The entertainment industry is sober

Chapter 424 Tragedy by Pond Fish

"Sorry, I don't doubt your character, I just want to see if you know what happened? As you can see, not only I want to know the truth, but they also want to know."

Ni Bingyan pointed to the police and security personnel who were full of guns and live ammunition in the room, and motioned Zhong Yun to watch for himself.

Seeing his confused face, he couldn't help but squeeze the bag in his hand tightly.

Are these people coming for her, or for this person in the closet?

This is very important to her.

"So, why am I here?"

Compared with Ni Bingyan, Zhong Yun, who was at a loss, was even more collapsed:

"Me and my teammates, as well as our team, just arrived in the city in the afternoon. We didn't start jet lag until eleven o'clock. We were in a deep sleep when someone shook us awake! Then I found out that I was not in the hotel. But in, in this strange place! You should know that our team has a very important performance in the past two days, and I must maintain my best condition. What is going on now? I don’t know either!”

After recovering from the shock, Zhong Yun was very excited when he found that finally someone could understand his speech.

He was originally one of the absolute lead singers in the team. His voice is very special, very contagious, and he can soar high notes. After a few words, even people who don't understand Korean can feel his emotions. Ni Bingyan even more I can't help feeling sorry for him.

This poor baby!
I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep well during this time.

This psychological shadow...

This time I woke up in a strange lady's closet, where will I be next time?

Because I don't know enough about what happened, the whole thing has a fantasy flavor.

The unknown is the most frightening.

"Calm down, calm down! Now you are safe~ Someone will investigate the specific situation and tell us. Before that, calm down! Come, take a deep breath with me!"

Ni Bingyan lowered her hands and comforted him with the gentlest voice in her life.

He was unconscious the whole time, so he definitely didn't come here by himself, most likely he was transferred here.

After figuring this out, Ni Bingyan knew that those people should not be targeting her, and her tense emotions relaxed a lot.

As a member of the world's most famous super boy group, after being recognized, it becomes very easy to find people around him.

Within a few sentences, the police came over and said that Zhong Yun's team had been notified and they would come over soon.

When Ni Bingyan conveyed the news, the tall, thin, handsome guy with single eyelids immediately calmed down, as if he calmed down all of a sudden.

Well, compared with the sense of security brought by the team, the comfort of a strange woman is not worth mentioning at all.

Seeing him calm down, Ni Bingyan continued to ask for some details at the request of the police:
"Did you hear the gunshot just now? About 10 minutes ago, just next door, my bodyguards shot and killed four criminals, and their identities are still unclear."

"Gunshots? Sorry... I feel dizzy. Maybe it's because the jet lag hasn't adjusted. Sorry... I want to say, I feel a little nauseous..."

Ni Bingyan stepped aside immediately.

Taking a last look at the new season's small skirts in the cabinet that she hadn't had time to wear, Ni Bingyan's whole heart ached.

He said he wanted to vomit, but in the end he took a few deep breaths and forcibly endured it. His self-control ability was so strong that even Ni Bingyan, a well-known entertainment king, looked sideways at him.

Seeing his pale face, leaning against the sideboard of the closet, closing his eyes and not speaking, there was something wrong at first glance, and Ni Bingyan didn't want to disturb him.

Just as he was about to leave, he saw two doctors coming in with a nurse.

Ni Bingyan hurriedly stepped aside.

The doctor approached Zhong Yun, seeing that something was wrong with him, and immediately asked for a blood test.

This matter is just the beginning, and no one can tell how it will develop next. It is necessary to take blood for examination in time to find more evidence.

The doctor said it again, seeing that he didn't respond and was in a hurry, Ni Bingyan immediately came over to act as an interpreter.

After he understood and nodded in agreement, the nurse immediately stepped forward to draw blood.

After the blood was drawn, he was pressing the needle hole with a cotton swab when a group of people broke in at the door.

Seeing the medical staff standing there, and seeing the blood all over the ground outside, the group of people were terrified, and ran over with tears streaming down their faces.

Some people called Senior, some called Ouba, and some called him by his nickname affectionately.

At first, a chubby young man who didn't have any shoes on saw Zhong Yun, he just knelt down, and then slapped himself crying bitterly. Afterwards, Ni Bingyan knew that it was his assistant.

In the working environment of South Korea, the artist I was in charge of took care of had such outrageous incidents, suffered such serious injuries, and might screw up the music festival this time. I can't apologize enough.

No wonder he was crying so hard.

In this case, if you don't seek Zhong Yun's forgiveness and his asylum, you will never be able to go back and forth.

"Brother~ woo woo woo~ Brother Dayun~ I'm sorry I'm sorry! It's all my fault! Woo woo woo~"

Zhong Yun opened his eyes and wanted to say a few words of comfort, but he couldn't help but want to vomit when he opened his mouth.

The ambulance was downstairs, and a group of people immediately rushed to send the person to the hospital.

Although he is tall and big, because of the strict management of his figure, he doesn't actually weigh much, and a group of people easily knocked him down the stairs.

The hotel where this group of people stayed was at least a dozen miles away from Ni Bingyan's place. They were moved so far, and there was a gun battle near him, but he didn't wake up the whole time, until someone found him and shook him awake.

Something was clearly wrong.

Ni Bingyan is not a fan of this boy group, but he can barely eat in the same circle, so he is naturally clear about their status in the arena.

Zhong Yun was carried downstairs under the escort of the medical staff. There were bursts of flashing lights outside the window immediately, which showed that there were quite a few media friends squatting on guard.

It's noon on the other half of the earth, and everyone who is a social animal has to eat. When they see this news, they will definitely jump on the spot, turn into a keyboard warrior, and curse three thousand words.

I'm afraid that before dawn, this matter will be on the hot searches all over the world and become the most concerned thing for everyone.

The most frightening thing was that Zhong Yun herself was carried out of her home in pajamas.

Just thinking about what the unscrupulous media would make up made her scalp tingle.

Not caring about other things at the moment, she called Wei Shujie immediately, briefly explained the situation, and then contacted a lawyer to form a team of lawyers to handle all the legal issues in this matter for her.

In the end, she called Sang Yuan and her father and told them about the matter here.

In this case, you must do your best to ensure that your rights are not infringed.

When Sang Yuan received the call, he only said one sentence: "I'm on my way to the airport now, we'll meet and talk tomorrow night." Ni Bingyan was relieved.

Then she called her father and said that the bodyguard found something was wrong and rushed in. When she came home, the house was already full of police officers, and she was not frightened at all.

Let him see the media making up bloggers' attention, don't be afraid, and don't worry.

I don't know if Lao Ni believes it or not, but when he hung up the phone, his voice was quite steady.

She originally planned to buy this house to live in for a month before reselling it. Now there was a gun battle in the house and four more people died. She couldn't live in it for the next half month. Whether she could sell it would depend on luck.

Even if it can be sold, I am afraid that the price will be greatly reduced...

Already sleepy to death, and with a lot of troubles bothering her, Ni Bingyan took a deep breath before starting to pack her valuables.

Put the rest aside in advance, pack up first, and go to the hotel!
The five-star hotel closest to her was the one where Zhong Yun lived, but a guest had just been stolen there and the hotel didn't know about it, so Ni Bingyan turned her head decisively and took her to another hotel.

Poor Miss Ni!Poor Dayun Ouba!Sorry, I really don't want to hurt him.But come on!It is really difficult to associate an actor with a boy group member.It's not that difficult to get full marks in the online substitute test.

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