Chang'an is good

Chapter 414: Cut off all restless minions

Chapter 414: Cut off all restless minions

Also presented to Emperor Meihyo of Japan was the still-grieving head of Maro Fujiwara.

Emperor Mingxiao and all Japanese officials and nobles were all frightened.

Although the news of the defeat had been sent back a long time ago, they had never thought that Chang Sui Ning would lead Sheng Jun outside their country like this!

Ask for advice?

This is obviously asking for life!

But the fact of defeat is already in front of us, and Dongluo has switched sides again...

In order to invade Dasheng, they had assembled almost all available troops, sending more than 100,000 troops, but almost all of them were wiped out...

This huge war lasted for more than a year from preparation to defeat, and the financial and material expenditures were naturally unprecedented.

But all these efforts failed to receive the slightest "reward", and instead ended in a complete failure.

At this moment, facing the menacing Sheng army, besides apologizing, do they have another option?

But it is said that Chang Sui Ning is murderous and cruel, so he may not pay attention to their apology...

In any case, without any hesitation, the trembling Emperor Mingxiao, along with officials and nobles, personally went to welcome Chang Sui Ning to the island.

After the Japanese army was ordered to let them go, Sheng Jun's ship successfully arrived at the ferry closest to Pyeongseong Kyung, the capital of Japan.

Emperor Mingxiao and his ministers, who had been waiting here for a long time, soon met the commander Da Sheng who they regarded as murderous and cruel.

I had already heard that it was a woman who was only seventeen years old, but I saw with my own eyes that a very young girl was walking towards him, followed by a group of Shengjun generals who were wearing armor and had a chilling temperament... This scene, It still gave them an unspeakable sense of surprise.

Sure enough... was it this girl who led the army all the way here, nearly annihilating them, and personally killed the Fujiwara family's most experienced and most skilled samurai?

General Sheng's army disembarked from the boat, and their armor and sabers struck each other with a terrifying sound.

The tall girl with a ponytail wore a black cloak with snow-white fox fur on the edge. No matter how you looked at such a girl, she seemed to have nothing to do with bloodlust and cruelty.

Her appearance is also very unexpected, and her face is extremely delicate... until someone sees those eyes——

Her pupils were dark and bright, but there was a cold and cold air between her brows, like a cold blade coming out of its sheath, making people almost afraid to look at her.

Emperor Mingxiao and the people behind him knelt down in panic, and kowtowed in the direction of Dasheng Capital. His face was filled with shame and regret, and he apologized with tears in his eyes.

He spoke both Japanese and Dasheng Chinese. The Japanese part was relayed by the equally trembling translator beside him.

"...His Majesty the Emperor gave the order half a month ago for Maro Fujiwara to withdraw his troops and come back to plead guilty. However, Maro Fujiwara insisted on going his own way and did not listen to the order!"

"His Majesty the Emperor was also deceived by Fujiwara Maro, and unfortunately he made a big mistake..."

"Please also be kind to your country and show mercy to the innocent islanders..."

Among the landowners and nobles, there were also numerous pleas for apology. Most of them had expressions of remorse and self-blame, their postures were lowered to the ground, and they would shed a few tears when necessary.

Chang Suining's eyes fell on these powerful people.

On this island, most poor people and slaves have no surnames.

The emperor also has no surname, but that is because in the eyes of the Japanese, the emperor is a god, not a human being, so there is no need for a surname.

In addition, those who can have family names here are all powerful people.

At this moment, Chang Suining looked at these famous dignitaries and finally spoke, naming several big names headed by the Fujiwara clan——

The nobles whose surnames were called did not dare to neglect, their expressions were solemn and uneasy.

"The heads of the various families that I just named, the officials who advocated the war, and the generals who led more than a hundred troops in this war——" Chang Suining looked at Emperor Mingxiao and said: "Your Majesty, Within half a day, I need to see their list and everyone on that list who is alive."

Her tone was non-negotiable.

But at least there is no intention to start a killing spree immediately.

Emperor Mingxiao did not dare to hesitate at all, he said "yes" repeatedly, and frightenedly invited Chang Suining, Jin Chengyuan and others to enter the city to rest.

Jin Chengyuan looked at Chang Sui Ning.

Chang Suining nodded in agreement.

Emperor Mingxiao then dared to lead everyone to get up and prepare their carriages and horses.

Before mounting the horse, Chang Suining looked in the direction of Heijo-kyo and said casually: "The reason why you established your capital here in the third year of Emperor Rentong's reign was because you were influenced by the Feng Shui concept of 'hide the wind and get the water' in our Da Sheng Taoist thought. .”

Emperor Mingxiao, who was following her step by step, didn't know what she meant by her words, but he still responded: "Exactly..."

