My Brother Daqin No. 1 Dude

Chapter 43 Deciding the Future of Confucianism

Chapter 43 Deciding the Future of Confucianism

In the overcrowded house just now, in a blink of an eye, only Chun Yuyue and Fu Sheng were left.

Fu Sheng carefully rolled up the "Analects of Confucius" - this was engraved by Yan Hui, a disciple of Confucius himself.

If it wasn't for making things harder for Chunyu today, he would definitely not have shown this "Analects of Confucius". He originally planned to pass it on as a family heirloom to future generations.

"Chunyuyue, what on earth are you thinking!" Fu Sheng said angrily, "You did what you did at the meeting, and you sent Zhang Ping and the others to the tower after noon, what is your plan!"

"Brother Fu, you don't need to worry about these things, just do your research with peace of mind. The more you can guarantee that there will be Confucianism in future generations, but whether the Confucianism of later generations will be the Confucianism of today is up to Brother Fu. You and me Humans, haven't they always divided labor like this?"

Chunyu smiled subtly, his brows and eyes were soft, and he didn't seem to hold any grudges against Fusheng.

In the past, if Chun Yuyue said this, Fu Sheng would have given up, and the two of them had such conversations not once or twice.

But not this time.

Fu Sheng's palm was carved from the knife marks on the bamboo slips, and the bamboo lines moved across.

The rough and sunken touch made Fu Sheng unable to calm down.

The road to spreading Confucianism is also so bumpy.

He and Chunyu Yue had agreed before.

One master - study Confucianism.

One main thing is to spread Confucianism.

Fu Sheng originally thought that what he did was several times more difficult than what Chunyu Yue did.

Now it turns out that he was wrong.

Because studying Confucianism, at least there is no fear of life or reputation.

As for Chun Yuyue, not only did he almost lose his head today, but he also almost lost his reputation.

After Fu Sheng rolled up the bamboo slips, he spread a straw mat against the wall on the ground.

He took the teapot and cup made of clay from the table and placed it in the center of the straw mat.

Fu Sheng dragged off his shoes, knelt and sat on one side of the straw mat, pointed to the other side of the straw mat with his palms outstretched, and said to Chunyu Yue: "Sit."

"Why is this?"

Chunyu became more helpless, and also took off his shoes, like Fu Sheng, knelt and sat on the other side of the straw mat, facing Fu Sheng.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius led his disciples to travel around various countries and encountered obstacles. With the help of Ran Qiu, he finally returned to the country of his parents, Banglu.

From then on, Confucius devoted himself to writing, editing and sorting out "Book of Songs", "Shangshu", "Book of Rites", and writing "Spring and Autumn" from his own point of view.

At the same time, the altar was opened to give lectures. During the lectures, no distinction was made between high and low. Everyone was sitting on the ground, and there were as many as 3000 disciples.

This is to sit and talk.

Since then, all Confucian disciples, if they sit upright, invite them to sit and discuss.

If the invitation is accepted, it means that the next topic of discussion between the two parties will be the most solemn and serious matter.

Although the teapot is called a teapot, what is poured out is not tea soup, but hot water.

Tea soup is a luxury that only senior officials with an annual salary of more than [-] shi can afford.

In the Qin Dynasty, being able to drink hot water anytime and anywhere was already a very good condition. After all, charcoal for boiling water was very expensive.

Holding the teacup in both hands, Fu Sheng handed it to Chunyu Yue, and said solemnly: "Sheng apologizes to brother Chunyu. What he did today is because he is ignorant of the current affairs. If brother Chunyu still accepts his life, please drink up this cup. And tell Sheng truthfully, your thoughts."

Chunyu Yue took the teacup from Fu Sheng's hands with both hands, and said indifferently: "We are both Confucianists, what's wrong with you?"

He handed the teacup three inches from his mouth, paused for a while, and then put the teacup Fu Sheng had given back on the straw mat.

"Brother Chunyu doesn't drink, but he doesn't forgive Sheng?"

Chunyu looked at Fu Sheng with a puzzled and anxious expression, he had nothing to do with this bookworm who could only read.

