After being rejected, I became Shi Yijiao

Chapter 453 Utilitarian milk is not as good as knocking wooden fish

Chapter 453 Utilitarian milk is not as good as knocking wooden fish
Pan Yi told Arteta that he might lose the Champions League, of course he was joking.

In fact, when Pan Yi led the team to Milan and participated in the pre-match press conference, he once again made clear to the public the goal of his trip: to bring the Champions League trophy back to London and Stamford Bridge!
"I've been asked if I'm going to be nervous when I face Bayern Munich in the Champions League final tomorrow night and the answer is of course no."

"This is my fourth time on the stage of the Champions League final. I can say that I am very used to such occasions, so I will not feel that this game is any different from usual."

"As for my players, some of them have a lot of experience in the final, and some of them are the first Champions League final in their lives. As far as I know, some of them are as calm as me, while others are as calm as me. Excited, it's all normal."

"You know, having the opportunity to challenge for such an honor is definitely one of the lifelong pursuits of all professional players playing in Europe."

"But they're all professionals and over the years, they've gotten used to living and playing under pressure."

"So, by the time we have our warm-up meeting tomorrow morning, we've had dinner and we're on the bus and going to the San Siro, they'll know how to relax and show their passion on the pitch."

"And by that time, everyone will see the best Chelsea. As we all know, the best team is to win the final victory!"

Pan Yi's answer brought him a lot of applause.

The one who dared to be so high-profile before the Champions League final is probably Pan Yi!

After all, in the eyes of many people, playing such an important game requires not only keeping a low profile, but also bringing a wave of "utility milk" to milk the opposite side.

Or just hide and knock on the wooden fish.

There is no one like Pan Yi who directly shouts to win the championship!

A reporter asked:

"Your opponent Guardiola also entered the Champions League final for the fourth time, which is the same as you. The difference is that you were an assistant coach once, and he was a player for the first time."

"And if you only talk about the identity of the head coach, you both entered the final for the third time, and you both won the final championship before."

"Judging from this historical result, Guardiola is actually on par with you, but he seems to be more low-key, thinking that both teams in the final have a chance to win the championship. What do you think about this?"

Pan Yi smiled slightly:
"You're right, but past results won't help tomorrow night's game."

"The Hamburg I brought and the Barcelona brought by Guardiola will never meet again. Tomorrow will only be the decisive battle between Chelsea and Bayern Munich."

"As for this decisive battle, Guardiola may have his ideas, but I can only think of one thing, and that is to beat him and win the championship!"

A reporter immediately asked Pan Yi what he thought of Guardiola.

And Pan Yi also gave his most honest evaluation:
"Guardiola is my friend, but there is no doubt that Guardiola is also a great manager and a respectable opponent."

"His research on football tactics can be said to have reached the pinnacle level, which even I can't compare to myself."

"In real life, I have a lot of friends, but Guardiola is definitely the most unique and interesting one. He has a very deep understanding of football, we have a lot of exchanges with each other, and bring each other a lot. There are many benefits.”

"We will often send text messages to each other and exchange ideas. Many times I will give him some opinions after watching the game, and he will do the same in turn. The two of us don't even need too much politeness because we know each other very well. "

"In the quarter-finals of the Champions League this season, or even the quarter-finals, Guardiola promised me to meet in the final, and now we have really done it."

"But, sorry, Mr. Guardiola, my friend, I'm going to beat you in the final. Haha!"

Pan Yi finally laughed, which also infected the reporters present, and everyone laughed too.

Now everyone understands that maybe Pan Yi and Guardiola may be opponents who want to fight to the death on the court, but off the court, they are friends.

It can even be said that it is the kind of relationship between a teacher and a friend, but it is not clear who is the teacher.

Guardiola must have learned the latest tactics from Pan Yi, but isn't that the case with Pan Yi?

As for this, Pan Yi knew better.

Many of his innovative tactics were taken from the future Guardiola and then combined with the team's actual transformation.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Guardiola is the biggest enlightener of Pan Yi's system tactics.

It is precisely because of this that Pan Yi is not hesitant to share his experience with Guardiola, nor is he hesitant to exaggerate Gua Shuai in front of the media.

Of course, no matter how much you boast, Pan Yi will still defeat him.

