Chang'an is good

Chapter 214 Execution

"Ms. Chang is finally willing to see you." In the flower hall, Li Lu saw Chang Suining coming, and he got up and raised his hand to salute.

"It turns out that the son understands." Chang Suining looked at the thin young man: "If I don't see the son today, the son will come to the door again until the threshold of my Changfu is broken, until outsiders talk about it endlessly, thinking that it is our Changfu. Because the elder brother refused to do the 'perjury' for my elder brother before, the family feels resentful, bears resentment and alienates the elder son—is that right?"

Regarding the previous testimonies, although Li Lu did not deny that he and her elder brother had spoken alone that day, he only insisted that "I don't know where Mr. Chang Lang went after we separated, so I dare not make a guarantee." , even if her elder brother's name is cleared at this time, no one will think that there is something wrong with what the son of Prince Rong said that day.

On the contrary, "tell the truth" and do not hide the heart because of "personal feelings", which is more open and upright.

Such a sick and weak gentleman, after the incident, he visited the door many times in person, but the Chang family always avoided seeing him. Isn't it too petty?
So, how can she not see it.

Li Lu: "Since it is an apology, if you retreat so easily, what is your sincerity?"

Chang Suining sat down: "The son's 'sincerity' is always irresistible."

This person is extremely purposeful, and never takes into account the so-called wishes of others. He seems gentle and harmless, but in fact he hides a needle in his heart, and does things that force others to coerce, which can be said to be easy.

This is true from the hibiscus flower feast to ask for marriage, to forcing each other with brother's affairs, and even down to the act of meeting each other at the door.

"But Mrs. Chang refused, and more than once." Li Lu also sat down, his tone seemed a little lonely: "Flower banquet to propose marriage, and the two-day appointment, Mrs. Chang refused, didn't she?"

In other words, he has been frustrated in front of this girl.

Chang Suining: "However, the son is unyielding—"

The young man looked at her, smiled, and said truthfully, "Because Mrs. Chang is worth it."

This is the truth.

It turned out that he really wanted to use this girl to win over Chang Kuo and his son behind her, but he was "rejected" twice, although he was frustrated, but it also surprised him-this girl was worth fighting to the end.

"In three more days, it will be the son of the Ming family... no, it will be the day when the sinner will ask to be executed." He said: "Recording the unimaginable thing, but Mrs. Chang has done it by herself. From this we can see that Previously, I was self-righteous and my vision was limited.”

As he said that, he showed an apologetic and ashamed look: "I have repeatedly thought about it these days. Although the original intention of the previous proposal was to save people, it was indeed rude and threatened. If you can't make amends to Mrs. Chang in person, it's really Difficulty sleeping and eating."

Such hypocritical statements made Chang Sui Ning amazed in her heart. She is a person who loves talents. She expected such a talent. .

The other party is hypocritical and cheeky, but fortunately she is not bad either.

Then he asked, "Your Majesty keeps claiming to make an apology, but what is the actual action?"

If there are benefits to be gained, it is not impossible to perform with the other party.

Li Lu seemed to think about it, and then said: "Lu came here today, there are two pieces of news that have not been sent back to the capital, you can tell Chang Niangzi first, to show your sincerity."

Chang Suining stretched out his hand to pick up the teacup: "Let's listen to the prince."

"The first piece of news is that the army led by Li Yi to crusade against the rebels accidentally lost the first battle in Liangshan, the capital."

Chang Suining's fingers holding the teacup were slightly tightened—Old Chang lost?

"Actually, General Chang is not at fault."

Li Lu sighed and said, "It is said that a strategy against the enemy has been decided, but in the middle of the battle, the commander Li Yi saw that the situation was not good and felt timid, so he ordered the army to retreat. On the way to retreat, they were ambushed by Xu's rebels... ...Fortunately, General Chang was in charge of the overall situation and led the army to break out, so the losses were not too heavy."

Chang Sui Ning frowned.

Li Yi was timid since he was a child, and his temperament was too cautious. Xu's army probably knew this weakness, so they set up this plan to make him retreat first, and then make an ambush.

She had worried about this before sending out troops, but she often spoke out, and Li Yi promised him that everything would be arranged by him. Now it seems that what they say is one thing, but when they actually fight, there are still differences.

This is the first battle, and losing will seriously damage the morale and even the hearts of the people. It is really not a good start.

"General Chang was accidentally wounded by an arrow when he was protecting Li Yi to break out of the siege, but Madam Chang is at ease, there is no serious injury, so there is no danger of life."

Chang Suining's furrowed brows did not relax, and he only asked further: "I wonder what the second piece of news is from Shizi's mouth?"

Li Lu: "Li Tong, king of Huainan, is seriously ill."

