Chapter 188 was poached
A bag of big pears weighed heavily on Gu Yan's body.

Gu Yan hugged Yali immediately, "Why did you buy so many pears?" She hugged Yali, but the book fell from her body.

"It was given by a sick patient before, and it grew on the tree in their own house. They will send a bag every year. To be honest, it's not very delicious, and I'm embarrassed to say it's not delicious."

Gu Yan gave it to her because it didn't taste good, hehe.

Huang Qiuying pulled up a stool and sat beside her, picked up the book that had fallen, "What book is "Zhuangzi", it's amazing, it's quite educated."

"Except for the first sentence of "Xiaoyaoyou", I don't understand the rest. Do you want to read it? Take it."

"Appreciate it yourself." Huang Qiuying said and put the book on her body, "You still have to strengthen your physical exercise. According to Chinese medicine, you are wind and evil entering the body."

According to Gu Yan's traditional Chinese medicine, I call this "borrowing a dead body to reincarnate my soul!"

"I don't care about lunch at noon." Gu Yan didn't want to move, "Or you can do it yourself."

"No conscience!" Huang Qiuying patted her.

Gu Yan turned her head to look at her, with a warm smile in her clear eyes, "Xiao Huang, thank you."

"It's sour." Huang Qiuying coughed unaccustomedly, and she called Shen Yucheng, "Junior brother, you didn't tell her about Lin Tianbao's coming to find her?"

"I haven't had time to say it yet." Shen Yucheng replied from a distance.

When Huang Qiuying mentioned Lin Tianbao, it seemed that she immediately pulled Gu Yan from the "Xanadu" to the real world.

Gu Yan suddenly remembered that she promised Lin Tianbao to give him a Christmas activity plan, and guessed that she would not go to him, so he was in a hurry.

"He didn't say anything."

"Look at you, what can he say, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing important," Gu Yan said, "I'll just go and find him tomorrow. By the way, you didn't tell anyone about my fever, did you?"

"I have nothing to do and chew my tongue?"

Gu Yan put her arms around Huang Qiuying, "I know that Xiao Huang in our family is the best."

Gu Yan couldn't sit still, if Huang Qiuying didn't talk about Lin Tianbao, she still wanted to show off, she stood up from the rocking chair while thinking, she said she didn't care about Huang Qiuying's food, how could she not care about it?No matter how simple it is, you have to take care of it.

She went to the cabinet where she put the vegetables, and there were only a few green onions, a few potatoes, two cabbages, radishes and so on.

Not knowing what to cook, Grandma Jiang came back from the market with a big bag of things on her back.

Shen Yucheng hurried over and took it for her, "Why did you buy such a thing?" It was heavy in his hand, I really don't know how the old lady brought it back.

Grandma Jiang gasped and said, "It's getting colder and colder in the future, and we don't like to go out anymore, so we can buy more if we can. I bought two big bones, take them out and wash them quickly, let Yanyan Stew some soup and drink it to make up for it. The pigs killed by the farmers themselves look good to me."

Gu Yan felt very sorry when she heard that, she just helped others clean up, and Grandma Jiang gave her clothes and bought meat, which is not good.

Gu Yan has always been the kind of person who doesn't want to owe others, she eats and takes, she is not too embarrassed, just happened that Huang Qiuying brought a big bag of duck pears, and the taste was not good, she thought about it for a while, and planned to make it Qiuli paste, give it to Grandma Jiang.

It is easy for people to have bad lungs when they are old. Drinking some autumn pear paste can moisten the lungs and remove dryness, which is good for her.

Anyway, there was nothing to do in the afternoon, Gu Yan felt that she was not strong enough, so she simply didn't go out in the afternoon, and after Shen Yucheng and Huang Qiuying had left, she started to make Qiuli ointment.

There are many ways to make autumn pear paste, some will add Chuanbei, donkey-hide gelatin, rock sugar and other things into it, Gu Yan didn't plan to make it so troublesome, she planned to make the most traditional one.

She has watched a video of UP master making traditional autumn pear paste on a certain sound. The production process is not troublesome, but it takes time to cook. She first washes the pears one by one, and then steams them in a pot. After steaming, they are soft and rotten. Drain all the water from the pears in the fine gauze cloth, and then boil them in the upper pot.

Huang Qiuying brought a big bag of big pears, but in the end only half a basin of pear juice came out.

Grandma Jiang watched the pear juice gradually turn into a paste, and felt very surprised, but Gu Yan was relieved, fortunately, she made it, otherwise she might secretly go to the pharmacy to buy a bottle and say that she boiled it herself up.

There were only half a bottle of autumn pear cream made from half a pot of pear juice. She filled it out and gave it all to Grandma Jiang. She added some water to the pot where the autumn pear cream was boiled. wasted.

It's dark these days.

Grandma Jiang held up the glass bottle and looked at it under the lamp, "Is this how much pears are boiled out of a big bag?"

"That's why autumn pear paste is very expensive. Just buying pears costs a lot of money."

"makes sense."

They were talking when they suddenly heard someone shouting at the door.

"Who is it?" Grandma Jiang called out.

"Grandma, it's me." It was He Xiaosheng's voice. She lived here once and knew Grandma Jiang.

"Looking for me," Gu Yan hurriedly said, "Xiao Sheng."

"Hey, fat lady, why didn't you go to work these days?" He Xiaosheng approached while talking, she didn't come by herself, there was Xiao Qi behind, "Xiao Qi has something to ask you, I don't know the place, so I will take he came."

"I have a cold, I didn't tell you guys, come up to the room." Gu Yan beckoned them to come in and sit down, while introducing Xiao Qi to Grandma Jiang.

Seeing that Gu Yan had guests, Grandma Jiang left without thinking.

"Fatty, do you have a serious cold?" Xiao Qi asked.

"Going to the mountain was blown by the wind and burned for two days," Gu Yan couldn't help asking when she saw his complexion, "Why are you so unhappy? Is there something wrong with the dispatch center?"

She said and handed the poured two glasses of water to Xiao Qi and He Xiaosheng.

Xiao Qi took the cup and said in a deep voice, "Fatty, thank you for discovering it early, there are indeed problems with those construction sites."

It turned out that Gu Yan's intuition was right, their dispatch center had indeed been poached.

"Zhang Yuwen has joined Hu Shengli. Zhang Yuwen has worked here before. She knows that all of our business models are based on our model. The only difference is that the agency fee they charge for hiring workers is half that of ours."

Gu Yan's complexion was instantly uglier than Xiao Qi's, not only because of Zhang Yuwen, but because Hu Shengli was the destined winner in "Life in the Sea"!
She doesn't believe in fate, but the trajectory of fate keeps turning back.

Not to mention that the agency fee is reduced by half, it is just a few cents less, the same job, why don't people choose the agency fee that is less, if it is me, I will definitely be able to spend less and spend less.

"The others didn't leave."

"Not yet, I've been locked in the dormitory for the past two days."

"What's the relationship between Zhang Yuwen and Hu Shengli now?" Gu Yan asked coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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