Chapter 666 Fear and the Truth
Shen Yuming sat on the co-pilot, glanced back, then turned his head and said, "I don't even have the money to repair the car? A five-star hotel arranges a suite and gives me a table of sea cucumber and shark fin. Let me make up for it." That's it."

He sneezed again.

"Second brother, don't you catch a cold?" Gu Yan asked.

"It's possible, it's a headache." Shen Yuming said as he supported his forehead, "I won't be going home tonight, so grandma won't worry. Is Ah Cheng okay?"

"It's okay, don't take it too seriously, I'll ask someone to bring you some medicine when you go back, and you can go to bed after taking it."

"It's okay not to worry about it," Shen Yuming said, "but this matter is not easy to deal with. If you want to bring down the person surnamed Ye, it is estimated that the investigation team will have to come down, but the teacher came out of nowhere."

Gu Yan said, "I don't know the specifics yet. Shen Yucheng probably went to Xia Yuanshan again this afternoon. I don't know what to do."

"If it doesn't work, just find someone to block it and catch it. It's shameless." Shen Yuming said and covered his head with a towel, "I'll sleep, and call me when I arrive."

Gu Yan raised her wrist and looked at her watch. It was already past six o'clock, and it was getting late. It would be dark when I arrived at the hotel.

Shen Yuming said that he would not go home to stay at night because he was afraid that grandma would be worried, and Gu Yan thought so too.

When Xiao Qi heard Shen Yuming and Gu Yan's conversation, he knew that something must be wrong, but Shen Yuming said he was going to sleep, so he didn't have to ask, until he arrived at the hotel, he opened a room for Shen Yuming and asked him to wash it first. Ask Gu Yan what's going on.

Gu Yan briefly explained to Xiao Qi, and then said, "We have to discuss how to deal with this matter, and we must not let irrelevant people know."

"Or, let me tell my dad."

Gu Yan resolutely refused, "No, your father has just passed away, and everything is still unstable, so we don't want to cause trouble for him. The less people who know about it now, the better, but Ah Qing has to know, if it doesn't work, we have to let Ah Qing know Qing followed."

Gu Yan always feels that if things can be solved on the bright side, don't do some shady things secretly, but the more upright you are, the more likely others will think you are easy to bully.

Gu Yan called home, Shen Yucheng had just returned, Gu Yan directly asked him to come to the restaurant of the hotel, he knew something was up as soon as he heard it, and then came directly.

Shen Yucheng came to see Shen Yuming at night, but there was no progress here, and Xia Yuanshan didn't see him.

Shen Yuming was a little bit cold, had a headache, a stuffy nose, and he didn't know what was going on with the car, so he was in a very bad mood. He patted the table and said that he would take someone directly to Xia Yuanshan's house, which was shameless.

Gu Yan said it was wrong, going to Xia Yuanshan's house would definitely affect his wife and children, they just knew about the situation, there was no need to scare the family, it would be better to wait for him on the way to work tomorrow morning.

After making an appointment and making arrangements, Gu Yan and Shen Yucheng went home.

Although Gu Yan was only drenched in a little drizzle, she was still uncomfortable. She went back and took a cold medicine, drank it, and went to bed. Unexpectedly, the quality of sleep was quite good. When she woke up, she felt relaxed and comfortable. .

When she got up, Shen Yucheng was not there, so she must have gone to block Xia Yuanshan.

It is true that Shen Yucheng went to block Xia Yuanshan early in the morning, and his second brother Shen Yuming went with him. On the surface, it was just the two of them, but in fact Ah Qing brought four people with them. In fact, there is no need to be so "fanfare" when dealing with Xia Yuanshan. But otherwise, how could he be afraid?
Man, you can only tell the truth when you are afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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