Start: Datang Wanli a lonely city

Chapter 441 Legendary [2 in 1 chapter]

Chapter 441 Legend ([-]) [Two Chapters in One]

Twenty hours later, it was the fourteenth day of the first lunar month in the second year of Jingkang, the day before the Lantern Festival.

After a loud bang of 'Boom~', Hu Biao felt that he was eagerly holding a shield in front of him to block his vitals, like a banana leaf under a heavy rain, in a state of being crazily beaten.

The shield in his hand was almost blown away in a burst of 'jingling~' impacts.

After a second or two, Hu Biao poked his head out, and took a look at the shield that had been severely deformed, and even had many pieces of armor inserted into the shell.

Immediately Jiu couldn't help it, and cursed out:
"What the hell! You kid, Chen Tang, is going crazy, so you can't throw it a little farther? And you kid, you can't throw it a little faster. It's scary to feel it in your hand for a long time."

Hu Biao's voice fell, and other netizens also echoed.

Huang Yizhi squatted on the ground before the explosion, and Huang Yizhi escaped the deadly splash. After spitting out a mouthful of sand, he cursed on the spot:
"Yeah, such an extreme operation every time.

I don't know if all those golden soldiers will be killed, but I will be sent away by you sooner or later. "

Amidst the scolding of the crowd, Chen Tang pulled his face and squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, even if it was a response to everyone, he didn't mean to retort at all.

Seeing this, Hu Biao and the others felt a little pain in their heads.

Because they have already made one point, there is no need to doubt it. When Chen Tang, a rookie, throws the explosives next time, the operation will definitely be so thrilling and extremely thrilling, and there will be no change in the slightest.

The reason why Chen Tang's rookie has become like this is since the girl named 'Xiao Niang' who had an affair with Chen Tang died in the battle two days ago.

This rookie seemed to have been greatly stimulated, and became more and more taciturn.

Just like the gust of wind and the war dog in the team, they have turned into a dull gourd who doesn't talk too much, such a general posture.

It's understandable when you think about it. For an ordinary person in the modern plane, even a former PLA veteran, after encountering such a thing, the stimulation and change for the whole person are amazing.

It is precisely because of this that while Chen Tang became silent, he became even crazier in terms of specific operations when throwing explosives.

For example, he threw out the one just now.

The fuse, which was originally reserved for five seconds, was directly shortened to three seconds by Chen Tang; even so, after being ignited, he still had to be as steady as an old dog, holding it in his hand before he was willing to throw it out.

Then, the 2.5kg explosive package exploded almost ten meters in front of the position.

Good guy!If it weren't for Hu Biao and others, because they had already had an accident, they reacted in time with a shield in front of them, or squatted on the ground, raising an arm to protect their head and face.

At that time, I was afraid that they would be the same as the large number of golden soldiers in front of the position, but now they are all lying on the ground together.

You know, after making dozens of explosive kits in a row, now Langqing and the others are becoming more and more proficient in making this kind of equipment.

Now their latest product, except in 2.5 kg of gunpowder unchanged.

In addition to wrapping some gravel on the outside, some fish scale armor pulled from Jin Bing's corpse was also disassembled and wrapped on it.

Keep the overall weight at around five kilograms.

The weight didn't change much, but once the armor plate made of fine iron was splashed under the shock wave of the explosion, its power was stronger than that of gravel.

Flying all over the sky, it looks like countless small flying knives are flying, and their power is quite powerful.

Of course, Hu Biao and others cursed and cursed, but they didn't stop their movements; there was no plan to throw the explosives by another person next time.

Because of his qualifications as a PLA engineer, he is definitely the best candidate for this operation.

More importantly, although Chen Tang's operation looked a little scary, it was surprisingly effective in killing golden soldiers.

In the explosion just now, almost all the golden soldiers in front of the formation were knocked to the ground.

After Hu Biao and the others hugged the stones thrown by the Jin soldiers with trebuchets one after another, they threw them at the Jin soldiers who had successfully survived the explosion on the mountainside.

In a short time, forty or fifty stones rolled down the steep hillside.

Thanks to the intensive offensive formation caused by the Jinbing side's investment of troops at all costs in the past two days; these tumbling stones soon knocked down at least five or sixty people.

At such a time, these golden soldiers are weaker in equipment, morale, and combat effectiveness than the soldiers who rushed to the front.

Finally, under the huge casualties, morale completely collapsed.