Only when the enemy is strong can he set off his own strength!
"One more question, Mr. Pan Yi." Another reporter stood up.


"There have been rumors in the media before, saying that if you win the Champions League this season and complete the unprecedented seven crowns, you may leave Chelsea at this time. I don't know how you respond to this?"

Pan Yi was also prepared for this question, and he knew that someone would definitely ask it.

So after listening to the question, he laughed and immediately replied:

"My contract does expire after this season, but as to whether it will be renewed in the future, we have not yet confirmed it."

"But in any case, the Chelsea management still supports me unconditionally and trusts me, we will not be affected by this at all."

"Right now, there is only one thing on my mind, and that is the game tomorrow night. As for the rest, I really don't want to think about it right now."

"I am very grateful to Chelsea's management, players and fans. It is their support that has brought us to where we are today. So the only thing I want to do now is to take down the big ear trophy in the game tomorrow night and send it to Chelsea. To our front office, to our players, to our fans."

"In this way, we will have two Champions League trophies in our trophy room! This will definitely make our London opponents cry..."

Pan Yi's words elicited bursts of laughter again.

This is Pan Yi. Even when answering questions, he doesn't forget to diss his opponents in the same city.

After all, although there are many teams in London, only Chelsea has really won the Champions League.

Not only is this inferior to the traditional giants Liverpool and Manchester United, it is even inferior to Nottingham Forest...

As for the real answer to this question, since even Pan Yi himself doesn't know it now, how could he give the reporters an exact answer?
Of course, let's go over with a sloppy eye first.

Fortunately, the press conference hall is full of joy, and no one is asking any more questions.
The next day, all major sports media reported Pan Yi's speech at the press conference, and made a final preview of the game to be played in the evening.

However, unlike Pan Yi and Guardiola, who are more sympathetic to each other, the smell of gunpowder between the British media and the German media is much stronger.

After all, Yingde has a feud no matter whether he is in football or not!
As for Pan Yi, in fact, he was "involved" in such a dispute more than two years ago, but the last time he represented Germany, but this time he represented England.

But there's nothing new about their quarreling, it's nothing more than the media version of "what are you looking at?"

Naturally, Pan Yi would not really participate in it.

After he finished the press conference, he had already devoted all his thoughts to the pre-match preparations.

Especially today, at the pre-match preparation meeting on the morning of the game day, he also focused on telling the players what might happen during the game and how to respond.

Meticulous pre-match preparations have always been a characteristic of Pan Yi.

He made a high-profile statement before the game that he could beat Guardiola's Bayern, but he really wouldn't underestimate them.

This is the standard "despise the enemy strategically and attach importance to the enemy tactically"!
The tactics of the two can be said to be almost of the same origin. Bayern players also showed their strong resilience in the Champions League knockout match, especially against Real Madrid.

Moreover, Guashi Bayern has always been known for its active off-the-ball running, and high-intensity pressing and pressing will be an important means for Bayern Munich to contain Chelsea.

So in this game, if nothing happens, it will be very hard. It is necessary for Pan Yi to remind all players to be mentally prepared in advance.

In the afternoon, England and Germany fans began to arrive in Milan one after another.

Figures given by UEFA show that more than [-] England fans are expected to enter the San Siro Stadium, and Bayern fans are about the same number.

This is still a ticket.

If you count those who come to experience the atmosphere and watch the ball in the outfield, it is difficult to count, there may be hundreds of thousands.

Officials in Milan are also on the alert.

After all, whether it is England or Germany, the football hooligans in these two regions are somewhat famous.

Therefore, Milan also sent a large number of police forces to maintain order, and even restricted the sales of beer in some stores.

In addition, the Milan police dispatched more than [-] police officers and deployed them around the San Siro Stadium in Milan.

Moreover, all fans must use the real-name system to enter the stadium, and some football hooligans with criminal records are prohibited from entering the stadium to prevent accidents.

It can be said that Milan has raised security measures to a new level.

And such measures are clearly effective.

At least when the Chelsea bus started heading to the San Siro, nothing special happened.

They were protected by police cars, and even many Chelsea supporters were prevented from approaching the bus.

This also allowed Chelsea to reach the San Siro Stadium smoothly! ——
When Pan Yi led the team into the locker room of the San Siro home team, there was a very familiar feeling.

