Start: Datang Wanli a lonely city

Chapter 66 A disaster is coming?

Chapter 66 A disaster is coming? (Add more for Ali)
I was busy until around 11 o'clock in the evening, and the wolf greened their armor and rattan armor, although they had not been completely mended and woven.

But after some private discussions about the follow-up actions of the mission.

Thinking about the reason why I have to get up early tomorrow morning and stay up too late because I can't stand it physically; Hu Biao and Xu Feng started to change shifts to watch the night, while Feng Rui and the others were preparing to rest.

It's just that when Fengrui was going to take a pee, he quickly took the time to rest.

In the middle of the night, when I was going to change shifts to watch the night, I encountered an unexpected situation.

Talk!Ever since the falling out with Xie Gui and the others last night, the two sides who have completely lost their skin have looked like they have never been in touch with each other.

After the two sides met by chance in Suifengdun, they acted as if they hadn't seen each other.

But when Ruifeng was going to the bathroom, a conversation faintly heard in his ears in one of the rooms where those people lived made him stop immediately.

A voice inside, after a big yawn, said:

"Ergou, it seems that Sun Xing won't make it through tonight, and you have taken care of him for a day and a night, which can be regarded as a brotherhood.

Seeing that you are very tired now, you might as well go back to your room and go to sleep.

Today I went to Huangtubao to do some business for my lord. I was tired after going back and forth so far. I also planned to go back to sleep and come back to see it at dawn.

I believe that early tomorrow morning, Sun Xing will have to deal with the funeral. "

After a while, the servant who was called Ergou replied: "Ma Ming, what you said is also reasonable, and everything will be done as you said."

Hearing this, Feng Rui hastily stepped back about ten steps, hiding behind a pile of sundries; after the two went out, they went back to their rooms before walking out.

It's just that Feng Rui hesitated at this moment.

All the hesitation was entirely due to the instinctive reaction of a medical worker who encountered such a thing.

After hesitating for a while, Feng Rui chose to open the door to have a look. If he could save someone, he would do it. After all, the other party was also injured in the battle with foreign enemies, so they should not be affected by their relationship with Xie Gui.

With this in mind, Feng Rui gently pushed open the door of the room.

It was found that under the light of an oil lamp, the servant named Sun Xing had already passed out, with an abnormal flush on his face.

Rubbing his forehead casually, Feng Rui found that his hands were extremely hot, and the other person's body temperature might have exceeded 40 degrees.

Afterwards, he untied the opponent's shoulders wrapped in dirty rags and looked, Feng Rui's face became even more ugly.

Because it was only a day later, Sun Xing's wound was festering quite badly; there is no doubt that his problem was caused by the serious infection of the wound.

"Forget it, whether you can survive or not depends on your own good fortune."

After muttering something in his mouth, Feng Rui finally decided to make a move. He thought about a [-]% chance of being able to save the other party.

So he returned to the room, called Yang Dongli who was about to go to bed, and found some medical supplies in stock.

Calling Yang Dongli, it was because Fengrui planned to let Yang Dongli gag Sun Xing's mouth, and then help hold his body.

Originally, he planned to call the girl Ali, a veterinarian, a doctor to some extent, right?But when she thought that she was a child who had been with her for a day, this girl looked a bit hopeless.

Feng Rui still gave up and gave up the idea of ​​calling A Li.

After getting ready, Fengrui cleaned Sun Xing's wound first. In addition to cutting off the rotten flesh with a knife, he also rinsed the wound with alcohol.

Finally, it is covered with some Yunnan Baiyao and wrapped with clean gauze.

During such a process, when Fengrui took the small knife wiped with alcohol and cleaned up the rotten flesh of the wound bit by bit, Sun Xing was woken up by the pain several times intermittently.

But after figuring out the situation, he stared at Feng Rui and Lao Yang with eyes full of gratitude, and passed out again.

After working for a long time, fine beads of sweat even tossed on his head, Rui Feng, the fake doctor with two knives, finally healed Sun Xing's wound.

Then, from the few Chinese patent medicines on hand.