"A thief who forgets his origins and tries to monopolize a treasure that he is not worthy of will surely suffer death and disaster."

As the girl spoke, she got on her horse.

After the translator stumblingly relayed it, Emperor Mingxiao's face became more and more uneasy.

He wiped the sweat from his head and followed immediately.

Chang Suining entered the city with two thousand soldiers headed by Sheep Purse and He Wuhu. Bai Hong and Yuan Xiang led troops distributed around, one in charge of the island and the other in charge of the water. Together with the Dongluo Army, Close surveillance was carried out to control the movements of Japanese troops.

This means that if Chang Suining is slightly dissatisfied with the Japanese attitude in the following process, the Sheng Army and the Dongluo Army can mobilize troops at any time.

Jin Chengyuan and Chang Sui Ning went to Heijingjing together, and Emperor Mingxiao showed the most humble attitude and gave him the highest degree of courtesy.

Before dark, Emperor Mingxiao and his ministers came to seek an audience with a list of names that Chang Sui Ning wanted.

The officials who were in charge of the battle, as well as the heads of various families, had all arrived, and all of them felt ashamed at this moment.

The list of Japanese generals who participated in the war is also very detailed, and nine out of ten of them were killed in the battle. The few remaining people were among the Japanese army that had fled from Runzhou.

At that time, the defeated army was divided into two groups in the process of disintegration. One of them returned to the Japanese country, but it was not the group headed by Takehiko Ishimoto as Fujiwara Maro had originally speculated, but Fujiwara Maro's subordinates.

At this moment, all the generals and generals in this team of more than 20,000 people were brought over.

On the contrary, Takehiko Ishimoto's team of ten thousand people has not yet returned.

Chang Sui Ning also learned this from Emperor Mingxiao at this time. Because he could not hand over the people in that team, he did not dare to hide it.

Chang Suining had a bad premonition in his heart.

In the process of chasing Fujiwara Maro, she also asked people to explore the whereabouts of the defeated army, and the result was that it withdrew towards the Japanese country. Unexpectedly, only part of them returned to the Japanese country?

However, she clearly asked people to repeatedly check most of the sea area from Jiangdu to the west, and warned the states to conduct strict inspections. Although they killed some scattered small teams during these days, they found no trace of this team of ten thousand people. .

"We have repeatedly sent letters to recall Ishimoto Takehiko, but we have never found a trace of him, or he has been swallowed up by the winter sea waves..." A Japanese official gave a friendly enough guess. It was difficult for Chang Sui Ning to take this lightly. She raised her eyes slightly and looked at Shepherd's Purse.

Sheeps purse immediately understood, turned around and left, told his men to report the matter back immediately, and continued to expand the scope of sea exploration, making sure to find traces of the Japanese army led by Takehiko Ishimoto.

Upon seeing this, Emperor Mingxiao also repeatedly assured Chang Sui Ning that he would find out the whereabouts of this team as soon as possible and give a clear explanation.

Chang Sui Ning was noncommittal and looked at those who were brought.

These people more or less played an important role in this prosperous war.

From what she could see, those people knelt down and apologized under Emperor Mingxiao's scolding.

There was no emotion on Chang Sui Ning's face. What flashed before her eyes were the faces of the soldiers on the casualty list, and the cruel scene she would see once the Japanese army invaded Jiangdu——

She wasn't here to listen to these people apologize and cry and express regret.

Chang Sui Ning, who was sitting at the top, turned to look at Emperor Mingxiao who was standing aside, and gave him two choices: "I wonder if the Emperor wants to deal with these criminals on his own, or leave it to my men?"

A brief look of fear flashed across Emperor Mingxiao's face.

She actually wanted to kill all of these people...?

Among them are the heads of major families in the Japanese country, and many capable officials... And if all those generals are killed, how will the Japanese country have generals to use?

Chang Sui Ning seemed to understand his momentary hesitation, and said calmly: "After this matter is settled, I can try to listen to the emperor's intention to sue for peace."

The implication is that she will not consider suing for peace before this.

Could it be that just by these people kneeling down, kowtowing a few times, and shedding a few tears, everything can be written off?

Of course not.

She wanted the Japanese to repay the debt a hundredfold and cut off all their restless minions.

Emperor Mingxiao responded with a trembling voice.

Naturally, he didn't dare to let Chang Suining's people take action. He was afraid that once Sheng Jun took action, he wouldn't be able to stop easily.

But there is no way those people, especially the noble family heads, would be willing to die.

They quickly started to resist and even cursed outright, changing their expressions of regret and remorse just now.

