The heavens start from saving Daming

Chapter 215 An Sheng's Preparation

Chapter 215 An Sheng's Preparation

Those who intercede in the harem will be sent directly to the nunnery and locked up.

The Tai students who submitted their papers were directly handed out stacks of exam papers, and those who failed to answer the questions were all expelled.

The clans who came forward to intercede, one by one, were all sent to the Daxiangguo Temple to eat fast, recite the Buddha, and write a letter of repentance. When they can come out, it depends on Li Yunze's mood.

Losing these means, the Lord He faction was immediately stripped of their glamorous appearance, and then they ended up with Cai Jing and others.

Confiscated the house and went to the execution ground, and went through all the procedures.

And since Cai Jing was torn to pieces last time, it seems to have become a certain tradition. These scholar-bureaucrats who go to the execution ground are usually impossible to reach the execution ground alive, and they are always torn to pieces by the angry people halfway. .

The executioners in Kaifeng Mansion are about to lose their jobs.

The people in Qianshou hated these treacherous traitors very much, and when they broke out, it was indeed very scary.

Even those Tai students who wanted to continue to oppose, after seeing the anger of the common people, they all stopped and dared not speak any more.

The Zhuhe faction was wiped out, at least the hall of the Great Song Dynasty became much clearer, and there were only one out of ten people left.

Only at this time did Li Yunze have the energy to carry out a large-scale reorganization of the entire court.

The first is to directly abolish the three provinces of under the door, Zhongshu, and internal servants.

All Shangshu Zuopushe, Dazai Shaozai, and servant servants were all revoked at the same time.

All the official positions in the court were reduced to six departments, five temples, two prisons, two courtyards and one mansion.

The six departments are officials, households, soldiers, and criminal workers, which can be regarded as the most basic functions of the court.

The five temples are Dali Temple, Taichang Temple, Guanglu Temple, Taipu Temple, and Honglu Temple, which can be regarded as a strong supplement to the functions of the court hall.

The second prison is Guozijian and Qintianjian, which are mainly engaged in learning.

The second hospital is the inspector's office and the imperial hospital, and the first mansion is naturally the clan's mansion.

As for the military, directly turning the Privy Council into the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion is tantamount to moving all of Daming's methods over.

After the simplification, the exam will start. Students who are under the three-way method can also apply for the exam. After passing the exam, they can enter the job directly.

After the exam was over, Li Yunze only used one-tenth of the original court staff to run the court smoothly.

There is also restructuring at the local level.

What transshipment, what appeasement, what kind of management, all the seven or eight envoys are all cancelled.

All roads were changed to provinces, and all armies were changed to state capitals.

Local simplification only includes governors, prefects, prefectures, and counties, and there are no other messy things.

A large number of civil servants were downsized, so they were naturally very unwilling. They gathered together to mobilize public opinion and began to viciously attack Li Yunze.

All kinds of leaflets accusing and criticizing him were scattered in the city, and all kinds of nursery rhymes scolding him began to be sung by children.

For these, Li Yunze just scoffed.

This is all he has left over from playing a long time ago.

It's okay to deal with someone who has never seen the world and grew up in the hands of a deep palace woman, but he can't deal with him.

First, the reorganized Imperial City Division secretly investigated, and after finding out all the personnel, they directly sealed off the city and arrested them.

After being caught, they will not be polite, and they will all be sent to the execution ground directly.

There are also many scholars in the Song Dynasty, and if there is a shortage of people, just take the exam and be promoted.

After temporarily arranging these things, Li Yunze began to rectify the army.

All the field soldiers and horses were gathered and reorganized into the imperial battalion, which was divided into the front, back, left, and middle five armies, which happened to correspond to the five armies' governor's mansion.

The commander-in-chief of each army also serves as the commander-in-chief.

After the reorganization, the five capitals of the imperial camp were Han Shizhong, Yue Fei, Wang Bao, Zhang Jun and Li Yanxian.

After that, the establishment of the Forbidden Army and the local Xiang Army was completely abolished, and only archers and minzhuang were left in the local area, responsible for maintaining law and order and dealing with bandits.

The real battles are all undertaken by the imperial battalion.

In this way, the soldiers and horses of the Song Dynasty, which used to be as high as more than 100 million, were finally slimmed down by force.

Solving the problem of redundant officials and redundancy, the redundancy will naturally disappear.

Afterwards, the soldiers and horses of the imperial battalions from all walks of life began to attack, and Zhang Jun, Han Shizhong, and Wang Zhisan went northward to confront the Kingdom of Jin on defense.

Li Yanxian's troops were stationed in Bianliang City as a reserve team, while Yue Fei's troops began to go south to eliminate the bandits who took advantage of the situation because of the Jin army's invasion.

Zhong Xiang in Dongting Lake, bandits in Qianzhou, etc. are all his targets.

In addition, Yue Fei's department also undertakes an important mission, which is to promote the integration of gentry and gentry along the way.

This is also an old problem of the feudal dynasty.

When the country was founded, there were fewer people and more land. After the division, everyone can still live a good life.

But with the passage of time, when the population increased, the rich and powerful began to use various methods, mainly colluding with the government and distributing interest money to seize the fields of the people in the head of Guizhou.

These people are rich and powerful but don't want to pay taxes and do their jobs. They try their best to get tax-free privileges for themselves.

In the feudal era, the agricultural tax was the biggest one.But most of the people have no money or land and have to pay taxes. The gentry and landlords who occupy the main means of production do not pay taxes.

