After forcing the calf to vomit and repeatedly telling the cattle farmer to be more careful next time, Uncle Kurban finally touched the calf's head before walking out of the pen.

The host prepared water and soap. Uncle Kurban came over and bent down, washed his hands and wiped his face. After that, he straightened up and looked at his watch.

It's almost five o'clock in the afternoon.

According to Ni Bingyan and the others' assumptions, Uncle Kurban should go home and rest now.

As a result, when the call came, the voice on the other side was choked and said that the big bull had not eaten for several days.

Yes, I have to continue driving.

The trunk of the old minivan was filled with various equipment and medicines. When the car was driving along the country dirt road, you could occasionally hear the clanking of equipment.

Uncle Kurban was very tired after a busy day.

But when he received the call and heard that the situation was urgent, he did not hesitate.

As he said, there are no other veterinarians around. If he doesn't go, the farmers will have to worry at home.

The minivan continued on the road. Ni Bingyan and others wanted to help drive, but Uncle Kurban refused by saying, "You don't know the road, and you're wasting time."

It's getting hotter and hotter, and it's getting dark later and later.

At this point, if you were at home, you would probably be preparing to cook dinner, since it is still very bright here.

Along the way, we passed farmland and orchards, and many people were still working in the fields.

Some farmers saw a familiar car from afar, so they came up to the roadside and stood waiting.

Ni Bingyan thought they had something to do, but in the end, just to say hello to Uncle Kurban, he invited him to come to his house for a drink when he was free.

If you only meet one or two, you may have a good relationship.

But in just ten miles, I have received such invitations four times.

When we arrived at the village of Sick Niu, as soon as the car arrived at the end of the village, an auntie wearing a red scarf came out of the mulberry forest nearby.

The aunt was carrying a plastic basket filled with mulberries, estimated to weigh three or four kilograms, and started waving from a distance.

"Brother Kurban! Open the window!"

Uncle Kurban didn't want to accept it, so the aunt stood directly in the middle of the road as if she knew he wouldn't stop.

Kurban had no choice but to park the car and open the window.

The freshly picked mulberries were stuffed in immediately, still carrying the heat of the afternoon sun.

Seeing that there were other people in the car, the peasant woman was very surprised. She also saw the cameraman setting up a machine to take pictures, so she smiled cheerfully at the camera, smiling and waving:
"Oops! The Kurban brothers are going to be on TV! Hey! I'll show up too! My mulberries are very sweet! It's right here at Dundun'er Farm. You can see my mulberry garden when you come here!"

As expected of a Sheniu who can stop a car to deliver fruits, he actually took the opportunity to advertise his own orchard.

Ni Bingyan was delighted to see this simple and cute little plan, and assured the aunt: "Don't worry, Auntie, I will definitely keep this part in the program for you!"

The peasant woman didn't waste much time. She greeted her with a smile and urged Kurban to leave quickly.

"People can wait, but animals cannot wait. Kurban, please go quickly!"

Ni Bingyan had never met such a simple, enthusiastic and interesting person. Even after the car had gone a long way, he still turned around to look.

On the road again, I didn’t lose even 2 minutes.

But Kurban seemed to have been given a shot of blood, his face was glowing, and he was no longer tired.

He was used to these things, but today there were big stars accompanying him, and there were cameramen filming the show!
The folks are so flattering to him!

A tree is like a skin, and a person is like a face. He can probably remember such a glorious moment for the rest of his life.

"These folks! They always like to stop me and give me things. They say they are all homemade fruits and not worth anything, but how can I be embarrassed to take other people's things for nothing? If I don't accept them, they won't let me leave. Hey! Yes! Sometimes when I pass by, someone has a wedding at their house and they want to drag me in for a meal. If I get sick, they will also line up to come home to see me. Haha~"

The old man smiled so hard that he couldn't help but show off.

Normally he wouldn't brag about himself, but today he was really happy!
"Sincerity is the most valuable thing between people. If you treat everyone with sincerity, everyone will remember you!"

Ni Bingyan often receives this kind of love, and she can fully understand how Uncle Kurban feels now.

"Ha~ we are all from the village. Our ancestors have lived together for generations. This is how relationships are born!"

The uncle was a little shy because of what she said. When he saw that the cattle farmer's house was about to arrive, he stopped talking and drove directly to the door of the house.

