, the sword has no eyes, and everyone's life is at stake."

"...?" Chang Suining explained: "He just returned to Mount Wutai."

Luo Guanlin was stunned for a moment, then nodded suddenly, and then said: "...After so many years, he still can't make up his mind at all. This is his nature, and it cannot be called an incompetent person."

Chang Sui Ning smiled in surprise: "If I remember correctly, this is the first time that Mr. has comforted me."

This bad-tempered gentleman treats her very differently now than before.

Luo Guanlin acted as if he was too lazy to pay attention, but he was also thinking in his heart.

After Chang Suining left, Luo Guanlin still stood quietly in the courtyard under the moonlight. After thinking for a long time, there was a trace of confusion in his eyes that he had never seen before.

After standing quietly for a moment, Luo Guanlin picked up the box on the stone table and handed it to Luo Ze, telling him that he would send it to the charity hall in the city tomorrow and donate all the money.

Those who came to Jiangdu were not only literati, craftsmen, and refugees who could farm, but also many children who had lost their families. In contrast, these immature children seemed "useless", but Jiangdu never turned them away.

So many charity halls were set up in the city to house those children.

After Chang Suining returned to the hospital, he took a bath and washed himself and opened a secret letter.

To her surprise, the person who wrote the letter was actually Changsun Ji who was far away in Qianzhou.

What is worth thinking about is that Changsun Ji also implicitly mentioned in the letter asking her what she thought of King Rong.

Today alone, she heard about Li Yin's name from Zheng Chao, Luo Guanlin, and Changsun Jixin.

In this current situation, when a person's name is mentioned frequently in many places, it often represents a signal.

Thinking of the remaining strength of the Changsun family and the girl from the past who would be friends with her in the future, Chang Sui Ning thought for a moment and wrote a reply to Changsun Ji.

Compared with Changsun Ji's cautious probing, her reply was very straightforward and bold. She said that she had a better candidate for the Li family, but the matter was very important, so she invited Changsun Ji to come to Jiangdu to talk face to face.

Hmm... let's trick people first and then talk about it.

After putting down the pen, Chang Suining got on the couch.

As usual, she lay there quietly meditating for a moment, sorting out everything that happened every day in her mind, and then closed her eyes.

But when she was sorting it out today, she deliberately skipped the scene in the back garden pavilion.

Yu Zeng, who couldn't sleep a wink all night, started preparing to return to Beijing with a group of imperial servants early the next morning.

When bidding farewell to Chang Kuo, Yu Zeng subconsciously asked: "I wonder where the Master is?"

"At dawn, we set off to the army to prepare for the celebration." Chang Kuo said: "I don't know that you adults are leaving today, so please don't blame me for being slow to treat you."

Eunuch Pan smiled hurriedly and said: "How dare you, how dare you... I didn't inform you in advance yesterday."

He originally thought he would have to wait three to five days, but Yu Changshi suddenly decided to leave today yesterday.

And after ten days, the 30,000 troops previously sent by the imperial court to reinforce Jiangdu will also return to Beijing. The 30,000 soldiers were originally sent by the imperial court to defend Dongluo and were not used for their purpose. But if they wanted to take it back, they would be worried that the Changjie Envoy would give rise to a "misunderstanding", so when they mentioned this matter yesterday, they also made it clear that the 30,000 navy trained by the Changjie Envoy would stay in Jiangdu forever in the future. Stationed at sea to deter the sea.

The remaining 40,000 soldiers used to fight against the Japanese can also be integrated into the military defense of Huainan Road.

The Huainan Road, which had not been well defended before, was destroyed by Xu Zhengye. The troops under the original Jiedushi were either disintegrated with casualties or surrendered to the enemy. They needed to be reorganized and replenished. Each Jiedushi had a certain number of troops under his command. The military power, the more than 40,000 soldiers, is within reasonable limits.

But what Chang Sui Ning really holds in his hands now is not only the 30,000 navy and more than 40,000 troops, but also those prisoners who have not yet been officially registered as Jiangdu military personnel.

There are more than 40,000 people in this group. During these days, under the training of Fang Chao and others, they have fully adapted and integrated into the Jiangdu army.

After handing over the remaining affairs, Yu Zeng and his party left Jiangdu City before noon.

After leaving the city, the carriage drove faster and faster. Yu Zeng sat in the carriage and closed his eyes to hide all his thoughts.

In the afternoon of the same day, Meng Lie handed over the matter at hand to Ache and a confidant accountant he secretly transferred to Jiangdu, and explained that he would be away for a while.

When the sky was dark, Chang Suining came to the army with a thousand generals.

There is a patrol booth every five miles outside the military camp. The military has already known in advance that the commander-in-chief will return to the camp tonight, and many generals are waiting at the camp gate.

"The coach is here!"

Hearing the sound of horse hooves, everyone stepped forward to greet him.

The girl wearing a black cloak quickly appeared on horseback, and everyone saluted.

Chang Suining jumped off his horse and looked at the people approaching. When his eyes fell on one of them, he was caught off guard and suddenly froze.

The tall figure knelt down, raised his hand to Chang Sui Ning and apologized with a smile: "My subordinate is late, please punish me."

January of 24 is over. I am extremely grateful for everyone’s support. Good night everyone!

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