My Brother Daqin No. 1 Dude

Chapter 62 Li Si Mistakenly Believes!

Chapter 62 Li Si Mistakenly Believes! (Jiagen, roll up the new book list)

Wang Wan, Kui-like, Feng Quji saw Li Si's actions like this, and swallowed all the words that came to his lips.

The last time Li Si and Chun Yuyue debated, Chun Yuyue failed. It was normal for Li Si to invite the First Emperor.

But this time when Li Si debated with them, before a winner was decided, the debate was only halfway through, and he took the initiative to ask the first emperor to enter the venue to preside over it. This was not in line with the court rules.

Take a look first, don't worry.

If His Majesty supports Li Si, it is premeditated, and if I stop him, I will be openly hostile to Your Majesty.

With Li Si's words, the three of them fell silent, and Ying Chengxue became anxious.

What are you doing?

If you really want you to drag Brother Huang off the stage, then I will enliven the atmosphere in front of me and let the ministers participate in the debate, instead of taking off your pants and farting--that two-time thing?

Ying Zheng was about to leave the stage to stand for Li Si, when he suddenly saw his own brother winking at him repeatedly.

The first emperor was puzzled.

Cheng Yu means, let me shelve the discussion later?is this necessary?

Anyway, in the end, the county system will be implemented.

With Shi Huang's temper, throwing out a reason to save face for the officials is already an expression of his sympathy for the officials.

This matter can be concluded at this time.

But although Shi Huangdi thought so in his heart, what he said was not so.

"I'm a bit tired of listening. We'll discuss this matter later. Let's call it a day."

Wang Wan, Kai Zhuang, and Feng Quji nodded secretly.

From the current point of view, what Li Si said today does not seem to be ordered by His Majesty.

The ministers are also very happy.

The first emperor did not openly support Li Si, so Li Si was sure to lose in their eyes.

Still the same sentence, a person's talent is limited.

No matter how capable Li Si was, it was impossible for him to complete the prefecture and county system in a few days like the feudal system.

Ying Chengxi let out a big breath.

It’s okay, okay, there’s still some rescue, let’s slow down this matter, wait for me to go back to the house and shake the crowd to brainstorm ideas.

Everyone is very happy, except Li Si.

Li Si:? ? ?

Your Majesty, you don't support me?
I wrote the county system according to your request!
Looking back at the hateful eyes of the court officials, Li Si felt a little desperate as he watched Ying Zheng strode away from the throne.

In the dispute between the prefecture and county system and the enfeoffment system, as long as the first emperor does not end, the more you delay, the smaller your chance of winning.

For this debate, in the past three days, in addition to perfecting the county system, I have also been looking for the disadvantages of the enfeoffment system.

Today, the system of prefectures and counties was suddenly proposed, and the officials were caught off guard. With a lot of preparations, it was possible to defeat the seven Qin officials.

After the dynasty was dispersed, the officials worked together to thoroughly study the prefecture and county systems and find out the shortcomings.

At the next court meeting, if you can win one debate, the strategists and famous scholars will rush to recognize the boss.

Li Si's footsteps were a bit vain, and he left the Xianyang Palace erratically. He looked up and saw that all the officials were his enemies.

"Shut up, let's go!"

"Li Xin! If you dare to hit me, I will report it to Brother Huang, and exchange you for several months in prison with one or two punches!"

"Qin Fa does not go to court, this is the rule!"

"That was before no one took it seriously, but Li Si reminded me today. Qin ruled the country by law, and if you beat me, you are breaking the law. It doesn't matter if you are in court or not. If you beat me, you are ready to go to Lishan to serve your sentence!"

"Li Si was wrong! Li Si was wrong!"

Not far ahead, Li Xin stopped Ying Chengxun, and the conversation between the two reached Li Si's ears.

