when idols fall in love

Chapter 186. 182. Some thoughts

Chapter 186. 182. Some thoughts
After the Spring Festival, although there was still a snowfall, the climate and temperature in Seoul began to approach spring a little bit.

Even the pots of green plants in front of the Lin family's gate seemed more verdant and vibrant.

Holding the baby in her arms, Lin Yunzhen rang the doorbell.

After giving birth, although she herself didn't feel any weakness in her body, Father Lin insisted not to let her go out and walk around at will.

But this time, even her husband Huang Taiyong, who never chased chickens when she asked her to chase dogs, rarely did not follow her wishes.

So she stayed at home until today before finally going out.

The doorbell rang twice, and the door was opened.

Apparently, Father Lin, who knew the couple was coming, had been waiting early in the morning.

"Father! I brought your grandson to see you!" Lin Yunzhen sent the child in her arms forward.

This crisp and neat movement caused the two men in front and behind to panic.

"Can't you be more careful?"

Father Lin quickly picked up the child, and then called the couple to enter the door.

Huang Taiyong pressed the gift bag in his hand into Father Lin's hand, and said with a smile, "Father-in-law, this is specially bought for you."

"Wasting money all day long again," Lin's father frowned, "Yunzhen is ignorant, so you follow suit, how many times have I told you, don't bring these when you come to the door."

"Remember, remember." Huang Taiyong replied vaguely.

He is obviously experienced in how to walk back and forth between father-in-law and wife.

He sat down on the sofa in the living room, Father Lin coaxed the child, and Huang Taiyong consciously went to the kitchen to wash the fruit.

"Where did the little lock on the child's neck come from? It's pretty." Father Lin lowered his head to tease his grandson, and asked casually.

"Oh," Lin Yunzhen blinked, "a gift from a friend."

Before Father Lin could ask again, she changed the subject, "Has Yuner called you, Dad these few days?"

Father Lin paused, "The girl is busy right now."

"No matter how busy you are, you have to call home. I thought she just didn't call me, girl."

Lin Yunzhen didn't notice Father Lin's strangeness, she took out her mobile phone from her handbag, and was about to dial Lin Yuner's number.

But Father Lin raised his hand to stop him, "Wait a minute."

"Huh? Dad, you..." Lin Yunzhen was a little puzzled.

"Is Yun'er in love?" Father Lin asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Lin Yunzhen looked surprised.

"The day you gave birth"

After whispering a few words, Father Lin looked a little serious, "Although I don't know who the other party is, it must be bad for Yun'er to behave like this."

Lin Yunzhen finally came to her senses at this moment.

After considering her words, she said cautiously, "Actually, it's nothing. She's still young. Isn't it normal to experience some separation and reunion?"

Father Lin shook his head, "Yun'er doesn't look like she wants to talk about it."

"But there's nothing wrong with serious love."

"Of course it's right to be serious about falling in love, but what's wrong is that you shouldn't choose someone who has no results." Staring at Lin Yunzhen, Lin's father said slowly, "Abba himself has made mistakes, should we let Yun'er do it again?"

Lin Yunzhen was speechless for a moment.

"If I remember correctly, she has a schedule to come back in a few days, right?"

"Abba, you."

"Boss," pushing open the concealed office door, Li Ran came in carrying a large stack of documents, "All the relevant information you want are here, and I have sent some other electronic documents to your mailbox."

"Okay, it's hard work." Gu Heng casually pointed to the space without looking up, "Let's put it here, is there anything else?"

"No more, that's right," Li Ran patted his head, "The cooperation plan for the KBS TV series has basically been finalized."

Gu Heng raised his head, and was about to speak when he caught a glimpse of the screen of the mobile phone that was placed aside.

While taking out the phone to unlock it, he asked, ""good doctor"?"

"Yes, the person in charge of the TV production center over there will come over this afternoon, and in order to meet our simultaneous broadcast requirements, KBS has already finalized the first half of the script. For our side, director Jin Zhongxue tends to let director Li Hezhong come. In charge of directing this shoot.”

South Korean drama series generally adopt the method of filming and broadcasting at the same time, and often there are only a few episodes of scripts when filming starts.

However, this method obviously cannot meet the approval requirements of Huaxia, and it cannot be broadcast simultaneously.

"What's more, the two directors are still hesitating about the casting of the male lead. These days, some actors may be openly auditioned. As for the casting of the female lead, KBS said yes."

"Xiuzhi agreed?"

"Huh? Boss, how do you know?" Li Ran was taken aback.

Gu Heng didn't answer his question, but just waved his hand and said, "Okay, I see, let's proceed according to the plan."

Li Ran left in response, and Gu Heng looked at the newly received message on the phone.

【Suzy】: picture.jpg
[Suzy]: Producer Gu, nice to meet~
Gu Heng smiled helplessly, feeling a little regretful.

I just hope that the final results of this drama will not disappoint Pei Xiuzhi's choice.

After simply replying with an emoji, he was about to put his phone aside when another message popped up.

[Run'e children]: Picture.jpg
【Run'e kid】: Cough cough cough

Gu Heng clicked on the picture.

It's an air ticket, the place of departure is Tokyo, and the place of landing is Seoul.

A smile appeared on Gu Heng's face.

[Gu Heng]: Are you coming back to record the show tomorrow?
The message was sent, but before Lin Yun'er could reply, the call had already arrived.

"I caught you playing with your mobile phone at work." The girl's voice came from the mobile phone.

"Then deduct some wages." Gu Heng replied with a smile.

"Tch, aren't you the one who pays the salary?"

"Is there a schedule to come back this time?"

"Hmm~ I have a schedule for a variety show, I will come back and stay for a day, and then I will go back."

"Only for one day? When will the recording be?" Gu Heng was a little disappointed.

Although he knew from the moment they confirmed their relationship that Lin Yuner's job was destined to be a normal situation for the two of them.

But people's emotions are often not controlled by determination or thoughts.

"It's hard to say, the recording time of variety shows is not fixed"

"That..." Gu Heng hesitated for a moment.

"But no matter how late it is, give me time to go back to sleep." Lin Yun'er added with a light smile.

Gu Heng's expression relaxed at first, but then he thought of something again, and asked in a gentle voice,

"Don't you need to go home and take a look? Yunzhen Nuna just gave birth to a child a few days ago, and you were not at home when the old days were over. Your father and Yunzhen Nuna should also miss you."

There was a moment of silence on the phone.

Without answering his question, Lin Yuner just whispered, "Recently, I've been craving Chinese food, what would you cook?"

There seemed to be some subtle emotions hidden in the voice that puzzled Gu Heng.

"What, you want me to cook for Miss Lin Yuner?"

"Don't you want to?"

"I'll buy a recipe for Man-Han Banquet when I go out soon."

"Absent from work will be paid back."

 Thank you, "It's Really Difficult to Change Your Name" for your rewards!Thank you, Xiao Li, who has no money and ty supreme harmless book friends for their rewards!
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(End of this chapter)

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