The entertainment industry is sober

Chapter 503 Find something to do

"If you still have something to worry about, why not find something to do?"

This flight was direct to Los Angeles, and the journey took more than 20 hours. I couldn't eat or sleep, so I had to find something to do.

Duanmuli didn't want to listen to someone's unconscious speech about Versailles, so she opened her backpack and took out a thick stack of letters.

"This is the lucky winner that Sister Wei picked out from this year's fan letters. I hope you won't be disrespectful."

But he had already prepared a plan for her to spend her time.

Ni Bingyan ignored her wise words, took the letter, a piece of letter paper, a pen, and a stack of blank envelopes, then put down the table and started working.

For her, writing replies to readers on a long-distance plane does not require a waste of brains, but she also does something meaningful. She quite likes it.

The plane began to fly smoothly, and Ning Huihui sat alone in the back. Although it was a luxury cabin and the seat was very comfortable, she still felt bored, so she stood up and leaned on the back of the chair to talk to Ni Bingyan:
"Do celebrities really read fan letters?"

Ning Huihui didn't see much of her junior sister since she went away to college. As for the daily life of female stars, she usually only knew a little bit from her family group. She really didn't know these details.

If he were talking to others, Ni Bingyan would probably say, "Of course, what celebrity doesn't read fan mail?", but this is his sister-in-law, and their seats are in the corner at this moment, so she is more realistic.

"Some employees of the company are responsible for reading them, and then select a few representative letters and ask the artists to reply, or find employees with similar handwriting to reply in the tone of the artists; some directly treat them as garbage, but say to the outside world, 'Of course, dear, I read all your letters!'; We are Sister Wei's live broadcast of the lottery. We are blindfolded, with our backs to the camera, and we randomly grab which ones are which. Give the winning ones to me and let me reply, and the rest Put them into the reader's mailbox and continue to draw them next time. There are other things, and it's hard to say based on the specific situation."

No matter how you handle it, it's actually quite understandable.

After all, artists have tight schedules. Unless they are transparent and receive few letters, they won’t have time to reply to comments on Weibo. How can they have time to reply to letters one by one?
"That's quite interesting."

Ning Huihui said this, and she was indeed curious in her heart about what fans would write to their favorite stars, but she still sat down politely.

It's very rude to pry into other people's mail.

Ni Bingyan had no intention of showing the letter to them.

If a fan writes something private in the letter, it is not allowed to be known to others.

This event has been held every year since we signed Sister Wei.

Ni Bingyan is not a traffic idol, and the letters sent by fans are not always filled with rainbow farts and words of love.

Her fan base is quite complex, and many of them like to write some private matters in letters, hoping that she will give them some advice. She will not let others see it without the consent of the owner of the letter.

Ning Huihui had never been out of the province in her life, and this was her first time abroad. After sitting down for a while, she felt bored and stood up again.

"How many letters do you receive every year?"

Ni Bingyan's pen tip paused: "I don't know how many letters there are specifically. My fans like to write letters very much. I probably have a large storage box like this. There can be more than a dozen boxes a year."

"My favorite fairy tale author when I was a child bought several houses specifically to store letters from readers."

For the first time, she knew that someone around her could also receive many, many letters. Ning Huihui could not help but think of this matter.

Ni Bingyan thoughtfully said: "I haven't done that yet. I have always kept it in the warehouse rented by the company. But you reminded me that I will have to find a place to put it later."

There are more and more letters, and it would be very distressing if the company is reluctant to rent, destroys the letters, or damages them due to improper storage.

Talking, reading letters, reading one, and replying to one.

Time passed by unwittingly.

During this period, the flight attendant came over to deliver drinks, and Ni Bingyan asked for a glass of warm lemonade.

The seeds are not removed from the lemon, so it tastes slightly bitter.

Ni Bingyan did not dislike it.

He drank it all in one gulp and opened the next letter.

This letter comes from "Ms. Li" in Chengdu. It is very interesting. The full text is as follows:
[Dear Ms. Ni:
Seeing letters is like meeting each other, showing good faith!The last time I wrote a letter was more than ten years ago, when I wrote a love letter to my husband.

I haven't touched a pen for a long time and my handwriting is not good. I hope I won't laugh at it.

But the chance of being drawn is very low, just let me quietly tell you my troubles in the dead of night!

I used to be a young artistic woman who didn't care much about money.

When you have money, spend it; when you don’t have money, don’t spend it.

I don’t remember how much I paid for the thing I just bought. I only care about whether I like it. I don’t care about whether it’s worth it. I also only care about whether I like it.

I don’t know when it started, maybe after I had my first child, or maybe after I had my second child, I suddenly changed a lot.

I started growing vegetables on my balcony.

Nothing too troublesome to plant.

With a pot, a bag of soil, some onions, garlic or leeks, you don’t have to buy many spices at home all year round.

I started to get used to washing dishes and clothes after eleven o'clock and turning on the air conditioner. Over the course of a year, I could save hundreds of dollars.

It’s not too much, just 400 yuan!
What can you do with 400 yuan?

In the past, I might buy a small ornament and put it at home, and then forget about it in the blink of an eye.

But I can tell you exactly now.

400 yuan can buy two hundred pounds of white flour, enough to feed a family for a year.

If it is in season, 400 yuan can buy more than 200 kilograms of cabbage, potatoes, radish, or bean sprouts, which is too much to eat.

If you don’t pursue brands, you can buy a lot of pure cotton T-shirts on Pinxixi, which is enough for the whole family, including cats and dogs, to spend the summer wearing new clothes.

I finally learned to live life when I was in my thirties.

I am happy about this, because I am slowly becoming like all virtuous mothers.

I have never felt so deeply that in this era and in this country, it is so easy to have enough food and clothing.

But I soon became sad.

What is so easy to do, yet so many people in our country, in this world that I breathe every moment, cannot do.

At this moment, my heart was no longer filled with happy satisfaction, but with a strong sense of powerlessness.

It turns out that I am so insignificant. To this world, I am just a drop in the ocean, not even comparable to this drop.

I came into this world without any sense of existence, and I will leave quietly.

What a terrible thing is this?
When I reach middle age, I begin to regret it. Maybe when I was young, I could have worked harder. Maybe, I had other choices?

I used to simply like you, but now I am beginning to be deeply jealous of you and envious of you.

I’m jealous of the many, many things you can do for this world, and I’m also envious of the many, many things you can do for this world.

This feeling may be difficult for ordinary people to understand, right?

If you read this letter, will you be confused?
Oh, this woman probably ate too much fried rabbit today and was exhausted.

Just a little thought, don’t say good night!
Your middle-aged and elderly fan Li XX.

X Year X Month X Day]
Do you know who this Ms. Li from Chengdu is?I originally planned to write the content of this letter in my essay, but I suddenly had the idea to have a remote conversation with the girl I created.If there is a world in books, can she accept my confusion and answer it for me?This feeling is so amazing.I applaud my wonderful idea.This night, I felt very happy.Please help me recommend hats!I'll show it to you later.I want to be the kind of person who can make my neighbors laugh as soon as I go out, and even those who are afraid of society can secretly add me on WeChat and want to be friends with me!

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