My Brother Daqin No. 1 Dude

Chapter 65 Mr. Changan, I Did Nothing!

Chapter 65 Mr. Changan, I Did Nothing! (plus more)

On the terrace, in a good room.

The stewardess was wearing plain clothes, and was lying on the bed covered with a red quilt.

The quilt doesn't look thin, it's very thick, and it should be very warm.

But the female steward's face was frighteningly white, and her body was also very cold, as if the wool stuffed in the quilt was fake.

Surrounding the bed are a group of beauties on the balcony, all of whom are prostitutes with a certain degree of autonomy.

No matter what they thought in their hearts, they all had worried expressions on their faces.

Some were on the verge of weeping, wiping the tears from the corners of their eyes with handkerchiefs from time to time.

Carrying a medicine box, with black hair and an old-fashioned face, Xia Wuqiu, who was wearing an official palace uniform, put his left hand on the female steward's wrist, closing her eyes and signaling her pulse.

a while.

Xia Wuqiu opened his eyes, looking at the pretty pale female steward, a strange look flashed across his eyes.

"A man who is in charge of the emptiness of his body, yet often acts like a man and a woman with others?"

It would be extremely disrespectful to ask this question elsewhere.

But here is a tower, originally a place of wind and moon, Xia Wuqiu's question is not considered abrupt.

"How come? The steward has only served Mr. Chang'an! No one else has!"

"That's true. Apart from Mr. Chang'an, there is no other man in charge. How could he be so weak?"

"Although the skills I waited for were all taught by the steward, but the steward was never keen on this."

"Could it be Lord Chang'an..."

A beauty in a light yellow shirt whispered.

As soon as these words came out, the beauties who had served Ying Chengxun stopped talking and showed their original expressions.

Other beauties who had never served Ying Chengxu had a strange look in their eyes when they saw this.

They often heard what the sisters in the building said, but they always listened to it as a joke.

But now that the stewardess is dying, the imperial physician orders Xia Wu to ask questions, and these sisters still reply like this.

Could it be that the teasing words I thought were true before?
Xia Wuqi lowered his eyes, not to let these beauties see the strange color in his eyes.

"Yesterday, my colleagues in the department handled it in a timely manner, and the steward no longer has any danger of life. She is still unconscious now, because she herself does not want to wake up, but the medicine stone is useless. The body is easy to heal, but the heart is hard to heal. The steward's soul is more important than the body. Weak. Lying like this for three days without waking up, the soul will be scattered, even if the pulse is thrown away, what is lying here is just a shell."

Xia Wuqi is a world-renowned doctor and heir of Bian Que, the founder of the medical school.

If Xia Wuqi said that he could not be saved, he could basically go to Xianyang City to find them, and no one could save them.

"I beg the imperial physician to make Miaoshou benevolent! Rescue the steward!"

"The steward treats me very well, the imperial doctor must save the steward!"

"But lack of money? Although we are lowly, we can still scrape together two gold!"

When the girls heard Xia Wuqie's words, their faces showed anxiety, and they collected money on the spot.

Some took off the horizontal hairpins on their heads, some took off the jade bracelets on their hands, and some hurried out the door to get the money that had been stored in the box for these years in their own rooms.

Xia Wuqiu didn't stop it either.

He stuffed the female steward's weak, seemingly transparent hand back into the quilt, and just sat on the ground waiting for the girls to raise money, as if he really wanted money.

There was a sound of kicking and trampling on the wooden floor.

All the girls took their valuables and stood in front of Xia Wuqie, and handed them to an oval-faced beauty with considerable prestige in ordinary times.

The oval-faced beauty Lihua brought rain, and timidly leaned in front of Xia Wuqiu.

"Emperor's order, is this enough? If it's not enough, let me wait for a few days. We can write down the money owed, and you can treat it first and take care of it?"

These prostitutes who are not concubines have made indirect customers in recent days just like those concubines.

As long as the guests can afford the money, they can satisfy the guests' requests—even the ones that they are usually extremely shameless.

"There is no charge for doctors. I have tried my best. You have also tried your best. Don't worry." Xia Wuqie said softly.

This sentence is naturally to comfort the girls.

Xia Wuqiu knew very well how the beauties got their money, and he didn't want to take the hard-earned money of these poor women.

Xia Wuqie came here today to help the steward, when he entered the door, he observed the complexions of the other beauties, and found that all of these beauties looked depressed.

If you don't care about it, maybe a few days will be all right.

But it may also be that the mind affects the body, causing symptoms in the body.

Asking all the beauties to get money means that Xia Wuqie is treating their illnesses, letting them know that they have done everything they can for the steward, and relieve the guilt in their hearts.

This is preventive treatment of disease - eradicating the root cause of the disease before it occurs.

The doctor is kind.

"If even the imperial physician's order can't help the steward, who else in this world can rescue the steward? The imperial physician's order doesn't like money, so why don't you want me to wait for you?"

The oval-faced beauty put down the money in her hand, grabbed the ribbon tied around Yingying's waist with her slender fingers, and tugged gently.

"After the imperial physician's order, just look for me in the building, and I can make a written statement that I will not charge any money for the imperial physician's order."

The beauty behind the oval face showed some hesitation, and she frowned slightly as if she was having a hard time making a choice.

Serving Xia Wuqi without charging a penny is not comparable to raising money for a while, it is a lifetime thing, and few people are willing to do it.

Only three or two beauties followed the oval-faced beauties.

"I can also make a written statement! I don't charge any money for the imperial doctor's order!"

"So am I."

"If the Imperial Physician Order is willing, I can wait to serve together!"

Seeing that the oval-faced beauty had put her hands on the skirt of her clothes, she looked like she was about to take off her clothes.

Xia Wuqie hurriedly stopped.

"Wait a minute, girl! Wu Qi really doesn't have such a heart!"

How can you believe a beauty with an oval face.

Men don't love money, they love sex, this is the truth that has been spread all over the world.

Since the Imperial Physician Order does not take money, it must be sex.

According to Mr. Chang'an, at this moment the imperial physician order is pretending to be a calf.

The oval-faced beauty has a timid expression, but her hands are not timid at all, and her smooth shoulders are already exposed to everyone.


The oval-faced beauty only heard Xia Wuqiu say these two words, her arm went numb, and the whole arm was unconscious!

She turned pale and screamed.

"What did the imperial physician order do to me!"

"Bold! This building is my territory! Old man Xia, how dare you be unreasonable to my beauty!" The door was pushed open vigorously, and Ying Chengxue rushed in with a displeased face.

This is what Ying Chengxue saw when he broke into the room.

In front of Xia Wuqiu stood almost all the prostitutes on the terrace, all of these prostitutes looked hesitant.

The clothes of two prostitutes hung extremely flat from top to bottom, and the waist did not shrink, obviously without the waist.

At the front, the beauty with an oval face standing in front of Xia Wuqie showed smooth and fair shoulders. The beauty with an oval face is the most expensive prostitute on the building!
Ying Chengxue's angry expression became more intense, and he slowly walked up to Xia Wuqiu, rubbing his fists with a fierce look on his face.

With a bitter look on his face, Xia Wuqi first saluted Ying Chengxi.

"Meet Lord Chang'an."

Then he smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Chang'an, I didn't do anything."

Ying Chengxue sneered: "Who do you want to do?"

 PS: A few words of nagging, these days are three shifts, all that is consumed are saved manuscripts, these days, the author has to work overtime, there is no way, no way!

(End of this chapter)

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