The entertainment industry is sober

What exactly is written in Chapter 505?

There are a row of low-end shops all around, and there are a lot of surveillance cameras. It is also the time to get off work in the evening, and there are many pedestrians on the road.

So just half an hour after the incident happened, it spread from major social groups to the Internet. In less than two hours, #worldluckiestwoman# went directly to the top of the national search list, and the popularity is even spreading to the world.

Under the topic, the most popular Weibo is a video, the copy is like this:

[Good chicken is dangerous!After dinner, I went downstairs to buy a cigarette and almost got dumped!But compared to the eldest sister in front of me, I am a little better.There really was only one drop left. If she hadn't stood up temporarily, the banquet would have been canceled! ┭┮﹏┭┮It’s so rare to have sunny days this season, so I’ll record the sunset!As a result, this kind of thing was recorded, hey~ No matter what I can't think about, now that I'm gone, just rest in peace!I hope I will have a good pregnancy in my next life. ]
Click on the video to see the beautiful sunset.

A figure floated down from a high place like a fallen leaf, seemingly very slowly, but in fact it was very fast.

"Fuck!" was heard in the background, and the camera moved downwards, and the person in front of him, who was walking with his head down, suddenly stopped.

The woman did not raise her head the whole time. She took out a handkerchief from her bag and shook it. Just as she was about to wipe her face, her attention was attracted by the heavy object falling to the ground in front of her...

What a close distance!

The body tissue of the deceased even splattered on her body!
The video is really thrilling. The woman's screams afterward can be heard clearly from a distance. Her strange behavior of frantically taking off her shoes and socks, and frantically kissing a piece of paper was recorded by surveillance cameras and passers-by from all angles. , which caused a lot of discussion among netizens.

[Which temple did I go to to burn incense for the Chinese New Year last year? Please, I need it too! ]
[You saved the galaxy in your previous life!No one else has this kind of luck! ]
[I’m convinced, this is actually good luck?Bad luck, but not too bad, right?It is recommended that relevant departments take action to provide her with psychological assistance, otherwise she may suffer from psychological problems.This is really no small matter! ]
[Did no one notice that this young lady was crying all the way?I can't see the video clearly and I don't know what she is looking at. ]
[I met her when I was picking up the express delivery. She said she had received a letter from Ni Bingyan and she was so happy that she jumped up and down!I don’t know what I should be proud of when I’m so old, and I’m not afraid of being a star-chaser, and I’m not afraid of spoiling my children. ]
The courier station employee who was scolded by his boss before was a gossip. When he saw this incident on a hot search, he immediately recognized Ms. Li.

Then he put on the skin of other people who picked up the courier and started to make secret revelations.

This star chaser is annoying, and the star she is chasing must also be annoying!
As the matter escalated, the relevant departments took measures and all videos were deleted. In order to prevent people from snooping too much and causing trouble, the official soon released a layer-by-layer coded version.

But the revelation from the man at the courier station was still seen.

[emmm, Bingbao’s official Weibo just posted a Weibo message two days ago, saying that Bingbao’s letters to readers this year have been sent out one after another, and this person is probably the lucky goose. ]
[I received it too~~ I was so excited when I saw it!I wonder what Sister Bingbing replied to this lucky sister?Why are you crying all the way? ]
[Sure enough, our ice baby is indeed a koi. You are right to follow her. It can save lives at critical moments! ]
[This is not something I feel comfortable saying!Don't bring trouble for your sister. ]
[Yes, we Bingbing never rely on luck, but rely on hard work step by step! ]
[But this young lady is really lucky to have escaped death. We should all be happy for her! ]
[This unknown little popsicle, you must be good too!We believe you are strong enough and will make it through! ]
[But I really want to know what Bingbao wrote in your reply?I am an African chief. It has been three years and I have written more than 40 letters, but I still have not been selected.Woohoo! ]

People on the Internet comfort, discuss, rejoice, envy...all kinds of things.

In the past, when receiving letters from Ni Bingyan, almost everyone chose to read them by themselves, or only shared them with a limited number of good friends. Others also chose not to ask in a tacit understanding.

This is to prevent me from receiving a reply one day, and requests from fellow fans in the fan group will be difficult to reject at the same time.

Letters are very private things. If they were published, not only would they feel socially awkward, but Ni Bingyan would also feel uncomfortable.

