The entertainment industry is sober

Chapter 442 "Late Night Show"

Chapter 442 "Late Night Show"

"Jerry likes to dig holes for people quietly. You just need to remember that it's best to wait for two seconds before answering the question, and think it through before you speak."

Sloan hurried all the way to the dressing room, exhorting as he walked:

"For foreigners like you who are on this show, you must pay special attention to sensitive issues such as politics, race, and country. If you say something wrong, you will be in trouble."

The national conditions are different, and the tone of the program is also different. Here, even the president can be invited to the program. There is no comprehensive drug ban, and there is no comprehensive gun ban. There are really no taboos, and you dare to talk about any topic.

Ni Bingyan nodded, indicating that he had written it down.

"These brokers will repeatedly urge me to say that these are actually a bit redundant."

Sloan entered the lounge, leaned on the door frame and turned around: "By the way, which brokerage company did you sign with?"

Generally speaking, Asian artists will separate their Asian brokerage contracts from brokerage contracts in other countries around the world in order to expand their global popularity and achieve better development.

Ni Bingyan scratched her head: "I don't know which brokerage company is good, but many people have contacted me, but I haven't signed yet. I want to know more about it."


Sloan shrugged, and didn't dwell on the subject further.

If Ni Bingyan asked her which company was good, her answer would be subjective and easily offend people.

With the "workplace relationship" between the two of them, it's a big taboo to talk lightly and deeply.

Taking her on the show is a mutually beneficial thing. Reminding her of various precautions can help her try not to make mistakes and hurt herself. As for more personal matters, it is inconvenient.

Ni Bingyan also doesn't like to talk about these topics with half-baked people.

When I got home from work that night, I called Sister Wei overseas to ask Sister Wei for her opinion.

Sister Wei taught her her own experience without reservation, and she almost has a bottom line for the recording of the show two days later.

"Late Night Show" is an old program with decades of history. It is named so because it is broadcast in the middle of the night.

Ni Bingyan took Miss Sloan's private plane with her as usual, and arrived in Los Angeles in more than three hours. Ni Bingyan offered to invite them to lunch, and Miss Sloan did not refuse.

Came to the TV station after lunch, Lily Tux had arrived.

Seeing Ray Sloan, she rolled her eyes, snorted coldly and turned her head away.

Then, as if seeing Ni Bingyan, he walked over reluctantly.

"Why do you listen to her so much? You agreed to record the show together? I'm ashamed to argue with her when you're here."

Do you want to be so dedicated?

The show hasn't even started recording yet!

Haven't even said hello yet!

Say something like this right from the start!
Does it fit? !
Ni Bingyan sighed helplessly: "Maybe this is the reason why I appear here. Miss Sloan said that she is tired of such a life and wants to focus on her career. I think you should have the same appeal, so you will appear here."

Lily spread her hands and shrugged her shoulders, "Okay, okay, you convinced me. Let's go! Make preparations first, I will perform later."

Ni Bingyan came with Sloan, and their dressing rooms were also arranged together.

The weather is hot, even if both of them put on makeup when they went out in the morning, they still couldn't stand the test of the camera, so they had to repaint one.

As soon as the foundation was applied, a staff member came in to tell them about the waiting process.

"The program team invited the two of you in the name of inquiring about the progress of the filming of "Tom's Family". Later, Jerry will chat with you about the film. When Miss Tux comes on stage, the two of you had better act without knowing it." look, to be surprised, remember?"

I didn't expect to have to act in the last talk show.

The two of them are fine.

If you know the general idea, you don't need to memorize it too clearly, because there will be a host to control the process.

Many foreign artists are unable to appear on talk shows. Apart from not being well-known enough, they don’t know how to be a monster, and they don’t have a topic. The biggest reason is that they don’t speak English well.

A talk show requires a lot of communication. If the guest speakers need to be translated, what's the point of watching the show?
Ni Bingyan has a good grasp of the language, which brings her great convenience.

"Miss Ni from Huaxia, I heard that old Pete is very serious, he is simply a tyrant on the set, did he make things difficult for you?"

Ms. Sloan is a frequent guest of the program group, and she always comes here twice a year. The host Jerry felt that there was nothing new about it. After chatting for a while, she began to dig holes for Ni Bingyan.