After all, he was here as an assistant coach for a year!
And today Chelsea happens to be the home team, so they can sit here.

This feeling of familiarity intensifies when they put away some belongings and start to walk out of the player tunnel and into the stadium to prepare for the final adaptation before the game.

At this moment, the entire San Siro Stadium erupted immediately, and the sound waves from the stadium stands were like sea water, sweeping in violently, swallowing everyone!

This is San Siro, San Siro that can accommodate [-] spectators!

The noise caused here is really much bigger than that of the Stamford Bridge Library.

However, if the blue camp representing Chelsea and the red camp representing Bayern Munich are evenly divided on today's stadium, then the neutral camp has also fallen to Pan Yi's side.

After all, Pan Yi was once the favorite of the local Milan fans!
On the stands in the middle, there were also slogans written in English, Chinese, and Italian: "Pan Yi, no matter where you are, Milanese love you!"

Pan Yi walked out of the aisle, waved to the stands, and at the same time did not forget to encourage Arteta behind him:

"Mikel, I hope you will have the opportunity to lead your team on such a stage in the future. Then you will find that this is the most beautiful and moving place in the world!"

Arteta didn't answer because he was a little confused.

As a person who was not considered a superstar in the player era, Arteta has never set foot in the Champions League final.

After 2011, although he joined Arsenal, which can often participate in the Champions League, everyone knows Arsenal's performance in the Champions League, and there is no chance to enter the final.

So, first of all, he was a little dizzy from the atmosphere of the Champions League final.

Secondly, this is the final of the Champions League, but Pan Yi's popularity is still overwhelming. Even fans of the team who were only assistant coaches a few years ago will remember him well!
He admired Pan Yi from the bottom of his heart, but at this moment, he was more envious, even a little jealous.

For a head coach to be able to do what Pan Yi does, what more could he ask for!
Of course, he also hopes that he will have the opportunity in the future, and that he can win more honors like Pan Yi and be recognized by the fans!
"Go, you have a chance, maybe next season." Pan Yi patted Arteta on the shoulder.

Arteta nodded and went about his business.

He wants to get his players moving as soon as possible to adapt to the field, body, and atmosphere!

And Pan Yi looked up at the rostrum again.

There, Valentina was waving at him.

And Chelsea's boss Abramovich, Bruce Barker and other high-level officials, as well as Bayern officials are also sitting there.

Even today, many senior government officials from Britain and Germany came to the scene to witness the emergence of today's champion!

"Are you thinking about awarding? It doesn't have to be for you."

Guardiola's joking voice suddenly sounded behind Pan Yi.

Pan Yi turned his head, under the light of San Siro, Guardiola's bald head was particularly dazzling.

"Hehe, grab it if you have the ability!" Pan Yi smiled, "I am the defending champion. And you, do you remember when was the last time you won the cup?"

"Today in 2011 is also May 5." Guardiola said the time accurately, and then sighed, "Five years have passed before I knew it."

When Guardiola led Barcelona to easily beat Manchester United 3:1 in the final, the trembling fingers of then Red Devils coach Ferguson also explained his helplessness.

It is indeed impossible to kick!

Although there was no MSN combination in Barcelona at that time, the midfield trio composed of Xavi, Iniesta and Busquets, together with the three-pointed swordsmanship of Villa, Messi and Pedro, could really play the ball. Control to death.

But today, Guardiola will not be so strong.

In other words, the strong side has become Chelsea and Pan Yi.

After all, although Bayern Munich's lineup is not bad, compared with Barcelona at its peak, it is almost meaningless.

"Coincidentally, from the second year after you finally won the Champions League, I also won the championship in Milan. Then Hamburg, Chelsea..." Pan Yi joked, "So today, how are you going to snatch it from me? Cup with big ears?"

"How else can I grab it? Use your tactics to defeat you!" Guardiola laughed.

"Hey, you want to play against me? Then you are dead." Pan Yi shook his head, "There are really few teams that can walk out of the stadium alive when they play against me."

"Maybe." Guardiola suddenly sighed, "But can defense win? And I'm not good at defense."

Pan Yi nodded slightly.

Gua Shuai is right.