Li Si looked at the triumphant Ying Chengxun, thinking that Ying Chengxun was inspired by him to escape a severe beating, and the anger in his heart grew geometrically!
Your Majesty does not support me, could it be that the timing of my appearance is wrong?Today shouldn't be so urgent!Shuzi misunderstood me!Shuzi misunderstood me!
Ying Chengxue, who was misunderstood by Li Si, had to know that Li Si had such thoughts in his heart, and he would probably send dark guards to kill Li Si when it got dark!

Today, the court battle is so fierce, but under Chunyuyue's instruction, the Confucian disciples who are not allowed to participate are very depressed.

They all want to restore the glory of Confucianism, but today there is a feudal system in the court, and there are disputes over the county system.In their view, it is the best opportunity.

In particular, the system of prefectures and counties was proposed by Li Si, the representative of the Legalists, so if they argued against Li Si's county system with the enfeoffment system, wouldn't it mean that Confucianism had argued against Legalism?

The first emperor saw that Legalism was not as good as Confucianism, so maybe he changed Qin from the rule of law to the rule of Confucianism?
As for the possibility of losing, Confucian disciples never thought about it.

It's impossible to lose!

The enfeoffment system is a weekly system.

Confucianism advocates the Zhou Dynasty, and when it comes to the study of the Zhou Dynasty, Confucianism ranks second, and none of the hundreds of schools dares to recognize it as the first. Confucianism has long studied the Zhou Dynasty thoroughly.

Watching the seven courtiers who supported the enfeoffment system being defeated by Li Si, the Confucian disciples were about to die.

In the court hall, many Confucian disciples had to look at Chun Yuyue more than once.

This has all reached the realm of their Confucianism, let them do it!
Confucianism talks about enfeoffment, which is a professional counterpart!
It is impossible to lose!
"Brother Chunyu, why didn't you let me wait to make a move today?"

"Brother Chunyu, are you afraid that my Confucianism will lose to the Legalists again?"

"The county system is nonsense. I only need a few words to make Li Si lose."

In the largest house in the Confucian mansion, Chunyu Yue was surrounded by Confucian scholars and refused to let him leave.

Many Confucian scholars were chattering, complaining, questioning, or angry.

To convince these Confucian scholars, Chunyu Yue only needed to make his plans public.

At that time, not only will these Confucian scholars stop blaming him, but they will respect him, worship him endlessly, and regard him as the true leader of Confucianism.

But Chunyu Yue didn't do that.

He could tell Fu Sheng about his plan, but he would not tell the Confucian scholars in front of him.

There are many people.

Once his plans were leaked, Emperor Shihuang would be furious.

When the emperor was angry, he buried a million corpses.

Chunyu Yue was not afraid of being killed, but he was afraid that the first emperor would ban Confucianism throughout the country and cut off the Confucian inheritance!
And this possibility, based on his knowledge of the First Emperor, has an extremely high probability of happening.

"Brother Chunyu didn't let you speak, so there is a reason for Brother Chunyu. My Confucianism has been rejected by the Qin State, and now the number of disciples ranks first in the Qin State Temple. Brother Chunyu has made great contributions. Don't make noise, and study with peace of mind. yes."

Fu Sheng spoke for Chunyu Yue.

As soon as he opened his mouth, many people in the crowd relaxed.

Because most of the crowd around them were Confucian scholars who studied Confucianism intensively and were obsessed with classics, and only they had the confidence to argue against Li Si.

Fu Sheng is the best student of Confucianism. He is the leader of these people and has great influence on these people.

"Everyone, I hope you don't speak out in this debate. If you are not careful, our Confucianism will be destroyed!" Chun Yuyue comforted everyone.

A [-]-year-old Confucian scholar frowned and said: "Why does speaking out bring disaster to Confucianism? You tell the reason and explain it to everyone!"

Chunyu smiled wryly: "If you tell the truth, the catastrophe you will cause to Confucianism will be more serious than your words in court."

(End of this chapter)

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