Sighing for a long time, Chun Yuyue was so helpless that a word popped out of his mouth.


The water in the teapot was boiled water that Chunyu Yue had just boiled.

Even if Chunyu Yue brought it to his mouth, at a distance of three inches, the heat would burn his lips sorely!
"Uh, the student didn't think carefully again, didn't think carefully."

Seeing Fu Sheng's embarrassment, Chun Yuyue said sincerely: "Brother Fu, let's just sit and talk today, let's forget it."

"Impossible! Students must understand the difficulties of brother Chunyu and solve his problems! You and I are both Confucian disciples, so we should advance and retreat together!" Fu Sheng categorically rejected it, with a generous expression on his face.

"...Okay." Chunyu couldn't bear to hit Fusheng again.

He agreed with his mouth, but he was thinking in his heart: You are only helping me by studying knowledge.

"Qin Xiaogong promoted Gongsun Yang, the guard, and Gongsun Yang made Qin strong. After six generations of Qin kings, they all followed the foundation of ruling the country by law, and there was no slight change. Today, your majesty is able to rule the world. The legal family has made great contributions. Yue said, Can Brother Fu admit it?"

Although Fu Sheng was unwilling in every possible way, he was a person who did not want to tell lies.

On the road to the rise of the Qin State, it was indeed the Legalists who played a huge role. Confucian disciples came to the court of the Qin State after the unification of the world.

Fu Sheng reluctantly nodded, not even wanting to say the word "recognize".

Chun Yuyue continued: "Although your Majesty is familiar with the classics of various schools of thought, his inclination is absolutely legalism. Your Majesty is Han Fei alone, and he came to South Korea to threaten Han Wangan. Li Si, who was once a rebellious Lu Buwei disciple, was reused, and Li Si was appointed The court lieutenant of Jiuqing. He asked the officials of all counties and counties in Guanzhong to popularize the Qin law to the people, so that everything depends on the law. These things His Majesty has done are enough to show that among all schools of thought, His Majesty only favors Legalism. Plus, the position of the Legalists in Qin is unshakable."

Fu Sheng was dumbfounded.

This was the first time Fu Sheng heard these words. Chunyu Yue had never spoken to him before, and he had never cared about the situation.

He was only obsessed with Confucianism, intensively studying "Shangshu", "The Analects of Confucius" and other books.

"Above the court, the number of my Confucian disciples has surpassed that of Legalists?"

"That's all falsehood."

Chun Yuyue shook his head and said: "Most of my Confucian students are doctors with an annual salary of six hundred shi. They have the right to discuss but not real positions. It just seems that there are many people. On the other hand, the Legalists, Shangqing Tingwei, who has an annual salary of two thousand shi, Tingweijian with a thousand stones, and Tingweizheng with a thousand stones. The Tingwei’s Mansion, which is located in the middle of Xianyang Avenue, might as well be called the Fajia Mansion.”

"Oh, my Confucianism is actually not only inferior to the Legalism, but also other schools. The disciples of the Zongheng family are suddenly weak, the disciples of the famous schools are Yao Jia, and even the Mohist Meng Fu is the superior. My Confucianism is as empty as There are many people, but there is not a single minister!"

Xu Shi's inner plan had never been told to others, and these things had been pent up in Chun Yuyue's heart for a long time, but now that he had opened the chatterbox, he couldn't stop, and before Fu Sheng could speak, Chun Yuyue continued to talk about it.

"The power of my Confucianism is manifested in governing the country and the people, and not in fighting and fighting. In troubled times, it is difficult for my Confucianism to compete with other schools. The Qin State is happy when it hears the war, and your majesty is very happy. Therefore, above the Qin Hall, no one in high position is my Confucianism protégé."

"Your Majesty leads the world with the law. Accepting my Confucianism into Qin Dynasty is just an act to gather people's hearts. In fact, Your Majesty has never put Confucianism in your eyes. If you want me to return to Confucianism, you must rely on Your Majesty who is militaristic. OK. Therefore, the magnificence of my Confucianism lies in the death of His Majesty, in Qin Ershi!"

(End of this chapter)

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