Chapter 94

When Yu Hanfeng yelled 'A Li, save me~', at most three to five seconds passed.

Ah Li, who was dripping with sweat and panting heavily, carried a small wooden box on her back, bent over, and ran quickly all the way.

When the person was still on the way, the girl took out a ball of clean cotton and gauze from the wooden box.

Looking at such a posture, this veterinarian girl planned to stop the profuse bleeding from the wound of the blue bird that fell on the ground immediately, and then perform other treatments.

Talk!In this defensive battle.

Ari, the only girl in the team, still received certain preferential treatment.

After all, there is one thing that cannot be denied. In the absence of long-range weapons like crossbows, the white-haired girl currently has some shortcomings, whether it is in melee combat ability or long-range accuracy in throwing flying stones.

So, the task that Hu Biao assigned to A Li was to act as a medical soldier on the battlefield.

In any case, the girl also has a little related work experience, how to bandage injured cats and dogs in normal times, and how to bandage people now, the principle is actually the same.

Judging from the current appearance of Ali's actions, this girl's attitude towards performing tasks is quite good.

It's a pity that when Ah Li, who was covered with sweaty brows, ran over in a hurry with the arrows flying around her head, she didn't even need to touch the blue bird's breath.

Just glanced at the unlucky blue bird, after the arrow that made people speechless.

From his mouth, he yelled bitterly: "I'm out of breath, don't need to save~".

When she said this, the tone of the white-haired girl was full of indescribable fatigue and loss, and she could even hear the faint crying in it.

Mainly in the modern plane, even seeing a kitten or puppy dying of illness would make her feel sad for a long time.

How can I bear this kind of familiar comrades, who are constantly dying in battle one by one before my eyes, but I am powerless and extremely depressed.

"What the hell~" Yu Hanfeng, who was at the side, also cursed out such a sentence in great depression after hearing the words.

Because the area of ​​Suifengdun was originally not small, but after stuffing a lot of war horses and supplies, now there are six NO.70 people squeezed out.

Immediately, in terms of living environment conditions, it seemed quite tense.

Often there is a kang, but many people are crowded to sleep together.

Just in the modern plane, it is said that the blue bird who is a programmer sleeps next to Yu Hanfeng every day; after a long time, the two have a pretty good relationship because they often brag and fart.

For a while, seeing this one seemed to be driving with me in the first minute, and the speed was called an amazing old SP, and he didn't even need to rescue it so he just burped.

Immediately, Yu Hanfeng's heart was filled with an indescribable sadness.

Followed by it, there was an unspeakable great anger, the kind of anger that wanted to kill the Tartar archers at all costs.

With such great anger, Yu Hanfeng poured out at least one-half more particles of flame than the normal amount from a horn filled with gunpowder on his waist.

After adding some lead bullets, he gritted his teeth and stuffed them into the three-eyed blunderbuss in his hand, compressing the gunpowder and lead bullets tightly.

Then what kind of granular gunpowder, which is already more powerful than powdered black gunpowder, becomes a three-eyed gunpowder after adding too much, which still has the danger of exploding the barrel. At this moment, martial arts lovers can't care about it at all.

In his head now, there is only one simple idea:

Only by increasing and increasing the amount of charge can lead bullets have greater thrust.

Only then will it be possible to get those Tartar archers who are farther away and who are still shooting arrows, but because of the numbness of their arms, their speed has been greatly slowed down.

After the filling was completed, Yu Hanfeng hurriedly aimed at an archer directly in front of where the blue bird had fallen, and decisively lit the three-eyed blunderbuss.

After feeling a strong recoil from his hand, Yu Hanfeng tried his best to open his eyes wide in the white smoke.

Finally, he was relieved to see that a tartar who had just drawn out a sharp arrow and was about to start shooting, took a heavy step back as if he had been hit hard by a stick.

Then the whole person fell with his head up, and fell to the ground with blood on his chest.