Even if a miscellaneous soldier who didn't care about anything in his head because of the fear in his heart, just wanted to turn around and run away, he was shot to death on the spot by an elite Jurchen who supervised the battle in a blink of an eye.

But defeating this thing, as long as it starts once.

It will trigger an irreversible chain reaction, which cannot be stopped at all.

The larger number of golden soldiers was only half a second slower, and they also turned and fled one after another, which eventually led to a rout involving all attackers.

Seeing such a scene, the elite Jurchens who supervised the battle at the foot of the mountain.

With a burst of cursing in his mouth, it was also wise not to continue to shoot and kill more rout soldiers.

The reason for them to do this is very simple, or they are quite helpless; because with the frequency of their current attacks on Cooking Cake Mountain, the number of attacks launched in a day can be at least eleven or two times, or even more.

Generally, more than [-] troops will be invested each time, and these people will suffer half of the casualties in the battle, or even only [-]% to [-]%, and the result of the current defeat will appear.

This is still the result of the Jurchen elite army supervisor team behind them, who can completely use brutal persecution.

Otherwise, there may be [-]% casualties, and they will be defeated due to low morale.

But even so, it means that in every battle, there are at least 200 rout soldiers, who retreated from the defense line in a panic.

If they had to kill all these routs every time, wouldn't it mean that after a day's battle, two to three thousand people would have been killed just by the marching method?

No one's wealth can hold up to such a consumption.

In this way, with a large number of golden soldiers retreating under a golden sunset, they escaped from the attack range of the bird gun on the cooking cake mountain in embarrassment.

Lao Hei, who had just loaded a Lumi gun, also put down the bird gun a little angrily.

The shouts of killing continued on this small battlefield for a whole day, and now they have completely stopped.

After many days of fighting, among the experienced personnel from both sides, except for Alu, the commander of the golden soldier on the spot, he is still furious now, but he has to accept the reality.

Everyone else let out a sigh of relief, secretly rejoicing in their hearts that this damn battle is finally over today.

Among them even the elite Jurchens who supervised the battle were greatly relieved at this moment.

What needs to be explained is that the Jurchens who were originally killed from such a difficult environment in Baishan and Heishui have actually dropped a bit in combat effectiveness even though they are the same group of people in this year.

It is no longer comparable to the Jurchens that Hu Biao and the others met when they were in Pingzhou.

That's because these people who originally had nothing but a dead life, after conquering the huge Liao Kingdom, they have women, slaves, land, livestock, money and food.

Even after seeing a world of flowers and flowers that is completely different from the white mountains and black waters, he became a little afraid of death, and his combat effectiveness naturally dropped rapidly.

It's just that compared with Da Song, their combat effectiveness after their decline is still quite terrifying, and they are still incapable of being a powerful opponent.

Such a point is good news for Hu Biao and the others...

In the following time, the two sides took advantage of the last bit of time before dark to start some aftermath work very skillfully.

Such as cleaning the battlefield, burying the dead, treating the wounded, etc.

During such a process, Wu Zu, the owner of the hardware store, dragged Jin Bing's body, and couldn't help asking:
"Old Hu, do you think we will have reinforcements tonight?"

Let Wu Zu ask such a sentence, it is the result of some temporary statistics.

It was found that during the whole day of fighting today, even if everyone had no lack of armor, 17 people were killed and 8 were seriously injured.

The lightly wounded are not counted, who hasn't been injured until now?
The most important point is that he, Lang Qing and others worked overtime last night, and made a total of 13 explosive kits overnight, and used up another 11 today.

If there are no reinforcements tonight, bring the key raw materials such as saltpeter and sulfur.

Relying on the remaining two dynamite packs, tomorrow's battle will also be a little tough.

After hearing the words, Hu Biao spoke to everyone again with the same firm tone when he talked with Lang Qing last night:

"Don't worry, reinforcements will definitely come tonight; everyone has enough food, and prepared drums and musical instruments in advance.

Although such a way of cheering sounds a bit ridiculous, it seems that watching the excitement does not disdain the big things; but this is the only thing we can do to help them at present. "

After hearing such a helpless statement from Hu Biao, Wu Zu nodded in agreement.

But in the following time, after he couldn't help but glance in the direction of Kaifeng City, his face was still full of indescribable worry.

But at such a time, what he was worried about was no longer whether the reinforcements would come or not.

What I am really worried about is how terrible casualties the reinforcements will suffer when the reinforcements arrive.

Because on both sides of the upper reaches of the Cai River, the Jin Bing has been busy for quite a long time today, and the number of the most popular archers has at least increased to more than 600.

