Chapter 273 Heavy Armor
In the 12th year of Chongzhen, on the seventh day of March, Pingdan, the sun rose in the east.

The stars dimmed, the bright moon disappeared, and the biting cold wind howled in the mountains and valleys.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The high-spirited war drums sounded again from the Ming army's camp.


The tsunami-like shouts echoed through the mountains again.

The victory in the first battle made the Ming army strong.

At the celebration banquet last night, Sun Chuanting ordered the soldiers to bring in several treasure chests filled with silver, and distributed the reward on the spot without any deductions.

And for those who were injured, money was also sent as subsidies.

Pensions were also recorded for those who died in the war, and the pensions were distributed by officials from the Ministry of War according to the list. The pensions were also paid in full and jointly supervised by the town and camp generals.

Charge forward and have no worries!
It is said that once it is vigorous, it will weaken again, and finally it will be exhausted.

But on the second day, not only did the Ming army's energy and spirit not weaken, but it rose again and reached its peak.

Sun Chuanting's prestige in the hearts of the soldiers in each town also rose to an extremely high position in just a few days.


As the military order from Sun Chuanting, who was in the Dongshan Central Army, was passed down, the three formations of soldiers all moved in response to the flag and attacked the mountain with their backs.

The Ming army's killing cries echoed through the mountains again, filling everyone's ears.

On the east and west sides, Cao Bianjiao and Wu Sangui led the armored soldiers to take the lead and marched directly to the Qing army's camp, vowing to take the lead.

The Ming army in Nanshan also worked hard and held their breath.

A fortress has been captured in both the east and west mountains, but they spent all day yesterday working in vain and failed to capture any of the fortresses. Naturally, they were unwilling to do so.

There are three forts on the periphery of Nanshan, guarding three intersections respectively.

At this time, at the foot of Nanshan Mountain, the camp soldiers from Xuanfu Town and Jizhou Town, as well as the camp troops from the three sides of Shaanxi Province, occupied a mountain road respectively.

"The east and west mountains have captured Jiannu's stronghold, but we are left alone in the south mountain without an inch of progress? Are you willing to be laughed at by everyone?!"

Yang Guozhu wore a three-flag moon helmet, black armor, and a battle robe, with his right sleeve exposed, looking horrified as he shouted sternly.

"Today we attack the mountain, we will advance but not retreat, we will win but not lose. Sons of Xuan Mansion, follow me to kill the slaves!!"

Yang Guozhu held the Yanling Saber high and took the lead, leading a group of servants to lead the charge.

The soldiers who were already ready to attack the mountain were stunned for a moment, and then each of them felt their blood surge with excitement.

"Kill slaves!!!"

The battalion soldiers in Xuanfu Town were the first to react. They held their weapons high and, under the leadership of their respective generals, screamed and swarmed forward, quickly covering the hills and slopes like a tide!

"Their Xuanfu soldiers are brave! Don't our Jizhou soldiers have no courage?!"

In the large formation in Jizhou Town, some generals shouted angrily.

"Brothers, follow me and kill slaves!!"

The sound of killing slaves echoed in the military formation in Jizhou Town, and countless soldiers from Jizhou Town stepped forward one after another.

They rushed along the mountain road, along the slope, towards the Qing army camp across the mountain passes!

The troops in the camps in Xuanfu and Jizhou towns were so strong that the Qin soldiers standing on the far right were also struggling.

Zuo Guangxian led dozens of servants and stood on a high slope, looking down at the soldiers.

Zuo Guangxian slowly raised the Yanling Saber in his hand. He only said two short words and he had already boosted the morale of the Shaanxi Sanbian Camp soldiers down the slope!

"Kill together!!"


Under the hillside, more than [-] Shaanxi soldiers shouted in unison and swarmed forward!

Along the way, Zuo Guangxian has successively served as garrison, guerrilla, staff general, deputy commander-in-chief, and finally Guyuan commander-in-chief. He did not rely on the support of others, nor the favor of others.

What Zuo Guang relied on first was the sword in his hand. He fought almost everything with one sword and one gun.

