Chapter 8 Slaves
"System, you bastard really want me to die, so you can just kill me with a lightning strike. Why do you have to go through so many tricks?"

After looking up at the venomous sun in the sky, Hu Biao greeted the system again for countless times.

This is the instigator who brought him to this tragic situation, the biggest behind-the-scenes man.

At this time, it was already the third day after they arrived at the oasis.

Looking back on what he and the other 20 netizens experienced in the past three days, it is said that they are sad, smelling tears, or in modern terms, it is called male silence and female tears.

A group of 21 unlucky ones from the modern plane were first locked up like livestock for two days.

In addition to the clean water pipes in the manger, the daily food is a kind of dry biscuits that should use millet as the main material and baked on the fire.

As for the pancake cook, the grandson's skills are extremely poor.

There are a lot of sundries such as millet husks and fine gravel in the pancakes. When you eat it in your mouth, it's like eating a mouthful of sand, which makes your throat hurt badly.

But it is this kind of stuff that dogs are not willing to eat more than one bite in the modern plane, and they can only get a palm-sized piece each in the morning and evening.

It is absolutely impossible to be full, and it is barely guaranteed that they will not starve to death.

By this morning, they each had an extra pancake.

But after eating, a group of 21 people were connected into a string by a rope, and they were driven out of the oasis by 35 natives on horseback, heading due north.

During the entire journey, as long as they slowed down a little, those vicious natives would strike mercilessly.

No!Hu Biaocai didn't look at the road because he raised his head and yelled at the street, so he walked a little slower on his bare feet.

One was wearing a yellow helmet that originally belonged to Hu Biao, a pair of 99 yuan free shipping sneakers on his feet, and a horse-drawn machete pinned to his waist.

Seeing this, the aborigine, who seemed to be a small leader, immediately kicked the horse's abdomen lightly.

In a blink of an eye, the horse under his crotch trotted all the way to Hu Biao's side.

Hu Biao couldn't hear the meaning of the series of roars of "吱里嘎啦~" in his mouth; but this is not important, the important thing is that the other party beat Hu Biao's head with a whip in his hand.

At a critical moment, Hu Biao instinctively tilted his head and let the whip hit his back.

Immediately, the aborigines didn't hold back any strength, and directly smashed Hu Biao's dirty long-sleeved T-shirt, and pulled out a bloody wound.

In the next second, the long wound swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As an ordinary modern person, Hu Biao let out screams on the spot, no matter where he had suffered such severe beating and severe pain.

And because of Hu Biao's instinctive dodge, the native became furious.

He continued to yell at Hu Biao and others, with incomprehensible curses in his mouth, and the whip in his hand covered Hu Biao's head and face, and beat him continuously.

The only thing Hu Biao could do was to hold his head in his hands and squat down. In addition to the huge anger in his heart, he also felt quite wronged and wanted to cry and go home.

At this moment, compared with the life in the modern plane 996, it is really a blessing,
The other netizens also watched silently. No one stepped forward to save their nominal trainee commander, not even daring to beg.

Why?Because these natives really dare to kill.

Didn't you see that brother who claimed to be a warehouse manager of a certain company now has a lot of welts on his face?It's just because this buddy cursed a few words when those people were stewing dog meat.

Now two or three days have passed, and the scar on this buddy's face hasn't healed yet...

After smoking Hu Biao for a while, the little aboriginal boss finally drove the netizens to continue on their way with satisfaction.

During this process, he even took out a pack of sand cigarettes from his pocket, lit them with a match, and smoked happily.

Why do they use matches and smoke?

Wasn't it because of a netizen named 'Gangzi', who is said to have a close relationship with the family, in order to please these aborigines, gesticulating the information leaked to the aborigines.

It's a pity that Gangzi's only result of doing so.

In addition to asking Hu Biao and other netizens to greet this guy afterwards, he was rewarded with a piece of millet biscuit from the hands of the natives.

"Fuck, beat your grandson to death."

The old smokers among the netizens cursed crazily in their hearts when they saw the group of aborigines who were puffing.

Under the treatment of beatings and scolding at every turn, Hu Biao and the others walked hard on the Gobi Desert, filled with despair.

Where is this place, what age, and who are these indigenous people?

All of the above, now that Hu Biao and his group of unlucky bastards have discussed in private for many times, they still don't have much clue.

The main reason is that these natives, regardless of men, women, or children, are all wearing oily robes, and they have a strong smell of sheep when they get close.

Hu Biao and the others couldn't understand a word of the language of "吱里向咕~" in their mouths.

What can be barely determined is that based on details such as the sun, moon, starlight, duration and alternation of day and night, and animal and plant species, it is estimated that they are still on the blue star.

From the contours and skin of these indigenous facial features, it can be judged that they should be of the yellow race, so this place may be near Central Asia.

According to these people, they didn't even recognize the seized matches and cigarettes at first, and looked at the details of a Kuo Le bottle and a pair of smelly socks as treasures.

The current era is definitely not modern.

As for where they go later?It must have been sold as a slave.

joke!They couldn't understand each other's language, and couldn't they understand the look in each other's eyes that looked like a piggy?

I thought of the difficult experiences of ancient slaves that I learned from various materials.

Immediately, Hu Biao and the other 21 unlucky guys were filled with extreme despair.

Of course, in addition to these, there is also a huge anger simmering in my heart; modern people!One is used to the feeling of being the first, the second, and the third. How can I be wronged like this.

Including Hu Biao, everyone secretly swore in their hearts:

"You grandsons, don't fall into Lao Tzu's hands, or I will make you regret everything you did today."

The problem is that when they swear, they actually know that the other party's hope of falling into their hands is extremely slim; so now their bigger idea is to escape from here.

Even if they knew that it was difficult to escape, and it was even more difficult to survive in the vast Gobi after escaping, they still couldn't stop their plan.

Isn't there a saying that is good, you don't need to run faster than a bear, you just need to run faster than your teammates.

So while they were on their way, they secretly communicated with each other with their eyes.

They each have different plans in their hearts.

As for Hu Biao, the so-called status of trainee commander recognized by the system, not to mention others, even he himself didn't take it seriously.

In the current situation, this identity has a woolen use...

There is still an hour or two before the sun goes down completely.

It seems that from the slightly different weather than usual, some different natives stopped and chose to camp in advance.

The specific location is a pond with a small spring, and beside the pond, there is a small mound about ten meters high, and there is even a natural cave in the small mound.

When they stopped at the entrance of the cave, Hu Biao and others, who had been walking for almost a day, all collapsed to the ground without exception.

When they were lying on the ground like mud, Hu Biao let out a cry that was extremely comfortable, but the frown on his face could pinch mosquitoes to death.

why?How could they run at night after such a long and strenuous trek that exhausted almost all their energy?
Even if they managed to find a chance to run out of the camp in the middle of the night, they couldn't run away from the natives on horses and camels, let alone avoid the bows and arrows in their hands.

Is it destined to be sold as a slave, and then died of exhaustion like a big animal?
After thinking of this, Hu Biao closed his eyes in pain; other netizens also thought of this, and the atmosphere became incomparably dead silent.

The various places they complained about in the modern plane in the past are now very nostalgic.

(End of this chapter)

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