Start: Datang Wanli a lonely city

Chapter 459 Preliminary Division of Labor

Chapter 459 Preliminary Division of Labor
Of course, Lang Qing, Lao Tie, and Wu Zu also knew that it was impossible for them to act badly like this.

When the Jinren called, and when the mission failure system wiped them out, they didn't care about their objective difficulties.

The reason for doing this is nothing more than wanting the team to give them some support for the huge number of tasks undertaken by the Ministry of Industry where the three of them belong.

The rest of the team is indeed a carrot and a hole, and now they need to be busy with other things, yes,
But such things as spare time are like capital, there will always be crowds.

The follow-up situation was just as they expected. Aiming at the objective difficulties currently existing in the Ministry of Industry, everyone began to sit together and discuss.

Everyone based on their own strengths and gave as much help as possible.

Finally, at about 10:30 in the evening, Hu Biao began to look at a small notebook in his hand, and made some concluding speeches:
"Okay! Based on everyone's speeches, I have summarized them here.

Let's see if there are any omissions. If not, starting tomorrow, the team's initial division of labor will be formally implemented according to this assignment. "

Hu Biao's voice was the only one who fell. The non-famous contractor on the modern plane Black Uncle's Continent, now has Er Fatty with official titles such as Yilong Tuge University Bachelor and Kaifeng Governor hanging on his head.

It was already in his mouth, and he yelled impatiently:

"Hurry up, it will be eleven o'clock soon, this is the golden time to practice "Mozi's Five Elements Breathing Method".

I went back and practiced hard for two hours. After recovering my spirits by this method, I have to deal with that mountain-like document. "

Er Fatty who said this had two frighteningly dark dark circles around his eye sockets.

no way!The Kaifeng Mansion, where the second fat man is located, seems to be a small department that is not worth mentioning before the other people's three provinces and six departments.

The key point is that the new imperial court of the Great Song Dynasty, where Empress Maode is now, currently controls the area centered on Kaifeng City, which is less than half of the territory of the Central Plains Province.

In other places, it is completely a state of obedience and defiance.

So no matter what you want to do, you can't do without the support of Kaifeng Mansion, so Er Fat, who originally worked in Uncle Hei's mainland, has been tanned to a darker skin, and now he has been boiled to an even darker state.

If there is a crescent-shaped logo on the forehead, it will really have the image of a sunspot.

It's also because I know Er Fatty, because of the recent intense lack of sleep, I can't blame him for the bad temper.

After Hu Biao ignored this guy, he immediately said:
"Okay, now the biggest problem facing the Ministry of Industry is the lack of mechanical power.

So starting from tomorrow, with Lang Qing as the team leader, and AT, Warehouse Manager, and two as the deputy team leaders, a steam engine research team will be formed to try to manufacture a 50-horsepower multi-expansion steam engine based on the data in the shortest possible time.

After the steam engine comes out, immediately manufacture artillery of various calibers.

The order is to make small cannons such as Huzunpao and Flangji first, and put the red cannons at the end.

Captain, don’t you know a little bit about everything, then go to burn glass, make soap, etc. If the technical information is not enough, you can ask Lang Qing and others to write it for you.

Wuzu continued to be in charge of steel production, and Xufeng was in charge of iron ore and coal mining and transportation.

At the end of the month, the daily steel output must reach 15 jin; the war is fought with steel, whether it is modern or ancient, this is the same truth.

Lao Tie, in addition to continuing to manufacture armor, he will also take over the production of muskets.

As for corn, you are a dignified college student. It should be no problem to make gunpowder, grenades, and landmines;

Er Fatty will continue to be your governor of Kaifeng, as long as Kaifeng city is not chaotic, you will be a great achievement.

Lao Hei, Fengche, Big Fish, and Chen Tang continued to be in charge of the training of the new barracks, but considering that there would be more and more complicated training subjects in the future.

Lao Snake, Fenghuahui, Li San, and Fan Zhu should be back soon, and they will join the new barracks at that time.

Yu Hanfeng, Singer, and Huang Yizhi, the three of you are in charge of internal and external intelligence collection, publicity and other work. You can discuss the specific division of labor by yourself.

I think it is okay to run a newspaper. In the early stage, you might as well publish a few famous books to attract attention.

Fatty Huang, aren’t you saying that many people outside of Kaifeng are calling me a living Cao Cao, a good man and so on, so write both "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Jin Ping Mei".

These classic classics, both old men and old SPs love to read, once the sales are up, we can carry some private goods in the newspaper.

Concubine, on the one hand, you are in charge of the Ministry of Commerce, trying to find a way to extract oil from the stones of these profiteers in Song Dynasty.

On the other hand, didn't Yu Hanfeng and the others select some of the women from Washer, intending to cultivate them into a great alliance, special intelligence personnel like 'swallows'.

It's not suitable for them to be gentlemen, you are responsible for training and managing them.

War Dog, Gust of Wind, Barong, Twist (another surviving netizen), you four followed me to set up an emergency team, and where to go to support if you are too busy.

But everyone has to remember that the above division of labor is only limited to the recruits during the recruit camp, once the recruits' three-month training period is over; the team has at least [-]% of the personnel and needs to be organized into the new army.

Because if you can't beat Jin Bing, you all know the consequences. "

After hearing such a sentence, everyone who thought of certain situations immediately shuddered. They didn't know the serious consequences, and they couldn't bear it at all...

The next day, the sky was not completely bright.

After sleeping at home all night, Hou San, who didn't sleep much, went out in a hurry after eating a bowl of noodle soup made by his wife.

He has not forgotten the words that the instructor said before the dissolution yesterday:
This morning, if the personnel who still failed to return to the camp after the completion of the three-way drum, they would be treated as deserters.

joke!It's not that he hasn't seen how the new army handles deserters. There is a man named Zhou Ben in Cuihefang next door. Xu's family was in good condition before Jin Bing killed him, and he hasn't suffered much.

In the new barracks, after only staying for five days, he couldn't take it anymore and planned to sneak away at night.

The result was that within two miles of the camp, he was arrested by the instructors and started marching in front of them all night; the 21 army sticks that were punished were given [-] sticks, and the whole person was beaten to death.

That's not to mention, after yesterday's talk from my wife, her mother, daughter-in-law, and two children didn't end well either.

Although Her Majesty the Empress and Grandpa Hu were benevolent, they did not ransack their homes and sit together afterwards, let alone drive them out of Kaifeng City.

But the mother and daughter-in-law in his family could no longer receive any work from the street office, and the two children who had already entered school were also rejected by the primary school.

With this family of four now, it can be said that it is extremely miserable.

In short, after hearing such news, Hou San had already made a decision, even if he was exhausted and died in the army, he could not become a deserter and hurt his wife.

After going out, Hou San was used to running for ten miles with a heavy load every morning.

Naturally, he began to trot at the rate of breathing once every eight steps.

After running for a short while, you can see from the alleys on both sides of the street, colleagues in the army one after another ran out of the alleys and squares, and merged into the street.

Even after that, they are not a company at all.

But these people still naturally formed three neat columns and started running silently.

Like a long dragon, it began to pass through the long street of Kaifeng City, passed through the city gate, and plunged into the vast wilderness outside the city.

Such a scene was seen by a former warlock who is now a sanitation worker in a certain street office.

For a moment, he even forgot about sweeping the road, and muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear:

"The ninth day of the "Book of Changes" said: Qianlong, don't use it; September [-]th: You may jump in the abyss, no blame, this Hu Yitong and the party members under his command are really not ordinary people, what a potential dragon in the abyss..."

 This kind of plot is boring, please speed up
(End of this chapter)

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