I searched and found some 'Xiao Bupleurum Granules', 'Pudilan Anti-inflammatory Tablets', 'Yanning Granules', 'Monkey Earring Granules', etc., poured half a cup of warm water, and poured them together for Sun Xing.

After doing all this, Feng Rui said that he has exhausted all means up to now.

The rest depends on the Sun Xing's own fate.

The main reason is that he has limited medicines at hand, and it is difficult for a smart woman to cook without rice; although the above medicines have the effect of reducing fever, anti-inflammatory and sterilizing bacteria.

But I have to admit that the effect of western medicine on wound sterilization is faster and stronger.

As for those western medicines, Fengrui originally prepared a lot of them, but it's not that the system is not suitable for people, so he didn't let him bring them here at all.

In the end, after putting an ice towel soaked in water on Sun Xing's forehead, he and Lao Yang went back to sleep together.

It's not that he doesn't want to take care of it here, but that after getting up in the middle of the night, he will go to the top of the pier to watch, and tomorrow he will be an instructor to practice those rookies.

If he goes on like this, he can't stand it, can't he...

I don't know if the blind cat ran into a dead mouse, or if Sun Xing's life was undeserved.

When getting up in the middle of the night to replace Hu Biao and Xu Feng, Feng Rui could go to Sun Xing's room to take a look, and found that Sun Xing's fever had subsided a little, and his breathing was also calmed down.

Wait until the morning to wake up those rookies to get up and pee, and then continue to start training.

When Feng Rui went to look again, he could find that the other party's fever had completely subsided, and even made a light snoring sound from his mouth.

This let Feng Rui know that this servant has survived the most difficult time.

It was also like this that made Fengrui feel inexplicably happy during the morning and morning training.

Of course, being happy doesn't affect him at all, and when the rookies make mistakes in training, he greets them mercilessly with the stick in his hand.

Even after one night, almost 90% of the rookies had 'delayed onset muscle soreness' due to yesterday's strenuous training, and today's activities became more and more difficult.

For dinner at night, Hu Biao and his team consisted of steamed white flour steamed buns, plus a large pot of stewed chicken and carrots.

Because when Lao Yang and the others went to Huangtubaobao today, they brought three more lucky rookies and brought back some more ingredients.

so.Three chickens were stewed in one pot, which can be regarded as a good supplement for everyone's consumption.

It's just that after eating a piece of chicken, Feng Rui thought of something, and he never went to the bowl of stewed radish with chicken that was assigned to him before he left.

There are four white flour steamed buns, and after eating three, I deliberately left one.

Then, he took the rest of the food and a small medicine bag and went to Sun Xing's room.

After pushing the door and going in, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Sun Xing had woken up. There was a bowl of brown rice with some pickles placed beside the bed, and it seemed that he hadn't moved at all.

Seeing Feng Rui's arrival, Sun Xing immediately prepared to get up with a grateful expression.

Seeing this, Feng Rui quickly stepped forward to stop the opponent from getting up.

He said: "Brother, you don't need to be so polite, although we have some conflicts with Master Xie Gui, but since you were injured by the Tartars, I absolutely can't bear to watch you die for such a good man.

So lie down quickly, good self-cultivation is.

correct!Here is something to eat for you. Originally, it would be easier to digest some rice porridge in your situation, but we only have a bag of millet, and we have to save it for the baby to cook porridge, so let’s just let it go. "

Hearing this, Sun Xing's eyes were red, and he was about to cry. I think it was just a day or two in the actual case, and he suffered a lot of grievances.

In the following time, Fengrui quickly changed the gauze for Sun Xing again.

After leaving about two days of Chinese patent medicines, I carefully told them to take them on time and in the morning, noon and evening, and then I was ready to leave.

Unexpectedly, when Feng Rui stood up and was about to open the door.

While gritting his teeth, Sun Xing had already made a decision, and said, "Grandfather, wait a moment, do you know that disasters for you are coming soon..."

 PS: Thank you for the rewarding brothers, as long as the rewards are added, but the hand speed is limited and can only be added a little bit
(End of this chapter)

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