The result is naturally that the court that cannot receive money and food is getting weaker and weaker until it is destroyed and then starts the next cycle.

If it weren't for the invasion of the Jin army, which made the threat of foreign invaders outweigh the internal chaos, the Song Dynasty would not last many years and would be overthrown.

Vegetable Mofangla is the best example. The Song Dynasty will inevitably be wiped out due to peasant uprisings in at most 50 years.

Li Yunze wanted to alleviate the urgent threat in this regard, so he had to take advantage of the fact that the gentry and landlords had lost the opportunity to support them from the court, and forcibly settled the matter.

The fact that the gentry paid errands as a whole was essentially abolishing the tax-free privilege of officials and landlords from a legal point of view.

Following that, the poll tax was abolished, which stimulated large-scale population growth.

In the end, those people who were trapped as tenants were released, and the fields in various places were checked. However, any family with more than [-] acres of fields must strictly examine how the fields came from.

If it is a coincidence, or if the explanation is not clear, then it will be confiscated and distributed.

In order to ease the most intense conflict, Li Yunze used forceful methods to redistribute the fields.

As for the opposition of the gentry and landlords, let's talk about it first when we can beat the swords and guns of the soldiers and horses of the imperial camp.

Not only the gentry and landlords, but also the temples and Taoist temples all over the place are the focus of Li Yunze's attack.

All monastery fields exceeding [-] mu will be confiscated.

All the bronze wares inside were taken away, and none of them were allowed to be left behind.

Those who are engaged in the business of distributing interest should behead the abbot first and then investigate.

The first unlucky one was the famous Moulin Temple.

When the Jin army went south before, a certain forest temple closed the mountain and did not receive guests.It is said that it is practicing Buddhism diligently, but it is actually watching the wind and making the rudder, waiting for the real winner to appear before placing bets.

After Jin Bing was defeated, they also started to receive pilgrims here again, and at the same time, they were also providing interest for the people who were plowing in spring.

Yue Fei's army passed by here when they went south to Dongting Lake, and the accompanying work team noticed that a certain forest temple was distributing interest locally on the same day, and they still asked the people to use their own fields as collateral.

That night, the abbot of the temple was dragged out and chopped down.

Looking at the abbot with a shiny face and fat brain, even Yue Fei nodded his head to show that he chopped well!
Then it was to count the acres of land, and distribute the tens of thousands of acres of land occupied by the temple to the tenants. After that, all the bronze utensils in the temple were taken away, and what he did was spread everywhere.

When Li Yunze came here last year, he left harsh words, and now it can be regarded as fulfilled.

Through examinations, Li Yunze promoted batches of young people, and then incorporated them all into work teams, and dispatched them to various places to deal with the work of clearing up the local farmland and sending gentry together as errands and payers.

If you do well, you will be rewarded, and you can go directly to the tiger class to make up for any vacancies.

Those who do not do well will be punished, and all future qualifications will be directly disqualified.

If it is in collusion with the local gentry, let alone, you will lose your head directly.

Li Yunze's move, which was almost outright grabbing, would naturally cause a violent backlash.

After all, taking people's money is like killing their parents. Li Yunze directly robbed them of their land and made them pay taxes as errands. Of course they were desperate.

It is common for the work team to be attacked and killed, and there are even people who gather to rebel with flags.

This kind of thing was actually very common in the Song Dynasty, and there were many peasant uprisings in the Song Dynasty.

However, this kind of rebellion with gentry as the main body is still rare.

At this time, it is time for the soldiers and horses of the imperial battalion to show their might.

Han Shizhong was in charge of Guanzhong, Wang Chi was in charge of Hedong, Zhang Jun was in charge of Hebei, and Yue Fei was in charge of everything else.

Send troops directly to wipe out, leaving no one behind.

This large-scale internal rectification operation lasted from spring plowing to after autumn.

In fact, it was not completed after the autumn, or at least it would last for several years.

It's just that after the autumn harvest, Li Yunze turned his attention from internal affairs to the military.

According to the tradition of more than ten years ago, when the autumn is high and the horses are fat, the Jin army will send troops.

Li Yunze made two-handed preparations, if the Jin army went south, he would let them in, and then directly encircle and suppress them.

If the Jin army dare not go south, then no problem, just call me there.

Even Zhao Ji dared to send troops to recover Yanyun, and Zhao Huan even dared to go to war directly with the Jinren, so there was no reason why Li Yunze didn't dare to fight.

Since the defeat in Zhongmou, the Jin army fled directly to the north and fled all the way back to their traditional area.

Even when Wang Zhi recovered Taiyuan and Zhang Jun recovered Hejian and other places, the Jin army did not make a large-scale decisive battle.

It's not that I don't want to fight, but that I really hurt my muscles and bones.

Whether it is the East Route Army or the West Route Army, the loss of troops is more than half.

Moreover, most of them are real Tartars, and they are the capital for Jin Guo to settle down.

Moreover, they suffered a disastrous defeat, and their morale was low, and they urgently needed the noble ladies of Khitan to appease their morale.

It can be said that Jin Jun has been busy recuperating for several months.

They searched for a large number of people from outside the customs. In addition to the Tartars, there were Xi people, Khitan people, Bohai people, Han people, Korean people, and even many reinforcements who couldn't tell who they were.

Then the Han'er army was recruited from Yanyun and other places to add to the various households, at least on the surface, the loss of troops was replenished.

After the autumn harvest, the Jin people also began to scratch their heads over whether to continue the tradition of sending troops after the autumn.

(End of this chapter)

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