Although I don't know whether this Tartar archer was the one who shot the blue bird to death, in a sense, Yu Hanfeng, who was more or less avenged for his comrades in arms, didn't see any joy on his face.

Because at this moment, the Tartars finally withdraw their troops.

In such a signal representing retreat, the tartars under the pier retreated slowly in a strict formation. During this period, two more tartars were punctured by barbed caltrops, and they walked with a limp.

However, under the deliberate cleaning up by the Tartars, there are not many barbed caltrops left on the battlefield.

The above situations mean that this attack has finally been repulsed, and the people defending on the pier can finally relax for a while after fighting fiercely for so long.

The problem is that this retreat of the Tartars also represents the commander of the Tartars, who believes that the trench has almost been filled.

They are retreating now, just to prepare for the next wave of more bloody attacks after a little tidying up.

With such a recognition, Yu Hanfeng doesn't think there is anything to be happy about?
In this way, even a rookie on the battlefield like Yu Hanfeng can see the rhythm of the battlefield.

In reality, of course, this is the case.

When Fucha Hengniu Luerzhen led his men back down, Bai Yintu, the third-class viscount of the tartar, finally showed a relaxed smile on his face.

The main reason is that he never thought that the defensive power of such a small Huodun in front of him is actually so strong.

It was stronger than he had expected before.

In the previous battle to fill the trench, there were actually 34 casualties on their side. Such a large number made even the dignified third-class viscount feel strongly distressed.

Who made them add up the entire Eight Banners of Tartars and all the adult males, that is to say, there are only a few people.

After one dies, it will take at least ten years for new warriors to grow up.

Fortunately, the trench that seemed to him the most threatening has been completely filled up now; the earth wall that was not really high was followed by them, as long as they put some simple ladders, they could easily rush up.

Next, based on his experience in fighting Nikan over the years.

If these people Nikan relied on the defense of the strong city, they could still fight the Eight Banners warriors head-on, that is, shooting guns, shooting arrows, and throwing logs and stones.

But once they entered a close combat, their morale would be destroyed in a very short time.

In the following time, a single Eight Banners warrior could chase down ten times as many Nikan, or even kill them; defeat them easily, and capture them.

However, before giving the order to attack again, he still asked his subordinate Fucha Hengniulu Ezhen in a faint voice:
"During the previous battle to fill the trench, you Niulu suffered a lot of casualties, and the warriors seemed to be exhausted, so can you continue to fight?

If it doesn't work, I'll let the other two cows record it. "

"Yes! The master and the slaves can do it. As long as you give the slaves time to recuperate, they will definitely be able to attack. I will kill them with my own hands."

In Fucha Heng's mouth roared, full of confidence.

Indeed, with more than [-] people under his command and more than [-]% casualties, this Niu Lu was really worried, and now he was so distressed that he was a little shivering.

However, the thought of avenging Niu Lu warriors with his own hands allowed him to persevere.

Or, this Tartar thinks that the most difficult moment has passed, so in the next time, he can win the victory without killing a few people...

What they didn't know was that on the Suifeng Pier opposite them, Hu Biao snapped off an arrow shaft inserted into the left shoulder of the armor.

As for the slightly more meaty arrows, there is no point in caring about them.

The main reason is that there is no way to control it. The accuracy of the Tazi archers is astonishing, and they can't suppress their opponents at all, so in the last attack, he was hit by a lot of arrows.

Fortunately, the armor on his body was strong, most of the arrows were bounced off, and the rest of the arrows stuck in the armor didn't penetrate deep into the flesh, they were just some flesh wounds.

Seeing the movements of the Tartars opposite, Hu Biao's head began to spin rapidly.

He knew that an adjustment had to be made immediately.

But before that, he quickly took a bucket of well water and poured it on his head. Wearing several layers of armor to fight in this weather, he almost didn't die from the heat.

Compared with the current hot and dry body, the danger of the 'armor removal wind' is no longer important.

(End of this chapter)

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