The entertainment industry is sober

Chapter 672: Being a star is really too humiliating.

In early August, Ni Bingyan became completely busy.

Hosting different teams every day.

Makeup, costumes, venue layout, fleet...

The senior brothers also returned from traveling with their sisters-in-law.

At this time, they should each perform their duties and help Master make this wedding as decent as possible.

Ni's Private Kitchen only makes high-end dishes, and Ni's Manor never hosts wedding banquets. This is the first time a wedding has been held here.

The yard was decorated with lanterns and colorful Chinese lanterns, and more than 300 of them were ordered.

Red, festive Chinese red.

Gold, magnificent and dazzling gold!

Wedding venues use these two colors as the main colors.

Then temper with a small amount of silver.

In midsummer, the flowers are in full bloom, and the gardening company will come here every day to do maintenance, making sure that every plant in the yard is full of vitality.

The custom-made tableware arrived, a truckload full.

Ni Bingyan looked at the red bowl, her and Sang Yuan's names printed on it, and the "Hundred Years of Good Harmony" embedded in the middle of the wishful lines, and couldn't help but pick it up and touch it gently.

My heart beats a little faster.

You are getting married soon. Will your life after marriage be any different?
Will Sang Yuan's attitude towards her change?
And dad, will he treat her differently just because she is married?
And that thing between husband and wife...

Ni Bingyan started to blush as he thought about it.

"It's hot outside. You go back first. These bowls have to be sent to be washed before they can be used tomorrow."

When things came to a close, Ni Guangli couldn't care less about his anxiety. Making the wedding perfect was his biggest concern now.

Seeing that his daughter's face was flushed from the heat, Ni Guangli hurriedly asked her to go back to the house.

Sang Yuan's family, including his sister's family of three, will arrive soon.

But they will stay in the guest house for the time being and will not see each other until the wedding tomorrow.

In order to implement the master's words to the end, I also worked very hard.

There are a lot of things going on at home, and I am most afraid of chaos amidst the busy work. The senior brothers are all busy here, and the sisters-in-law are temporarily at home to take care of the children.

It was summer vacation, and the neighborhood near their home was close to a river. Every year, children secretly went into the river to take a bath and got into trouble. They never dared to neglect their children.

The four children only stayed with Ni Bingyan for more than half a month, and they all seemed to have been transformed.

Jiang Menghao always takes his time in doing things. He often wastes time in tangles because of difficult choices.

Now he has learned to let go and leave the choice to fate.

The third sister-in-law suddenly discovered that her son was getting faster.

When getting dressed in the morning, he no longer wastes time worrying about what to wear. He sorts the clothes, numbers them, and then draws them randomly to see which one is which.

Because he doesn't like too bright colors, nor does he like clothes with unique shapes. This way, it's not easy to look ugly.

When ordering food for a meal, he would not always leave it to others. He would open the menu, select randomly, and order whichever one he chose.

What's even more amazing is that the multiple-choice questions that used to take him a lot of time can now be done very quickly!
The third sister-in-law gave him a set of papers and checked them out. She found that not only did he have a firm grasp of the knowledge he had learned before, but he had also previewed less than half of the courses for the next semester.

The most important thing is that he has developed good study habits.

Every day before going to bed, he has to make a set of papers. He said that this is called massaging the brain cells.When I get up in the morning, I will go to the balcony and read English aloud.

He said that the day's plan begins in the morning. English is a language and you must open your mouth to learn it well.

In addition, he will also prepare for the next semester's courses at a fixed time, saying that a man should always be prepared to face the test of major and minor exams.

He said that he would work hard quietly and use a holiday to amaze everyone in the class.

When he said this, his face was full of anticipation!
A perfect replica of Ni Bingyan.

The third sister-in-law was overjoyed at first and increased the share money given to Ni Bingyan by [-]%. However, she later discovered that the child seemed to feel anxious if he did not study for a day?

"This kid feels like he's been mentally transformed by her!"

Li Yiyi and Jiang Menghao have the smallest age difference. The third sister-in-law often exchanges experiences in raising children with the fourth sister-in-law.

After some communication, I found that not only my son became curled up, but also Li Yiyi became very curled up.

Later, I discovered that Wang Ziran and Wu Meng, at such a young age, could actually read independently!
Just over five years old!I actually knew so many words!

In such a short period of time, could it be that the words were stuffed directly into their heads?
The sisters-in-law were shocked!

Not caring about anything else, I simply formed a group and started a lively discussion while the children were writing papers.

"At first, Master said that the children should spend more time with my aunt to give her a good chance of having children. I was worried that the children wouldn't be able to stay and would have to come back at any time. I didn't expect that she would be so good at taking care of children!"

"I think if she published a secret book on raising children, it would become a hit book."

"I feel like it's too humiliating for her to become a star! She should really engage in education. Hold a training class or something."

"Isn't Xiaomeng a little addicted to the Internet before? She hasn't turned on the computer secretly in the past few days. She studies hard every day, even if I ask her to go shopping."

"I asked, and Yiyi said that my aunt promised them that whoever gets the best grade at the end of next semester will be granted a wish that can come true."

"Hey! Will she agree to everything?"

"Don't worry, she is reliable and knows what she does. Don't worry too much."

The sisters-in-law are excited, anxious, and looking forward to it...

Ni Bingyan is also excited, anxious, and looking forward to...

[Ahem, dad has prepared a wedding room for us. Starting tomorrow night, will we sleep in the same room? ]
[I think I need to get the certificate first. ]
[Why are you so strict?Just a few days away. ]
[Actually, I'm also worried. I'm too busy on August [-]th and won't have time to get the certificate. How about going tomorrow afternoon?Tomorrow is a good day, and our home is not far from the Civil Affairs Bureau. ]
August [-]th is a very auspicious day.

Business people just like to have fun!

Ni Bingyan is a money addict, think about it.

So the two happily decided that after the wedding tomorrow, they would secretly go to the nearby Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate and start working with the certificate tomorrow night.

The next day, the two got up early in the morning to do some styling, and then there was an endless stream of guests and a lively wedding banquet.

In the afternoon, the two took time to get the certificate. When they got home, the guests had not dispersed yet, and they had to wait for dinner before going back to their respective homes.

The two touched the red book and felt excited.

By the time it was night, I was so tired that I couldn't even lift my hands.

I took off my makeup, took a shower, and went to bed quickly.

In the middle of the night, Ni Bingyan suddenly woke up and felt someone touching her.

Turning around suddenly, the two people's eyes met in the moonlight, and suddenly they became anxious.

Pull the lamp, pull the lamp.

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