If one answer is not good, tomorrow some unscrupulous media will make a few edits, saying that she complained on the show that the director has a bad temper, her performance in the crew is not good, and she is often criticized.

Ni Bingyan understood the insidiousness of this fat man as soon as she turned her head, and immediately asked in surprise:
"Who did you hear that from? Director Miller is a very professional person. As long as the work is done well, he is easy to get along with. We have been getting along very well for more than half a month."

The audience in the audience had seen Jerry's tricks, and they were all a little excited to see the prey fall into the trap. Unexpectedly, the prey did not jump into the trap, but "clicked" and threw the trap back.

Someone couldn't help laughing.

Jerry also pretended not to know how to respond, which caused another round of laughter.

Ni Bingyan smiled slightly: "You don't look like the kind of person who has no opinion? You can't just believe what others say. Sometimes the rumors from the outside world are very different from the facts."

The counterattack was caught off guard, and the booing from the audience was even louder. Jerry had to stand up and put his hands down, trying to calm everyone down, but everyone ignored him.

"It seems that we can only release our ultimate move! Please invite performers to come on stage! Well, well, the performance is absolutely wonderful! At least it's more interesting than watching my jokes."


After a burst of laughter, Ni Bingyan opened his eyes slightly when he saw the people on stage, regardless of whether they were acting or not, and went to see Sloan immediately.

Sloan rolled his eyes with an expression of "If I knew she was coming, I wouldn't have come".

Really look at each other and hate each other.

They are so dedicated!

Even though they were able to eat together, they showed that they were still incompatible.

Probably like this, it will look better if the two of them settle their suspicions!

Sometimes Ni Bingyan feels that the whole circle is like a large crew, and only the kind of sobriety who always knows what he should do can stand out.

Sloan turned slightly after rolling his eyes, sideways in the direction of Lily Tux's performance.

There are always cameras facing this side, and Ni Bingyan naturally wants to take the opportunity to grab the camera.

She first waved enthusiastically to Lily on the stage, and then grabbed Sloan's hand, motioning her to wave with her.

Sloan failed to break free twice, so he could only cheer for Lily with a look of hopelessness.

The audience likes to dig out the details by themselves. This kind of picture will definitely attract a lot of attention when it is broadcast!
Ni Bingyan was very tormented, and finally waited until Lily finished her performance, and sat on the other side of her on stage.

"Wow~ This scene should be filmed as a souvenir!"

The two hadn't sat together since they started arguing.

Sitting on the same sofa like this is even more unthinkable.

"I think I'm a bit redundant..."

Ni Bingyan stood up and said with a bitter face:
"I'm sitting here, like sitting on a hot pot, it's too uncomfortable! Didn't you say that you invited me to come with Miss Sloan because you were curious about the progress of the movie? How did it become like this?! "

 It was said that relatives from my hometown would come, but in the end only my eldest niece came, and I didn't receive home until midnight.The eldest niece is beautiful and polite, and she is also very patient and gentle, which immediately fascinated Sister Wang.Speaking of noodle presses and kneaders yesterday, I really think that people who love noodles can buy one.My mother-in-law feels uncomfortable if she does not eat big white steamed buns and noodles for a day. I feel sorry for her because she is too tired to knead the dough. I am not skilled enough. I bought a kneading machine, took a small scale, added the ingredients in proportion, and even made it myself. Okay, set an alarm clock, and when the time comes, go pick it up and steam it, as long as you have hands.It feels like a person lives a lifetime and is constantly accepting new things.I also bought a noodle press, which cost a few hundred dollars, and it can be used for many years, which is super cost-effective.Spinach noodles, pumpkin noodles, and egg noodles were kneaded with a dough kneader and pressed into noodles. I found that the freshly made noodles were so delicious.Why.Southerners can also like to eat noodles.Wall crack Amway!There are many things that northerners are accustomed to, but we have never touched them, and only after buying them did we find out that they are really fragrant.My mother-in-law told me that she used a noodle press more than 20 years ago, but it was manual, and her arms hurt from shaking.I feel that many things in our south are not familiar to northerners, but I can't remember them for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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