Chapter 126

"First, Van der Vaart is 29 years old this year, which doesn't fit my idea of ​​building a younger team."

"Second, I want to introduce more players for reinforcement. I just spent 2000 million euros. Where can I get the money?"

"Third, his salary is very high. The highest weekly salary in our team is [-] to [-] euros, right? He earns at least [-] to [-], which completely breaks our salary structure."

"Fourth, and the most important point." Pan Yi paused and said, "You have also seen Milan's style of play this season. I want to press the frontcourt. Van der Vaart is obviously not competent for my tactics. Law."

Of course, there is another sentence in Pan Yi's mind: "The fifth point is the most important, that is, I have the final say on the transfer now."

It's just a newcomer, so it's enough for everyone to understand the meaning, and it doesn't need to be so straightforward, there is no need to make the relationship between colleagues so rigid.

Convince people with reason!
Hearing what Pan Yi said was well-organized, Yakhov and Clemens looked at each other, but had nothing to say.

Clemens hesitated for a moment and asked, "Then Coach Pan Yi, what do you mean, we don't need to strengthen the attacking midfielder?"

"Reinforcement must be strengthened." Pan Yi pushed a piece of paper he had prepared a long time ago onto the table, "My first choice is the young player Kevin De Bruyne, who was loaned to Genk, Belgium by Chelsea. He doesn't turn 21 until next month, but he's got a lot of talent and I've had my eye on him for a long time."

"Oh..." Clemens took the paper and looked at it, "We have paid attention to this young player, he is indeed good. But his worth is not low, not more than 1000 million euros, I don't think Chelsea will let him go. "

"Isn't this half cheaper than Van der Vaart? And the salary of this young man is also low, and a weekly salary of [-] to [-] euros can be settled." Pan Yi laughed, "Free up more salary space to sign More people, isn't it better?"

Clemens nodded slightly.

On the one hand, Pan Yi now has a relatively large authority, so he can only provide his own suggestions.

On the other hand, what Pan Yi said is indeed reasonable.

Sometimes, a high-paid player airborne team, if not convinced, it will cause turmoil in the locker room.

A positive example is Milan's Zlatan Ibrahimovic, whose weekly salary is more than double that of other players, but no one thinks there is anything wrong;
A negative example is that when Manchester United introduced Sanchez, the Premier League's first salary, which could reach a maximum weekly salary of 50 pounds, immediately disturbed the morale of Manchester United's army, and played a drama of "the professor's legacy messed up Manchester United".

Everyone knows what happened to Manchester United in the next few years.

But at this time, Yakhov said hesitantly: "Well... Let me interject. I think the forward line may be the most in need of supplementary personnel."

"Huh?" Both Pan Yi and Clemens looked at the chairman.

Both of them were a little surprised.

Under normal circumstances, Mr. Chairman is not directly involved in team affairs.

"It's like this..." Yakhov's face turned slightly red when facing Pan Yi, "Because our performance this season is really bad, some players are determined to leave the team, and it is really impossible to keep them. Among them are ours. The two main strikers of the ..."

Yakhov deliberately concealed these things from Pan Yi because he was afraid that Pan Yi would regret not coming to Hamburg.

After all, the main force left the team, and Pan Yi patted his chest on the media without knowing it.

With a shortage of major generals, how could it be possible to achieve such a high goal?

So now Yakhov still feels a little guilty in his heart, and always feels that he has cheated Pan Yi.

"Who wants to go?" Pan Yi remained calm.

"Guerrero and Petric."

"'s really our main striker..." Pan Yi showed a solemn expression.

"Brazil's Corinthians has already contacted us, saying that they will pay 350 million to buy Guerrero. And Petric refused to renew his contract because his contract expired, and he is going to leave the team freely."

Yakhov introduced the situation with a little embarrassment.

But Pan Yi's face was still ugly, but he secretly smiled in his heart.

Isn't this about someone handing you a pillow when you doze off?

He came to Hamburg to clean up and sell those useless players to make room.

These two forwards have only scored 13 goals in total throughout the season, and there is really no way for them to have a place in Pan Yi's tactical system.

Even if they don't leave, Pan Yi will drive them away!
And now that they took the initiative to leave, Pan Yi was naturally happy to do so.

Of course, now Pan Yi pretended to be so shocked that his jaw was about to drop, and said loudly: "What, have you all talked about it?"

"Yes, yes." Yakhov's head was sweating a little, "Pan Yi, don't be angry, it's my fault. I heard that you wanted to rebuild the team, and thought their departure would not cause anything... ..."

"Oh, but the framework of the team still needs to be preserved, otherwise how can it be competitive?" Pan Yi sighed lightly, "This is the end of the matter, we can only see what happens. Now that I have signed After signing the contract, we are a family. Promise me, don’t hide any difficulties from me. Although I am still young, everyone can work together to find a way to get through the difficulties.”

Yakhov's heart felt hot.

What a good boy, at this moment, he is still thinking about the club and me, and I was thinking of tricking him to come here...

"But in this case, we really should add more personnel, transfer budget..." Pan Yi looked at Yakhov and said.

"Don't worry, I understand." Yakhov patted his chest, "You can invest 100% of all the income from selling players into the transfer market for signings. In addition, I can add an additional... 500 million euros! "

Pan Yi sighed: "It can only be like this."

Although he has been moaning and sighing, Pan Yi is actually happy in his heart.

He acted for a long time, just for one word: "I need to pay more."

And now, needless to say, Yakhov has offered to increase the transfer budget.

The main reason is that Pan Yi wants to win De Bruyne too much.

This guy is the world's number one attacking midfielder in the future.In fact, if according to the normal timeline, if Hamburg does not make a move this summer, De Bruyne will come to Bremen, which is also in the Bundesliga, and become the core of the midfield.

Then he officially moved to Wolfsburg, became the assist leader of the five major European leagues, won the title of German Footballer of the Year, and became the hottest midfielder in Europe.

At this time, his worth will reach 6000 million euros.

And even now, Pan Yi is actually not sure that he can win De Bruyne with 1000 million euros. After all, since Chelsea will make a move, it means that he has already attracted the attention of many teams.

So the more money in your pocket, the better.

Besides, besides De Bruyne, there are many people on Pan Yi's shopping list.

At this time, Pan Yi did not know where to take out several pieces of paper with printed text and handed them to Clemens:

"Look, it should be okay for us to recruit these people to supplement the strength of the team?"

(End of this chapter)

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