The host had been waiting anxiously at the door, and made two phone calls on the way to ask where he was.

"How's the cow?"

"I'm not feeling well now."

"Let's go and see the cows first!"

"Okay! Come with me!"

When he saw Ni Bingyan and his group, he simply asked and let them take pictures as they pleased.

Being on TV, what else is more important than having your own cow?
The family's thoughts are now filled with their own cattle.

Uncle Kurban went straight to the cattle pen without any delay.

After checking the cow, I couldn't help but sigh. "There's probably iron in the cow's belly and it needs to be sucked out."

"Why is there iron?"

The host was surprised.

"You can identify it after you suck it out. Where did the iron come from?"

Uncle Kurban is an old veterinarian and has rich experience. The cattle farmer did not hesitate to let him watch and treat the disease.

First, tie the cow up, take the magnet, and then the retainer. With everyone's help, we quickly fix the cow's mouth.

Then the instrument with the magnet tied to it was inserted into the cow's stomach.

After poking for a while, I took it out and saw that there were two iron nails on the magnet and many small iron pieces.

"Hey, you cow-feeder, why don't you know how to be more careful? There is so much iron in your belly, what can it dare to eat? It's so painful even if you don't even move?"

Kurban frowned, telling the cattle farmers how to prepare food for the cattle, while scolding them for being careless and causing the cattle to suffer.

Then he put the cleaned magnet into the cow's mouth.

Another stab.

The hostess and her daughter-in-law kept watch, feeling sorry for their cow and wiping away tears.

It was time to replace the mower at home, but she was reluctant to part with it for a while, thinking it could still be used. Unexpectedly, it dropped iron slag into the grass that the cows were eating.

The hostess was extremely remorseful.

This was repeated four times before the iron was no longer sucked out.

The owner was worried that the other cows were also suffering, but not as serious. Thinking that this was a rare occasion for him to come, he pestered him to check them all again.

Sure enough, there were other poor cows.

I could only sigh and continue to use the magnet.

When I finally finished my work, I sucked out a small plate of various kinds of iron slag.

"What should I say to you? Look, look! Hey! How painful it is!"

After finishing the work, Uncle Kurban touched the cow's head with a distressed look on his face and couldn't help scolding the owner.

They have to repeatedly promise that they will feed her well in the future, and then they can feel relieved.

By the time I left this house, it was past eight o'clock.

It's still light.

Ni Bingyan thought to herself, it’s time to go home now, right?
The call came again.

But in another village, a sheep fell into a ditch and broke its leg.

"It's still a lamb, maybe it can be better. Hey! It's not easy to raise a lame sheep. I have to go take a look."

With a sigh, he immediately drove the car towards the poor lamb with a broken leg.

That night, Uncle Kurban was busy until after twelve o'clock, and then he was able to return home covered in starlight.

Kurban's home is not big and cannot accommodate so many people. Fortunately, Wang Xi has already driven the Qiyu bus to Uncle Kurban's village and is waiting.

The village road is difficult to navigate, and buses are difficult to enter. Fortunately, this village is connected to the main road.

I said goodbye to my uncle and made an appointment to continue filming the next day.

The uncle stood tiredly at the door and waved to them. His old wife stood silently behind him with a peaceful smile on her face.

On the way home, Ni Bingyan learned that the couple's children were very promising. They all settled in the city and did not come back on weekdays. He didn't know how Uncle Kurban's wife had been doing all these years.

To sacrifice one's family for everyone is often both a person's choice and a person's helplessness.

The photographer was very emotional. Before leaving, he squatted down and took photos of the uncle and his wife.

In recent years, as living conditions have improved, many rural young people have settled in cities, leaving rural areas increasingly empty.

But in fact, there are still many, many people who, like Uncle Kurban, do not want to leave the countryside.

After entering the city and checking in at the hotel, it was already late at night.

After Ni Bingyan checked the room, took a shower, and lay on the bed with a facial mask on, he suddenly couldn't sleep.

The scene of Uncle Kurban proudly displaying the party emblem to her kept reappearing in front of her eyes. The exhaustion during the final farewell made her unable to sleep.

I wonder what new stories there will be tomorrow?
Ni Bingyan decided to make a documentary short film for Uncle Kurban.

Occasionally you need to do something meaningful while traveling.

It's not in vain to be moved.

I would love to see this documentary.

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