The entertainment industry is sober

Chapter 704 She is busy again

"Well, it's settled."

Sang Yuan sat on the sofa with a relaxed expression and motioned for her to sit over too.

Ni Bingyan sat next to him. Seeing him move a little to the side, he leaned on the back of the sofa, raised his right leg and put it on his lap.

Then, Sang Yuan started to pinch it gently.

Being pregnant with twins puts a heavier burden on her body. Ni Bingyan's calf edema started earlier. Sang Yuan would give her a squeeze whenever he had time to promote blood circulation.

"It's settled so soon?"

Ni Bingyan hugged the soft pillow and couldn't believe it!

Putting aside the time spent traveling back and forth, have you spent half an hour at the teahouse?

Such an important matter was settled so quickly?

"Well, the script is simple, and it's a modern film. The investment won't be huge. You can shoot it with your own company. How much trouble does it take?"

Sang Yuan has a strong control over the industries under his name, and he has the confidence to say this.

The purpose of asking Xiao Zhao to meet in private was to express his attitude and make him feel better and take this matter more seriously.

He is very experienced in this field.

There are so many things to do every day, and if he wants to put one thing in mind, it must be heavy enough, or it may be influenced by emotional factors.

For example, if his wife talks in her sleep at night and says she wants to eat fresh strawberries, he can go to a nearby orchard in the middle of the night, wake up the boss despite the barking of the dogs, and pick them back overnight, so that he can eat them as soon as his wife wakes up. Mouth.

This is the influence of emotion.

When Ni Bingyan thought about it, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

Her script is not a very deep one.

It's just a plain, warm and interesting romance film.

Another thing is that Sang Yuan is not very experienced in acquiring this film and television company. His resource base is not as good as that of Brother Film and Television, and his influence in the industry is also inferior.

If you want to make a beautiful historical drama or shoot a blockbuster, it is beyond your ability, but it is easy to shoot such a sweet little thing.

Sang Yuan never asked her to change her contract with his own company, because this company's main business is idol boy groups, and she is a movie queen, but she has no good development.

What's more, she and Sister Wei cooperated happily. Sister Wei had no intention of leaving Brothers Film and Television, and she naturally didn't want to leave either.

However, you can set up a personal studio.

Now is the time, too.

There is no rush, the most important thing now is the script.

"If you can, then gather a team and shoot quickly!"

My company doesn't have much, so the good-looking little brother grabs a lot of it.

This kind of book about a cold-blooded actor who loves his young wife needs to be handsome in order for people to buy into it.

Ni Bingyan thought calmly, since he was bidding, he had to find a way to get more money.

Sang Yuan also meant the same thing.

After being together with Ni Bingyan for so many years, he has a deep understanding of the entertainment industry and knows which one the audience will accept.

"Well, in that case, let's make arrangements immediately. By the way, Xiao Zhao is asking you, do you have an ideal director and actor?"

"Not yet. Supporting roles can be cast by the company at that time. As for the starring role..."

Ni Bingyan thought about it and recommended two of his friends in the industry.

I don't know what kind of bad luck I have had in the past two years, and I haven't been doing well.

Sang Yuan had no objection.

As for the director, Ni Bingyan has an idea, but is not sure whether he is willing to take on the job.

"I'll go find him tomorrow and inquire about the situation."

"Who is it?"

"Just Director Xu Liangyu, you know? He is quite famous. A few years ago, when my daughter-in-law gave birth to a child, she went home to take care of her grandchildren. She hasn't filmed any new movies in the past few years."

"He!" Sang Yuan was quite impressed by him. Because Ni Bingyan told him several times that Xu Liangyu was a good person. She only played a small supporting role in the Xianxia film directed by him, so he introduced her to good resources.

"With his status, is he willing to make a movie with little depth like this?"

"He hasn't worked for a long time. Let's warm him up and find his confidence."

Seeing Sang Yuan staring at him with a look like "Look, am I stupid?", Ni Bingyan was a little embarrassed: "What I actually wanted to do was to follow him and learn shooting skills."

It is almost impossible for Asians to win Oscars unless they are stationed in Europe and the United States for a long time, and their main battlefield is there.

Ni Bingyan was unwilling to make such a big sacrifice for a little golden man.

The future trend is the rise of Hualiu.

She is willing to do her part for this.

After having a child, it is obviously unrealistic to often join the group and shoot for several months at a time.

So as she got older, she also wanted to try to transform.

Admitting to the directing department of the film school is only the first step of the plan.

If you give yourself more choices in life, you will be less embarrassed when you encounter difficulties.

This is Ni Bingyan’s code of conduct.

There is no point in talking about things that have not yet been realized.

She was embarrassed to say more, and Sang Yuan understood.

The whole family had lunch happily. In the afternoon, Ni Bingyan saw that the wind and snow had decreased, so he made an appointment with Xu Liangyu to visit him at home.

Sang Yuan was worried that she would go out alone, and it happened to be the weekend, so she followed Ni Bingyan carrying gifts.

Xu Liangyu's home is in an alley, a small and exquisite courtyard house.

There is a grape trellis in the corner, stone tables and stools under the trellis, and various flower pots arranged throughout the yard, which looks very elegant.

This little old man always smiles and doesn't seem to be doing anything right. In fact, he has as many tricks as a sieve.

I didn’t expect to have such a simple hobby.

When he heard a car stop at the door, he guessed that it was Ni Bingyan and his wife.

I took my eldest grandson out to take a look, and sure enough!

After letting the people in, Mrs. Xu came over and gave Sang Yuan a cup of tea and Ni Bingyan a cup of boiled water. She said hello, said "you guys chat", put her arms around her grandson and went out.

It looks crisp and neat, yet friendly.

The three of them sat down. Xu Liangyu first praised Ni Bingyan's good complexion, then asked how old the child was, and then started talking in a gibberish manner about parenting.

I was talking until my mouth was dry and I drank a cup of tea. Only then did I remember to ask Ni Bingyan if I had anything to do with him?

People like Ni Bingyan, to put it mildly, don't engage in ineffective social interactions, and to put it worst, she doesn't bother to talk to anyone who is of no use to her.

So if the weather is so bad and you still come to our door, you must be asking for something.

Ni Bingyan put it this way.

Xu Liangyu was speechless.

He stopped touching this kind of film fifteen years ago.

What is he good at?

Martial arts movies, fairy tale movies, if you let him make a romance movie, wouldn’t that mean the donkey’s head is wrong and the horse’s mouth is wrong?

Moreover, what kind of status does he have? As a screenwriter, what kind of position does Ni Bingyan have?

Although he is a smooth person, he still cares deeply about his work.

He makes all kinds of bad movies, why is he so shameless?

Seeing his tangled expression, Ni Bingyan lowered his head in embarrassment: "As you know, I am very poor at being sociable and far less knowledgeable than your friends. Didn't I just want to ask you to recommend someone reliable? "

However, she found that he had no room for agreement and immediately changed her strategy.

The toddler loses his temper, lies down on the ground, buries his face in his arms, sticks out his butt and starts crying. Don't coax them. You must take out your mobile phone, take photos and videos around him, and then send a copy to all your relatives. Send a voice message in front of them, laugh hahaha, and share his embarrassing moments. He got up on his own. I will not use this trick to force elders to achieve their goals in the future. As long as you compromise once, he will always be like this.

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