What if there is no such activity in the future?
So everyone tacitly protects this secret happiness.

But the situation is different today. Everyone wants to know how powerful that letter is to make an adult cry regardless of his appearance in public?
Ms. Li is not a courageous person.

I was almost scared crazy at that time!
It was a coincidence that his husband got off work and saw the news in the owner group as soon as he walked to the intersection.

He hurriedly and slowly hurried along, almost dying, and when he reached the scene of the accident, he saw his wife standing there with bare feet and crying. A bunch of people were surrounding her to comfort her. She looked at this and that, but she said something with trembling lips. No words can come out.

"Please give way, the family members are here! Honey, honey, come quickly, I will carry you home!"

Hearing a cry of "Hey", he felt strong energy from nowhere, squeezed in, and then carried his wife on his back.

When I got home, my mother-in-law was cooking in the kitchen, and the two children were watching cartoons in the living room.

The light is warm and yellow, and the food is fragrant.

As soon as the two entered the door, Ms. Li couldn't hold herself any longer. She lay on her husband's back and burst into tears!
The feeling of lingering fear is really hard to describe.

When they heard the door open, the children called to their parents and ran over. The sudden crying shocked them, and then the two children immediately hugged one of their mother's legs.

The older one even knew how to ask, "Why are you crying, Mommy?", but the younger one just knew how to cry along.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Ouch! Come and sit down, what's wrong?" The old lady came out with a spatula, pretending to reach out and slap her son a few times. The son hurriedly came to her ear and whispered what she just said. what happened.

It was hard to tell the children about this. After she had cried enough, Ms. Li held one child in each hand and sat on the sofa racking her brains to explain:

"Mom lost money today, woohoo, 100 yuan! You can buy two hundred lollipops! Woohoo! I'm so sad!"

The two children looked at each other and finally made up their minds: "Mom, we won't eat lollipops anymore, and your 100 yuan will be back, so don't cry~"

"Oh, come on, come on, let's eat hot sausage today, An Yi will be miserable~"

The family of four was talking, and the kitchen door opened again, but it was the mother-in-law who came out carrying dishes.

The couple didn't care about anything else and hurried over to take plates and bowls.

The family happily finished their meal, put their children to bed, then lay down together, and fell asleep soon after.

In the middle of the night, the man felt that his side was very hot, so he immediately got up and looked for a thermometer.

After taking her temperature, my wife's fever reached 39.

He hurriedly gave her antipyretic medicine and continued to take her temperature while watching the watch.

It wasn't until his wife was completely asleep that he picked up his phone and sent a message to the two leaders asking for leave.

Knowing that something like this had happened to her, she was so frightened that she started to have a high fever in the middle of the night. The leaders of the two companies were very understanding and simply granted their vacation.

Then after ten o'clock in the morning, a well-informed reporter called and asked for an interview.

Ms. Li was lying on the bed, not wanting to talk to any strangers, and just waved her hand to refuse.

But reporters also brought news.

"Now everyone wants to read the letter Bingbing wrote to me? You want to eat it! This is my letter! I won't show it to them!"

I took antipyretics in the middle of the night, and my fever started again at eight o'clock in the morning.

After taking the antipyretic medicine again, Ms. Li was just sober when she heard that others were peeping at her goodies, and she immediately stopped doing it.

"Okay, okay, it's all yours, we don't even look at it."

He knew and approved of his wife's rational pursuit of stars. It was necessary for both husband and wife to retain their privacy, and he didn't intend to ask more questions.

But it cannot stand up to the human society.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, the old lady's cousin's grandson-in-law, who works at a TV station, called the old lady and said - "Auntie, how are you lately?"

After the old lady hung up the phone, she hesitated several times, but finally did not speak.

But when the daughter-in-law finds out about this, she can't pretend it never happened.

The old lady helped her take care of the children for several years. If it weren't for this good mother-in-law, she wouldn't have been able to work well all these years, let alone be sad and star-chasing at every turn.

So at six o'clock in the evening, the letter was finally posted online.

I find that today's young people are not very good at building relationships. In the past, people had seven aunts, eight aunts, and even a few relatives.I don't like to owe people favors, and I don't like to ask others for help. It seems that I don't know how to deal with people...

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