Being scolded as an oil bottle, I worked hard to get rich in the Chronicle

Chapter 221 The Person Sitting in the Yard Is Really Your Second Sister

Chapter 221 The Person Sitting in the Yard Is Really Your Second Sister
Gu Yan took the bowl, moved a stool, and sat in the yard, eat less, her stomach is empty.

Gu Yan was sitting on the bench with a bowl. Before she could eat, Gu Chunliu moved his short legs, walked over slowly, and stood in front of her, staring at the two poached eggs in her bowl without moving.

What a clever little kid this kid is!

"Plum," Gu Yan called out to Gu Chunmei, "Go to the kitchen and get a bowl and chopsticks."

Gu Yan picked out the poached egg from the bowl and said to Gu Chunmei, "Meizi, you eat this."

Gu Chunliu was about to cry when she saw her mouth curled up, Gu Yan hurriedly said, "You have it too, Auntie, this is yours, come here, Auntie, hello."

Gu Yan once helped her younger brother to feed the child. She held Gu Chunliu in her arms and fed her mouthful. The child really didn't have any good things. They were so happy that they ate an egg.

Gu Chunmei is a little older. She was terrified when she heard her aunt's name. Not only did her aunt give her candy, she also gave her eggs. She hesitated for a moment, but quickly started eating. ...

When Gu's mother noticed through the window, the two children had almost finished eating the eggs. Seeing Gu Yan's kind face towards them, Gu's mother couldn't help being startled. She, the second daughter, gave the eggs to those two children?
"Mom," Gu Jianghe said while eating noodles, "You pack your luggage, I brought a lot of things, most of them are food, you can take them all out, and do whatever you want to do at night .”

Gu's mother responded, walked to Gu Jianghe and whispered, "Jianghe, is the person sitting in the yard really your second sister?"

"Why, doesn't it look like it?"

Mother Gu said worriedly, "You said she was so fat before, why did she become so thin all of a sudden? Your second sister used to have to compete with the children for food when she was at home. Just now she gave the eggs to the two children."

Gu Jianghe said, "My sister didn't lose weight on purpose, she was tired. Life outside is not easy, she has suffered a lot, her personality has changed a lot, just don't mess with her, mess with her My temper is still the same."

Gu's mother said, "If this is the case, I can ask someone to tell her a date. She will be 28 in the new year, and she will become a heart disease for me and your father."

"Don't mention this."


"I'm afraid she will leave as soon as you mention it." Gu Jianghe ate the noodles, but he didn't eat any eggs. "Mom, why are you cracking so many eggs? Save them for plums and willows."

"You can eat it, they eat it every day at home."

"Just lie to me, it's not that I don't know that chickens don't lay eggs very much in winter!"

"You can eat, your sister's will be eaten by both of them."

Gu Jianghe stood up straight this time, walked outside with a bowl in his hand, and gave Gu Yan an egg scramble in his own bowl.

Gu Yan looked up at him and said, "You can eat if I don't eat."

This little willow is really edible, I ate an egg just now, and I was eating noodles again, but fortunately she ate it, otherwise Gu Yan wouldn't be able to finish such a big bowl.

"Eat it, I vomited like that, there is nothing in my stomach." Gu Jianghe stood aside and ate the noodles while saying, "Sister, take out the things I bought for our mother later."

"Hey, I forgot." Gu Yan handed the bowl to Gu Chunmei, "Meizi, hey your sister."

The children of the poor are in charge of the family early, and the older ones look down on the younger ones, so don't look at Gu Chunmei who is only seven or eight years old, you can look after her younger sister.

Gu Yan went to get the satchel she was carrying, took out a small box from it, opened it, looked at it and said, "This is it, Mom, I'll put it on for you."

While she was talking, she came to Gu's mother and was about to wear it for her. Gu's mother looked sideways and said, "What, this is."

"Here," Gu Yan grasped the two earrings in her hands, and opened her heart to show Gu's mother, "I bought you a pair of gold earrings, and I'll put them on for you."

Mother Gu was a little excited when she saw the pair of gold earrings, "Hey, are these gold?"


"How much does this cost!"

"It's worthless." Gu Yan stretched out her hand as she spoke, and took off the pair of silver needles on Gu's mother's ears.

Gu's mother was a little embarrassed, but also looking forward to it, "Why am I wearing this, you can keep it for yourself."

After the earrings were put on, Mother Gu couldn't help touching her ears... It seemed that she was looking forward to it.

Gu Yan smiled and said, "Looks good, you look younger now, go to the fair tomorrow to buy you new clothes, and dress up again, and you will become an old lady from a rich family."

Gu's mother was coaxed by Gu Yan's few words and smiled, "I haven't worn the padded jacket you bought for me from the city yet, don't buy it."

The padded jacket was actually bought by Wang Youli. He said it was Gu Yan who bought it. After Gu Yan found out, she sent him the money. Wang Youli insisted on not wanting it, so it was fine.

Gu Yan smiled and said, "It's Chinese New Year, I always have to add two new clothes, and I will bring plums and willows when I go to the market tomorrow, and I will also buy them new clothes."

Gu's mother couldn't help feeling emotional, "Mom heard you say these words, even if you die today, you can sleep well."

"Mom, what are you talking about during the Chinese New Year?" Gu Jianghe said aside, "The earrings are beautiful, so don't take them off."

"That won't work." Mother Gu said as she reached out to pick off the earrings, "It's gold."

Gu Yan said, "Mom, although it's gold, it's small in weight and worthless. If you see the gold earring on the street, don't panic. I'll change it to a bigger one when you have money." .”

Gu Yan was actually talking about Aunt Dahai.

After all, Gu Yan didn't take out the other one, she only bought it for her sister-in-law, but her sister didn't, so don't cause family conflicts at that time.

Before Mother Gu could speak, a voice came from the yard, "Sister-in-law, I heard that Jiang He is back?"

It was the neighbor behind who was in the same family as Wang Youli, also surnamed Wang.

"Hey, Aunt Hua, come here, come here." Mother Gu greeted warmly.

Gu Yan didn't want to socialize, so she went into the house with her bag, only to hear Aunt Hua behind her say, "Why, Jiang He brought his wife back?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's Yanyan. Yanyan, don't you eat noodles anymore?"

"Don't eat!" Gu Yan replied in the room.

Aunt Hua exclaimed, "It's really gorgeous! Come on, my mother, why are you so skinny!"

"Yanyan, your Aunt Hua is here, you didn't see it." Gu's mother reprimanded her loudly outside.

Gu Yan didn't say anything.

I just heard Mother Gu say to Aunt Hua outside, "You're still so ignorant, don't take it to heart, Aunt Hua."

"Jiang He, my leg hurts all the time, can you show me?" Aunt Hua said.

"Okay, Auntie, I'll show you when I finish eating." Gu Jianghe said.

"Sister-in-law, are the earrings on your ears gold?"

"It looks good. Our family Yanyan bought it for me." Gu's mother was both proud and proud.

(End of this chapter)

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