Chapter 380
Gu Yan resolutely refused, "Don't come, just ask my lawyer if you have anything to do."

Wei Qian said helplessly, "Mr. Gu, you said that you are not the narrow-minded person, why can't you get through this?"

"I can't go?" Gu Yan's tone sounded extremely angry. She didn't believe that Wei Qian made the phone call alone, avoiding the group of people in the Royal Garden Hotel. Apologize, I’m not concerned about whether I’m burnt, but let me let her go. I haven’t done anything yet, but she asked me to let her go. Can I not be angry? Mr. Wei, I’ll ask you, if it’s yours There is a problem with the product, and your customer comes to you, should you apologize to the customer immediately, or protect your employees?"

Wei Qian didn't know whether he really felt sorry for Gu Yan and sympathized with Gu Yan, or did it on purpose, and immediately scolded on the phone, "Wang Badu, you dare to talk like that, Mr. Gu, it's because I wasn't there at the time, if I was there I’m sure I’ll slap it and call it out!”

Gu Yan's anger calmed down a little, and she continued, "It's fine if a waiter has no quality. After the manager of the restaurant came over, the first thing he did was not to ask how I was hurt, but to protect their waiter. The manager I also apologized, and I asked him what to do about my injury. If he had said to take me to the hospital, I wouldn’t have held on to it like this. Do you know what he said? He even said that their soup is not hot, Mr. Wei, Big and small, we are also bosses, people say that, and it seems like they are rushing me to blackmail them, what am I going to do?"

"Mr. Gu, don't be angry. I'll bring Mr. He there. Let's do it as you please?"

"How come?" Gu Yan sneered, "Not only did the instigator not apologize to me, but he even came to my factory to sell me miserably and kidnapped me morally. I don't believe that she dared to behave like this without a restaurant backing her up."

Wei Qian didn't say anything.

Gu Yan said lightly, "Mr. Wei, don't meddle, let them contact the lawyer, that's all, goodbye."

"Hey hey..."

But Gu Yan had already hung up the phone.

Gu Yan sat at the table with her arms folded, looking out of the window at the Yellow River embankment covered with grass, wishing that the world would be peaceful and the sea would be clean!
But life is so indifferent, from time to time you have to give you a displeasure, either a dog jumps out to bark, or a villain makes trouble, but she is not afraid, ghosts come to kill ghosts, devils come to kill devils, one day, she Let everyone know that she, Gu Yan, is not to be messed with!
Lu Xueping, aren't you arrogant? I hope you can still be arrogant after this incident!
Gu Yan guessed that Wei Qian would come over today, and she was really right. Not only was she right, Wei Qian also came very quickly!
He didn't come alone, there was another person behind him, this person Gu Yan had seen before, was "Mr. He" who dragged Wei Qian away at that time.

Mr. He didn't come empty-handed, he had something in his hand.

He Xiaosheng called a staff member to come over and make tea for them.

"Mr. Gu..." Wei Qian called Gu Yan with a smile, "Let me introduce you. This is He Mingli, the general manager of the Royal Garden Hotel, Mr. He. Mr. He brought you some bird's nest and donkey-hide gelatin. How about your burnt area?" gone?"

Gu Yan glanced at the things He Mingli brought, ah, it's a waste of money!
"Mr. Wei, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday." This time, He Mingli learned the lesson, "How is your injury? Did you go to the hospital?"

Gu Yan didn't wear shorts or anything when she came to work, she still wore long trousers, so they couldn't see the burnt place, she said lightly, "Go, it will stink if you don't go to the hospital on a hot day?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu," He Mingli said in a very sincere tone, "Our restaurant is newly opened, and there are indeed many places that are not properly managed. The restaurant is in a hurry to open, and many employees have not been properly trained, so they rush the ducks to the shelves. What happened this time has taught us a profound lesson, and I am here today to sincerely apologize to you on behalf of the hotel, and I hope you will give us a chance to reconcile."

Gu Yan said bluntly, "If yesterday's manager had half the attitude you have today, I wouldn't have sent a lawyer's letter today."

He Mingli quickly said, "Our hotel has already fired yesterday's manager today. Don't worry, you will never have such a manager again when you come to our hotel from now on."

"Where's the waitress Lu Xueping?" Gu Yan asked, "She came to the base to look for me yesterday afternoon, it was your hotel's idea."

He Mingli said seriously, "Mr. Gu, we did not let Lu Xueping come to you. But even so, we still have an unshirkable responsibility in this matter. We also fired Lu Xueping today, and for such a person, Our restaurant will never hire."

This He Mingli is quite good at talking.

"Both fired?"

"Yes, they were all fired."

"Have you paid Lu Xueping a salary?"

"It is impossible to pay her a salary. She has damaged the reputation of our hotel and caused a very bad influence on our hotel. We must hold her accountable."

Gu Yan asked, "How to pursue?"

He Mingli said seriously, "It is true that the hotel has an evasive responsibility, but the root cause of all this is caused by the staff's own mistakes in their work. The compensation to you should not be fully borne by our hotel. We will follow the relevant laws According to the regulations, we will investigate in accordance with the law.”

Gu Yan nodded, "Isn't that right? I sent you a lawyer's letter, is it useful for your management?"

He Mingli took the opportunity to say, "Mr. Gu, the boss said that if you come to eat in the future, you will get a 7% discount. We will refund the full price of yesterday's lunch, and we will compensate you 200 yuan for the burn. Are you satisfied with the result? The boss said that if I can't handle this matter, let me get out too. Mr. Gu, I have seniors and juniors, you have pity on me, let me keep this job, okay?

Gu Yan asked curiously, "Who is your boss?"

To be able to open such a large restaurant in Qinan must be powerful.

"I can only tell you that the boss is a joint venture of several people, and they all work in government agencies. Mr. Gu, if you have any other conditions, you can bring them up."

Gu Yan understood that the more people in this kind of unit, the more afraid of bad influence.

Gu Yan sighed, "Forget it, I can't afford to mess with your boss who is so powerful, I didn't pay for the meal, you can refund it to Boss Bai if you want to refund it, forget about the burn fee, I'm not short of that little money. But I'm curious, when you recruit waiters, don't you ask about family background, do you dare to use someone like Lu Xueping?"

He Mingli was startled, "What kind of family background does Lu Xueping have?"

 The two shifts are over, my dears, let’s start working!
  go to bed early, good night

(End of this chapter)

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