Huainan King Li Tong is Li Yi's father.

Chang Suining looked at Li Lu and asked calmly, "Is this news brought back by the servants sent by the eldest son's family to celebrate Huainan King's birthday? Is it credible?"

When she sneaked into Prince Rong's mansion that day, Li Lu told her that a few months ago he sent his servant to Huainan Palace to give the King Huainan a birthday gift, and when the servant returned to Beijing, he would bring her the news of the Yangzhou war and Chang Kuo.

It's normal for her to ask this question at this time.

But Chang Suining knew in her heart what she was doubting right now.

"It was brought back by the servants. As for whether it is credible or not, I believe that news will be sent back to the capital soon, and the lady will always be able to tell the difference."

Li Lu sighed: "My cousin is very old. Before the imperial army arrived, he was ordered to resist Xu's rebels and guard the Huainan Road... In addition to working hard on the military, there are also unbearable rumors. In a fit of rage, he became seriously ill."

"Rumor?" Chang Suining's eyes moved slightly: "Is it the rumor between King Huainan and the saint?"

"It seems that Mrs. Chang has also heard about it... The rumors of Li's family scandal made Mrs. Chang laugh."

Chang Sui Ning did not comment.

When Empress Ming ascended the throne, apart from generals and courtiers, he also had the support of the clan, among which Li Tong, King of Huainan, was the leader.

From time to time there were rumors in the dark that Empress Ming had an affair with Li Tong.

"The rumors are certainly not to be believed, but it is true that the King of Huainan is loyal to the saint... The fact that the saint dared to entrust Li Yi with the task of leading the army is precisely because of his trust in the king of Huainan."

Li Lu said: "But now the King of Huainan is seriously ill, and Li Yi lost the battle due to his own fault, he will be blamed and impeached by the courtiers. Under such circumstances, I'm afraid it will be difficult to stabilize the heart and the army..."

Chang Suining knew clearly that there was no exaggeration in his words.

If King Huainan really "died of illness" at this time, the situation in the south of the Yangtze River will surely fall into greater chaos.

"General Chang's temperament is straightforward, and he may be in danger of being involved in the unknown vortex..." Li Lu said: "With this record, I hope Mrs. Chang can think about it early."


Li Lu's words were confirmed two days later.

The news of the defeat of the army and Li Yi's standstill came back to Beijing, along with the sad news of Huainan King Li Tong's death.

The Holy Book Emperor was furious and deeply saddened.

In the past ten days, there has been no peace in the court, there are countless words of demoting and attacking the Ming family, and the officials of the gentry are pressing every step of the way.

Today, these two news came back again, and for a while, there was an uproar among the people in the government and the opposition, and there were endless disputes.

The news of Li Yi's defeat quickly spread throughout the capital, and rumors began to spread among the people that "the death of King Huainan was the result of the heaven's omen that the queen's life was exhausted".

This remark reached the ears of Emperor Shengji, and immediately ordered Si Gongtai to investigate the source of the rumor.

"The rebels of the Xu family, and now the noble officials headed by the Changsun family..." It was late at night, the emperor looked at the memorial on the dragon case, and said to himself: "These two have something to do with each other. To force me to abdicate."

Now, as long as she is not extremely stupid, she will not fail to think of the possibility of the combination of the two internally and externally...

Xu Zhengye raised troops in the south, and in the middle of the court... there must be someone who colludes with him!
The Holy Book Emperor looked at Youyou Candlelight.

That night, someone from the palace came to Zheng Guogong's mansion late at night to summon him. Wei Shuyi got up in a hurry and changed into his official uniform.

At the same moment, Zhongshu Sheng's right minister, Ma Xingzhou, was also on his way into the palace in a sedan chair.

Although it was late at night, all the palace guards guarding outside the Ganlu Hall were vigilant and did not dare to relax in the slightest.

The sage secretly summoned his confidants late at night, and there must be an extremely important matter to discuss... After tonight, the court may soon see bloody storms.

Having said that, tomorrow is the time when the saint's nephew will be beheaded.

Thinking of this, some palace guards in the corridor quietly glanced at the brightly lit imperial study room.

The emperor, including the emperor, is secretly discussing important matters with the ministers, and I am afraid that he has no thought at all about the execution of his nephew tomorrow.

To the emperor, there is probably no regret at all for the separation of flesh and blood that is placed in ordinary people. Even if there is, it should be nothing more than indifferent resentment.

It is a fact that the son made a mistake and got into trouble, but he was also watched by the sage to grow up. However, the sage never saw the slightest bit of tolerance or hesitation. ask...

Hey, it's the Son of Heaven after all.


Both Mingjin and Chang were sentenced to be beheaded for public display.

That night, Chang was not willing to be beheaded and humiliated in front of others, so he crashed to death in prison.