The teams under his command have always insisted on attacking, and it can be said that they never play defensive tactics.

Some people may say that this is because Guardiola leads strong teams, but these people forget that when Guardiola first started coaching, his team was the Barcelona B team.

This team had just been relegated from the Spanish League C before Guardiola took over. This kind of team can't be regarded as a strong team.

And Gua Shuai led them back to the promotion. At that time, they achieved 28 wins, 9 draws and 5 losses.

In the playoffs against Castillo and Barbastre, Guardiola's team scored 9 goals and conceded 0 goals.

And even in such a relatively weak team, Guardiola still insists on the philosophy of passing and controlling offense, which also laid the foundation for him to officially become the head coach of the first team in the future.

In other words, in many cases, the style of a head coach leading the team has nothing to do with the strength of the team.

This is only related to the coach's tactical preference and personal personality.

Of course, there are also coaches like Pan Yi who can flexibly change their "tactical preferences", attack when they need to attack, and defend when they need to, but this is definitely not something Guardiola will do.

"However, we are no longer the Bayern of the previous two years, you just wait and see today."

As Guardiola said, he left Pan Yi with an unpredictable smile, then turned and left.

And Pan Yi curled his lips.

bring it on!See you on the court! ——
The decisive battle was imminent, and there was a dead silence in the locker room of the home team, and the movement of the fans outside could be vaguely heard.

All the players have changed their clothes, tied their shoelaces, and are sitting upright.

They looked at the head coach Pan Yi standing among the players, waiting for him to make the last mobilization before going on the court.

There are players like Harry Kane and Mbappe who played in the Champions League final for the first time, Marcos Alonso and Azpilicueta who followed Chelsea to the final for two consecutive years, and Kante In this way, he has reached the finals in AC Milan and Hamburg...

No matter who it is, no matter how many finals they have played, if they say they are not nervous, it must be false.

But this season, they have followed Pan Yi's side, won one victory after another, defeated opponents one after another, and established a strong self-confidence early on, which made them have the ambition to defeat their opponents in every game ambition.

Even, in their eyes, winning is a matter of course.

"It's time to play the game."

Pan Yi finally broke the silence in the locker room and made everyone listen attentively.

"What should be said, what should be arranged, I have already told you in the pre-match preparation meeting before, I believe you all know what to do after you step on the court, so I will not say anything redundant .”

After a pause, Pan Yi continued: "As you all know, I participated in three UEFA Champions League finals with the team and won all three. One was in Milan, one was in Hamburg, and one was last year's Chelsea."

After all the players heard Pan Yi's words, their confidence increased inexplicably.

This is out of trust in Pan Yi!
It is easier to win the game when playing under the generals who are always victorious!

"What I want to tell you is that the Champions League final is not scary."

Pan Yi continued:

"You have to remember that your opponents are not just opponents on the court, but also yourself."

"You guys need to get over your nerves, get over your fears, even get over your hunger for the title, and play like you normally do."

"The opponent will definitely cause us trouble. They may attack and use the opening to seize the advantage. They may press the whole court and make our offense frustrated..."

"They may try everything to prevent us from controlling the ball, controlling the pace, even they will score first! This is normal!"

"Don't forget, the best teams in European football today can reach the Champions League final. Bayern Munich has always been one of the best teams in Europe, and today is no exception."

"So, my experience tells me that patience is crucial."

"Here, I ask you, no matter what difficulties we encounter on the court, no matter what tactics our opponents play, no matter how tenacious they are, we must always be patient."

"This game tonight is not easy. But no matter what the situation is, I need each of you to remain calm at all times and firmly implement the team's tactical play."

"You have to believe in me, believe in your teammates, and believe in the whole we have formed!"

"How many powerful opponents have we been able to walk into the San Siro Stadium?"

"Then, as long as we are ourselves today, we can defeat them!"

Pan Yi increased his tone, and all the players followed Pan Yi's last words and shouted loudly:

"Beat them and win the championship! We are seven champions!"

They admire Pan Yi very much, and they all have great trust in their head coach.

This is the accumulation of victories over the past one or two seasons, and it will not be easily shaken.

They believe that as long as Pan Yi is there, they are the strongest team in Europe.

No team can stop them from creating the glory of seven crowns!
(End of this chapter)

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