The number of deadly trebuchets reached an astonishing 20.

All of the above are distributed on both sides of the river about a mile long; no one knows what an astonishing price the reinforcements will pay when they forcefully pass through such a section of the river.

But when Wu Zu and others were about to take action, they found that Emperor Maode had already held a pair of drumsticks in both hands, standing silently in front of the big drum.

On the face with the charm of some mature women, there was a meaningless expression.

The whole person seems to have no vitality at all, just like a delicate doll.

That was from the batch of reinforcements that came from homework. Emperor Maode heard the news that the Song Dynasty royal family and her husband's Cai family announced that she had passed away due to a sudden illness.

Probably because of their so-called reputation, Emperor Maode was forced to die of illness.

It has to be said that this has a bit of feudal royal characteristics; the problem is that Empress Maode seems to be unable to withstand such repeated blows.

After seeing such a scene, members of several teams, including Hu Biao and Wu Zu, yelled in a low voice almost at the same time:
"AT, go and comfort the other party."

"What the hell! Why is it me? I'm not a friend of young women." After hearing the words, the little white-collar AT immediately seemed to explode...

Just as Hu Biao assured everyone, at around midnight that night, the northeast water gate in Kaifeng City was suddenly opened.

Then a group of reinforcements quietly left the city downstream.

In terms of specific circumstances, according to the record written by a crippled scholar who watched the whole process on Cooking Bread Mountain with a heart full of excitement, the record is as follows:

In the second year of Jingkang, the night of the fourteenth day of the first lunar month.

A group of righteous people in Kaifeng City, headed by Tang Dutou, a man who knew the age of fate, had a total of 230 nine people, drove [-] small boats, and left the city in batches with food, fodder, herbs, good wine, and gunpowder suspected of being used in the army.

Only a moment after leaving the city, his whereabouts were discovered by the golden soldiers outside the city.

Moments later, arrows rained down from the golden soldiers on both sides of the strait, countless rocks fell, and Tangdu's first group of volunteers suffered heavy casualties; not long after, the river was full of corpses of volunteers, and the river turned bloody.

At the same time, the thundering drums on the Cooking Bread Mountain sounded.

Empress Maode did not hesitate to beat the drums and cheer for the righteous people in person as the proud daughter of heaven.

Amidst the sound of thundering drums, a group of volunteers desperately moved forward without hesitation; in the end, only two boats and 41 volunteers successfully arrived at the foot of Cooking Cake Mountain.

Fortunately, I was blessed by the heroic spirit of planting flowers, and one of the boats contained a hundred catties of gunpowder, which immediately relieved the urgent need...

For some unknown reason, the golden soldiers at the foot of the mountain didn't attack overnight in anger.

However, after Hu Biao and others placed the reinforcements that seemed to come, one by one.

After looking at each other one by one, they all found that the other party didn't feel sleepy at all.

That's because they suddenly realized that the offensive and defensive battle of Cooking Bread Mountain has been fought so far, whether the enemy or us are willing or not.

In fact, they have already entered into an unusually weird state of tacit understanding.

On the one hand, they who stood firm on the Cooking Cake Mountain acquiesced to the Jin soldiers using their huge casualties to consume their limited number of explosive packs and defensive troops.

On the other hand, the Jinbing side acquiesced to the reinforcements of Kaifeng City, after paying huge casualties.

As long as you survive that section of the river full of death and blood, you can send some key things such as reinforcements and supplies to the Cooking Cake Mountain.

Perhaps deep down in the hearts of both parties, neither of them wanted such a situation to appear, but in fact, they had already formed such a strange appearance.

But then again, in such a strange state, Hu Biao and the others are more confident.

Because behind them, there are millions of compatriots who have been successfully stimulated and are no longer numb.

As long as one percent or one thousandth of them take action, they will have enough information to persevere on the mountain of cooking cakes until some favorable changes are ushered in.

The only problem is that none of the commanders of Jinbing's side, Wanyan Zongwang and Wanyan Loushi, are idlers, and they will definitely not allow such a thing to happen.

So in the next time, what methods will they use and what changes will they make?

It was precisely because of this that Hu Biao and the others couldn't sleep at all for a while.

They smoked cigarettes silently under the moonlight, and then suddenly realized something: the moon is really round tonight, but tomorrow is the Lantern Festival, so it should be even rounder by then...

 PS: The update will resume tomorrow, and by the way, I will return the chapter that was owed last month.

(End of this chapter)

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