But Ming Jin still doesn't believe that he will be executed just like that. He is the emperor's nephew and blood of the Ming family, so someone will definitely come to rescue him... Even if he cannot be exonerated on the surface, there must be a secret arrangement to help him escape !
As an accomplice, Feng Min was spared the death penalty because of his meritorious service in presenting evidence. He was sentenced to exile along with his grandmother, Xie Shi, and will leave Beijing tomorrow.

But Feng Min felt that her grandmother would have no chance to be exiled out of Beijing together with her.

The two were imprisoned in the same cell, with heavy chains tied to their hands and feet. Mr. Xie, who had received [-] boards according to the law, was lying on the ground and could not move.

She had scolded Feng Min at first, but now she has no strength left.

The wound on her body was festering, and she hadn't eaten for three days. At this moment, she looked at the bowl of water brought by the jailer, moved her chapped lips, and made a weak voice: "Min'er...water..."

"Grandma, do you want some water?" Feng Min walked over.

Xie raised his head with difficulty, watching his granddaughter pick up the bowl of water.

Feng Min took two steps back and slowly poured the water on the ground.

"You..." Sternness and hatred appeared in Xie's desperate eyes: "You rebellious and unfilial bastard, will die!"

"Grandmother is right or wrong. I deserve to die. I don't deserve to die. It's because I killed someone. It should be so, but it's not because of the disobedience and filial piety that grandma said."

There was also hatred in Feng Min's eyes: "Grandmother needs this bowl of water very much. If she doesn't have this bowl of water, she will die, right? When grandma pushed me to a desperate situation and wanted to exchange me for benefits, did she ever think about me? will die too!"

"Of course grandma thought about it..." She laughed: "The only thing grandma never thought about was that I, a damned person, could drag grandma to die with me."

"I have today, and I owe it to my, this is the retribution my grandmother deserves."

After pouring out the last drop of water, Feng Min threw the broken bowl in front of Xie Shi.

Xie stared wide-eyed, trying to climb to the puddle of water on the ground, but the short distance seemed to be thousands of miles away at this moment, and it became a place that she could not reach in this lifetime.

At daybreak, Xie was completely out of breath, and only one pair of eyes was still wide open.

Feng Min slumped on the ground weakly, looking up at the faint ray of skylight leaking in above his head.

Soon, she was taken out of the cell, and the same group of prisoners were tied up one by one. Under the escort of a group of officials, she passed through the long street, was scolded by others, and left the city gate.

Her mother sent her off outside the city, spending money on official errands, in order to take care of her during the exile.

Seeing A Niang who was the most useless in his eyes in the past, now trying her best to take care of herself, Feng Min's eyes were slightly red, and the regret in his heart was even worse.

In the past, she only listened to her grandmother and dismissed A Niang's "cowardly" teachings, but now...

"Min'er... we have done something wrong, we should bear it..."

The woman touched her face with tears in her eyes, "Auntie will try my best to take care of everything for you. It was very hard in exile, and it will be hard when you arrive in Lingnan, but if you know your mistakes and correct them, you will still have a chance. If you are lucky enough to meet the world in the future At the time of the amnesty... you, my mother and my daughter may still have a day of reunion."

"No matter what others say, A Niang will wait for my Min'er to come back."

Feng Min burst into tears and nodded heavily at the woman.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, the executioner raised the beheading knife in his hand.

The noon sun shone on the back of the knife, casting a dazzling light, but Ming Jin, who was bound and kneeling in the center of the execution ground, dared not close his eyes.

He couldn't believe that he was going to die like this.

He wanted to remind everyone that he was the son of the Ming family, but even the crown prince Li Zhi didn't dare to speak loudly when he saw him!

But his mouth was tightly blocked, and he couldn't make a sound.

Looking at the people watching around and listening to the vibrating sound of the saber ring, he finally started to fear, showing a look of fear.

The next moment, the look of fear was completely frozen on the head that rolled down on the execution platform, and the body that lost the head was still kneeling in place.

Some people clapped their hands in applause, and some people were shocked, and the discussion was noisy and chaotic.

This is one of the reasons why Emperor Shengji ordered Ming Jin to be dealt with publicly. The people's hearts need to be vented and shocked, and they also need to witness the emperor's righteous act of killing relatives with their own eyes.

Chang Suining also came to watch the execution, to be exact, he stopped by to see the excitement after seeing Sanmao Shen from Zhuangzi.

She took one last look at Ming Jin who was decapitated, turned around and left the crowd.

Not far from the execution ground, when Chang Suining was about to get into the carriage, a group of people of different ages and clothes quickly caught up.

"Miss Chang, please stay!"

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(This chapter distributed some lunch boxes in an orderly manner)

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