Regret is just a means for them to survive. It is okay to shed tears to admit their mistakes, but it is another matter to ask them to sacrifice their lives to repent for it.

Before the situation became more chaotic, Emperor Mingxiao was afraid and asked the soldiers to drag all these people out and suppress them with heavy troops.

Angry curses, begging for mercy and screams mingled in the courtyard.

The blood of hundreds of people almost dyed the huge front yard red, and it became a execution ground.

The officials in the hall, as well as Emperor Mingxiao, were all pale and covered in cold sweat.

Jin Chengyuan remained silent, but subconsciously looked at Chang Sui Ning.

The girl sat there, her expression unchanged.

After the execution was over, she said in a very casual tone: "Now, the Emperor can show his sincerity in asking me for peace."

Emperor Mingxiao endured the fear and ups and downs in his heart, and presented the peace letter he had prepared for Chang Sui Ning to read.

This letter of request for peace was written in two languages. Chang Suining read it and nodded, seeming quite satisfied.

The amount of tribute promised was more sincere than ever before.

Chang Suining closed the folded book asking for peace and said, "Besides this, I also have two suggestions."

Emperor Mingxiao immediately showed his all ears and asked the translator to record it.

"First, I want you to strictly abide by the maritime boundaries. From now on, you are not allowed to step into our Dasheng sea area even half an inch without my Dasheng permission document. This restriction is especially for Japanese pirates, so I need you to send troops Strictly control the breeding of pirates and Japanese pirates so that no more Japanese pirates will plunder and kill our Dasheng fishermen’s caravan on the sea." Chang Sui Ning said: "If it happens again, the Jiangdu Navy will be held accountable."

Emperor Mingxiao was in a hurry to respond.

"As for the second proposal, I personally think it is a reflection of my great sincerity." Chang Sui Ning said this and smiled slightly.

Emperor Mingxiao became nervous inexplicably, and bowed his figure lower, as if listening.

"This proposal requires you to designate an island city nearby -" Chang Sui Ning said: "I plan to petition the emperor of my court to establish Dingwa Mansion here, so that officials and soldiers of our court can be stationed here to supervise you. If the country fulfills its agreement to restrain pirates, it will also help your country to develop diplomatic relations with us in the future."

Emperor Mingxiao's eyes trembled slightly, and the officials behind him also whispered.

In this way, wouldn't it give Dasheng the right to station and have jurisdiction? If things go on like this, they will inevitably interfere in their Japanese internal affairs!

This is not their random speculation, but it is indeed Chang Suining's intention.

She chose to stop the war because she could only kill so many people at this time, and she did not have the energy to annihilate the entire Japanese kingdom in one fell swoop. Moreover, at such a juncture, the act of destroying the country will be condemned by other countries, which will be detrimental to the precarious Dasheng's foreign relations, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Moreover, even if she tried her best to occupy the Japanese country at this time, she did not have the ability to govern it remotely. It would be better to slowly penetrate through control measures, and then act according to the situation of the two countries.

In the past, it would have been impossible for Japan to agree to the request to establish a Japanese government in Japan.

But at this moment, they had just witnessed an unprecedented defeat, and for the first time they had witnessed an execution that severely damaged the upper class.

All this is doomed that they will not have the ability to stand up and bark again within a hundred years.

More importantly, this was not a reciprocal negotiation. Her soldiers and warships were always waiting for her orders behind her.

If what she pictures is just the ordinary content in this peace letter, why does she need to come here in person?

Emperor Mingxiao did not even dare to show too obvious hesitation. Every part of his body was trembling silently. Finally, he bowed deeply and said, "Everything... I will abide by the will of the country."

Chang Suining nodded with satisfaction: "In this case, I will have someone draft a memorial and send it to the capital of my court to ask for instructions on the peace treaty. Based on the agreement between you and me today, if our officials in the court have anything to add in the future, I also ask the Emperor to give more. Cooperate."

Jin Chengyuan, who had listened to the whole process, turned his head and looked deeply at the girl sitting there.

She was not a general who could only shout and kill. Her current methods were no more "merciful" than sending troops to destroy the Japanese country. There was a mature political skill in it that surprised him.

Checks and balances, tough, self-interested, and long-term.

But this time, she "allowed" him to accompany her, which was not a way of "reminding" him of the intentions of the new king of Dongluo.

Such Da Sheng has the ability to make him surrender.

With such a great strength like her, she has the ability to make him willingly surrender.

Chang Sui Ning only stayed in Japan for three days.

On the day she left, Chang Suining learned the whereabouts of Takehiko Ishimoto's team. In addition, there was another piece of news about Cui Jing that reached her ears.

 Thank you all for your monthly votes, good night, see you tomorrow~

  (End of this chapter)

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