Chapter 681 The Melancholy Guy

Lin Ya said hesitantly, "It's hard to say too much about cheating or not, it's just a relationship, but if Lin Ya wants to marry this person, I don't think it's a good idea."

Gu Yan thinks it's very interesting, Qian Mengyao's thinking is quite open, it's okay to fall in love, but not to get married, um, this way of thinking is fine.

"Expand and talk."

"That young man's name is Xu An, and his family belongs to Qi Nan. His parents are still alive, and he has older brothers and sisters. But he doesn't have a serious job. He sings in a hotel, fishes for three days and spends two days posting on the net. He can't make much money. I've seen her before, she looks good, plays guitar very well, and sings well."

Even Qian Mengyao was embarrassed to say that when she saw that man, she felt that let alone falling in love with him, she would be willing to let her sell her kidney to support him, nothing else, just sit there They all look good!

At that time, she and Lin Ya went to the bar to listen to Xu An's singing. When the lights gathered on Xu An's body, the scream of the little girl at the scene could knock the roof off!

Gu Yan frowned, very displeased, "Lin Ya actually went to the bar!"

Qian Mengyao couldn't laugh or cry, "Sister-in-law, your focus is wrong."

Shouldn't her sister-in-law pay attention to Xu An's character, but she actually pays attention to whether Lin Ya goes to the bar or not.

"How did Lin Ya meet this man?"

"Lin Ya said that the boy's friend got his head smashed in a fight with someone else. She sewed the stitches on his friend. Later, she came over to change his medicine twice. We got to know each other after coming and going."

"Tell Lin Ya, let her break up with this man. Playing the piano and playing music all day is not like a person who can live a life. We can't afford to mess with this kind of family."

"I said it, but Lin Ya said that Xu An was very kind to her, and she was willing to spend money on things for her."

Gu Yan turned cold, and asked a question that was hard for anyone to say, "There is no such thing between the two of them, how far is it?"

Thinking of the red marks on Lin Ya's neck, Gu Yan was always worried that Lin Ya would be fooled by someone.

Qian Mengyao was also embarrassed, "Sister-in-law, I'm also embarrassed to ask about this kind of thing. Don't worry about Lin Ya too much, I will pay attention to this matter after I go back, and don't let Lin Ya do stupid things."

Gu Yan found out which bar Xu An was in from Qian Mengyao, and then contacted Huang Qiuying and Wang Yaqin, saying that she would invite them to the bar for a drink.

As a result, Huang Qiuying and Wang Yaqin's answers were surprisingly unanimous, "not interested"!
Gu Yan had no choice but to go find Zhou Jiayi again, Zhou Jiayi replied with a smile, her boyfriend wouldn't let her go to that kind of place.

Gu Yan had no other choice, Qian Mengyao had to go back, Gu Yan could only drag Shen Yucheng to accompany her!

Hehe, in the end, the husband has to be reliable!
There is actually a reason why Gu Yan is very resistant to going to dance halls and bars.

One year, she suddenly got appendicitis and had to have an infusion in the hospital for a week, and almost every day she met an old man who was alone for an injection.

In the process of chatting with the old man, I learned that he is a retired staff member from the women's JD.

He said that 90% of people who are infected with this kind of thing are not voluntary, and most of them are accidentally infected from improper occasions.

Moreover, once this kind of thing is contaminated, it is difficult to quit, and its damage to the body is also irreversible, which is terrible.

So Gu Yan was very afraid of going to these occasions.

Gu Yan prepared two large glasses of water. On the way to the bar, she kept telling Shen Yucheng not to touch anything in the bar, no matter how greedy she was, and drink the water she brought when she was thirsty.

Shen Yucheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In fact, he had never been to a dance hall or a bar, but Gu Yan described it as hell.

The bar where Xu An is located is called Moonlight Bar.

Because Gu Yan and Shen Yucheng came earlier, there weren't many people there. There was music playing at the entrance of the bar. It wasn't a bursting DJ or something, it was just some dance music with a slightly faster tempo, which was quite nice.

There were a few smoking boys squatting at the door, and when they saw Gu Yan and Shen Yucheng walking towards the bar, they all looked at them like that.

Both Gu Yan and Shen Yucheng were in a bad mood.

Gu Yan walked in holding Shen Yucheng's arm, and said in a low voice, "Why do you think they look at us with that kind of eyes, are we strange?"

Shen Yucheng smiled.

Gu Yan was puzzled, "What are you laughing at?"

Shen Yucheng asked her, "Do you think normal couples will come to the bar together?"

Uh. Gu Yan!

"Hey, Shen Yucheng."

What was puzzled this time was Shen Yucheng, "What's wrong?"

Gu Yan smiled, "I found that you understand quite well."

Shen Yucheng.
After entering with strong curiosity, Gu Yan was a little disappointed, it was quite different from what she imagined.

The bar that Gu Yan imagined is naturally the same as that shown on TV and movies. It is filled with feasting lights, full of music, fashionable and avant-garde men and women in all kinds of clothes, listening to strong songs and dancing hot dances. This is completely different from what she imagined. different!

After entering, Gu Yan realized that this was the 90s, so where could it be fashionable and avant-garde?

In Gu Yan's opinion, the decoration of the room is quite ordinary. There is only a stage with a few spotlights on it, and a dance floor of twenty or thirty square meters.

There are not too many seats, there are only a dozen tables in total, and there are people on a few tables, or they are playing cards, or rolling dice or something.But the bar is quite big, with a row of high stools in front, and various foreign wines, glasses and the like on the shelves behind, which looks quite professional.

There's a good-looking guy standing behind the bar, maybe a bartender or something.

When Gu Yan passed by, she deliberately took a few more glances. The young man's temperament was of the melancholic type, which was relatively rare.

Gu Yan pulled Shen Yucheng to sit a little far away from the stage, close to the bar.

They sit down and a waiter comes over and asks what they want to order.

Gu Yan and Shen Yucheng looked through the menu and ordered a dried fruit platter and two bottles of soda.

The waiter looked at what they ordered and frowned, "Don't you order wine? This consumption is not enough to sit at the table."

Oh, it turns out that there are still consumption requirements.

Gu Yan didn't come here to find fault, she came to see people, she ordered a whole bottle of XO directly, and specifically told the waiter not to open it, since she didn't drink it anyway, so she took it home.

The waiter was dumbfounded, but it didn't matter, anyway, as long as the consumption was enough.

The waiter quickly brought the things over, and Gu Yan asked, "Will Xu An come today?" But the waiter pointed to the melancholy guy at the bar and said, "He's right there, don't you know him?" ?”

Gu Yan was slightly surprised, thinking, no wonder Qian Mengyao said that Xu An is good-looking, not to mention the facial features, just this temperament, little girls definitely like this type!
(End of this chapter)

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