Chapter 4 Water

In other words, to survive under the terrain of the Gobi and desert, what supplies are the most important?

There is no doubt that even elementary school children know that, of course, it is water.

With all kinds of fat from all kinds of junk food, technology and hard work on the body of all the modern nerds, if you don't eat for three days, you will definitely not die.

But if you don't drink water, something big will happen within a day.

As time goes by, the body sweats profusely under high-temperature activities, and the bodies of basically all netizens begin to gradually deteriorate.

Physically, there were also various bad reactions.

For example: extreme thirst, the cells in the body start to shrink, blood pressure drops, dizziness, headaches, heart palpitations, and the risk of heat stroke start to rise rapidly.

Of course, since what the system has already said, it is impossible for him to issue some impossible tasks.

Therefore, for the problem of replenishing water, as long as a group of netizens can search carefully and patiently, they can always find some solutions.

However, there are some small problems in it. These methods of replenishing water are a bit extreme and unacceptable to normal people...

In the sound of 'hiss~', it was Liu Bo who licked the corner of his mouth and touched the slits on those lips, and suddenly his whole face began to twitch in pain.

no way!Judging from the position of the sun above the head, it should be more than 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

But in the vast Gobi, the high temperature that seems to be able to roast a person does not seem to be lowered at all.

After being exposed to the high temperature for more than four hours without even a drop of water added, Liu Bo now feels like a salted fish that is about to be completely dried out, with no water left on his body.

Mouth was dry, as if a handful of sand had been stuffed in his throat.

Chapped lips, peeling skin, the above are minor problems.

What's more, at this moment, Liu Bo felt dizzy besides the tingling pain in the temples of his head.

Even the footsteps of the legs became heavier and heavier.

After clearly feeling these details, Liu Bo, who is already considered a greasy middle-aged man, suddenly showed a bitter smile on his mouth.

Time is not forgiving, after all, I am not a young man in his twenties anymore.

In the early years, if you didn't say anything about urinating against the wind, your body would definitely not be so broken.

Fortunately, at this critical moment, Liu Bo's eyes lit up when he saw some plants, and he immediately shouted excitedly:

"Grandson of the system, I'm still a little bit short of a skill if I want to play to death; buddy, I have practiced my skills for many years, and now it's finally time to show my skills."

The reason for such a situation is that in the modern plane, Liu Bo, who is a construction worker of an electric power company in Hunan Province, is a lover of outdoor survival.

Unlike other netizens, I was in a panic when I arrived here.

After Liu Bo figured out the situation, he was actually a little excited.

Even though most of his experience in wild survival comes from some videos on the Internet, there are very few actual operations.

Among the nine choices before, he was lying in bed in the middle of the night with insomnia.

I also randomly chose the three types of 'machete, compressed biscuit, match and sand smoke' as a joke, and there is no most practical 82 Ice Kuole among them.

But when he set off in the Gobi, Liu Bo was still full of confidence.

joke!The so-called knowledge is power. After watching so many videos, he knew at least ten ways to find water in the desert.

No, one of them appeared.

It was a low plant called wild donkey grass, which looked like a succulent plant. After Liu Bo appeared in his sight, he knew that he could replenish water.

Because he had seen it in a certain video, the bald De Lord just squeezed out the juice from this thing to replenish water.

Without thinking too much, Liu Bo pulled a handful of wild donkey grass from the ground, put it on the palm of his left hand, clasped his fists together and squeezed it hard.

Soon after, a stream of green juice flowed down the thumb of his right hand into Liu Bo's mouth as expected.

After the entrance, Liu Bo's expression was extremely wonderful.

On the one hand, his thirsty mouth and hot body were replenished with liquid. In an instant, he felt every cell in his body jumping for joy.

On the other side, he complained frantically in his heart:
"What the hell! Why is this shit so bad? Master De didn't mention it in the video?"

Suppressing the nausea in his heart and the urge to spit out the juice he just drank, Liu Bo suddenly became not so confident about the next task...

What Liu Bo didn't know was that if an exchange could be made, it would be at most three kilometers away from him, in a river full of cracks.

Another netizen named 'Cracked Earth' must be very happy to exchange the water in front of his eyes with the 'wild donkey grass juice' he is constantly complaining about.

Because of the water in front of him, the cracked earth has not yet made up his mind whether to let it go.

Seriously!Even at this moment, the cracked earth still feels so unreal and illusory to everything that is happening in front of it.

Who would have thought that he was a male nurse in the emergency operating room.

After working overtime until two in the middle of the night, I returned home exhausted.

It was the one who came out of the bathroom in thin pajamas with wet hair; last second, he planned to drink some water, dry his hair, and then go to bed quickly.

He has to go to work at 06 o'clock tomorrow, and he will wake up at 30:[-] including the commuting time on the road.

If I continue to grind, I really won't be able to sleep for a few hours.

As a result, when he was walking towards the refrigerator, he picked up his mobile phone like a ghost; for the message that was obviously a joke, he chose two blond bunny girls and Bing Kuo Le nonsense.

After all, on such a lonely night, who can refuse two 36D big bunnies, just thinking about it is quite exciting, isn't it?
But such a nonsense thing has actually become a reality.

Talk!If God gave the cracked earth another chance to choose again, he would definitely become serious.

However, there is no such thing as an if in the world. He can only accept the reality and work hard to solve all kinds of troubles, trying to complete such a seemingly simple task, but it should not be impossible.

No hat?The pajamas on his body were taken off and wrapped around his head, looking like a third brother, resisting the sun's exposure.

No shoes?The pajama pants were taken off and torn in half, wrapping the soles of both feet as shoes.

As for the two bunny girls how to deal with it?Of course, the cracked earth spoke English that was not standard at all. After a few words of chatting like chickens and ducks, the two sides walked together together.

Thinking about doing something in this damn environment, this condition is not allowed.

Moreover!It's not in line with his morals either.

It is precisely because of the reason why I took the two of them together that more than 4 hours have passed by now, and the boss's bottle of 82-year-old Ice Kuo has been drunk by him and two bunny girls for a long time. got a clean.

As a result, the more I drank, the more thirsty I became, and now my throat seemed to be on fire.

Fortunately, now, they finally found water here.

It was in the middle of the dry river, and a pool about the size of a table was found.

But as a professional in the sanitation system, the cracked earth saw that there were densely packed flies and maggots floating on this pool of stagnant water.

He understood that there are an astonishing number of bacteria and germs in the water.

After drinking it directly, if there is diarrhea, it is the luckiest result. It is more likely that there will be various infections, or even severe dysentery, which are some fatal results.

And boil it before drinking?How could he have such a condition at hand now.

In the end, before dying of diarrhea and dehydration in the future, or dying of thirst now, the cracked earth still chooses the former.

However, the cracked earth still took some measures before drinking.

A mud pit the size of a chicken coop was dug across the edge of the pond, allowing the water that slowly seeped out of the mud pit to be filtered more or less once.

Whether such an approach has any effect, and how great the effect is, he can't care so much.

Facing the muddy water, the cracked earth is not only filled with empty Coke bottles.

Also with the two bunny girls named Jenny and Lilian, the three lay on the ground with their butts pouted, using a hollow grass stem as a straw, and started sucking crazily.

When the water filled with strong muddy and rotten smell entered the mouth, there was a huge shadow in the heart of the cracked earth regarding drinking water...

(End of this chapter)

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