Except for Cao Wenzhao, he has always taken the most credit in the entire three sides of Shaanxi, and he is regarded as a "powerful general"!
Zuo Guangxian has always been in a very high position among the troops on the three sides of Shaanxi Province. Now, just a single killing call has already made the three armies take action.

The Battle of Qingshan Pass started again, and the morale of the Ming army was once again high, which put great pressure on the Qing army.

Bugles sounded continuously from various Qing army camps on Daqing Mountain, and Qing army messengers carrying command flags struggled to pass through various mountain roads.

Teams of armored soldiers hurried along the mountain road towards the various emergency camps.

Letters asking for help followed the mountain path into the Great Wall, were sent all the way to Volume 72, and were presented to Dorgon.

Dorgon frowned and stared at the tide-like Ming army in the distance.

On the east and west sides, the Ming army broke through a fortress each, causing the original defense line to be damaged, and the outermost defense line to be broken.

Originally, Dorgon planned to abandon the outermost and outer fortresses on the night of the third day, while taking advantage of the darkness, and gradually shrink the defense line to the outer layer.

Then on the fifth day, it shrinks to the inner layer, and finally the entire division can safely exit the customs.

The defense line must be contracted, because as the baggage and plundered people leave the customs, the troops must also leave the customs.

39 forts and [-] troops were more than enough for defense.

But with the loss of troops, it was impossible to maintain so many camps forever.

The outermost fortresses now seemed to be mostly undefeated. Dorgon's initial estimate was that the Ming army would be able to barely break through one or two fortresses on the second day.

It was not until the fourth day that all the outer fortresses could be demolished.

At this time, most of the baggage currently stranded in the customs can be transported outside the customs, and there is plenty of time.

At that time, he was shrinking the defense line, leaving only heavy troops to guard a few key points. After transporting the last things out of the customs, the last palace troops left the customs again.

However, the Ming army's offensive was fierce, several times faster than Dorgon expected.

There were nearly 2000 casualties yesterday alone, although most of the casualties were Han soldiers and Mongolian soldiers who were auxiliary.

But such casualties are almost reaching the critical line.

At the moment, it seems that tonight, we may have to abandon the outermost fortress first, abandon the outermost fortress, and retreat to the second line of defense.

The biggest flaw of the outermost line of defense is that it is difficult to connect, they are far apart from each other, and the speed of rescue is slow.

After the two forts have been breached, there are loopholes in the defense line. The Ming army can pass through these two camps and attack in a long way.

And now, the Ming army is already doing this.

"Attack and defend, pay attention to the movements of the Ming army, and inform the outermost camp. If there is a risk of being surrounded, we are allowed to give up voluntarily."

Dorgon withdrew his gaze, and after pondering for a long time, issued a new order.

Dorgon has made a decision. He is ready to give up today evening. He will give up most of the outermost fortresses in the east and west mountains, leaving only the two most important fortresses.

As for the Nanshan fortress, the three outermost fortresses could not be saved. No matter whether the Ming army captured these three fortresses today or not, he was ready to give up.

If the outermost camp is lost, it will be lost. The defensive ability of the outermost camp is not strong because the terrain is indeed low and gentle.

However, the subsequent fortresses on the mountainside will be much stronger and more steep, and their defensive capabilities will be much stronger.

Dorgon had already made up his mind to shrink the defense line and stabilize the position.

…it’s five o’clock in the morning (10:35).
Nanshan position.

Zuo Guangxian slowly unfolded the document in his hand.

The Qing army once again increased its troops to support the east and west mountains. Cao Bianjiao in the east mountain once again broke through a fortress. Wu Sangui in the west mountain was not to be outdone and also broke through a fortress, putting huge pressure on the Qing army.

Zuo Guang first put down the documents in his hand and looked to the left. Deafening shouts were coming from the left.

A fiery red flag was dancing in the air - Yang Guozhu also broke through a fortress!
The Qing army's camp was broken, and the remaining defeated generals were retreating along the mountain road to the rear. The Ming army that had broken the camp was also pursuing them along the mountain road, and fierce battles were taking place everywhere.

However, Yang Guozhu's victory did not mean that the other two routes won. Jizhou Town still failed to achieve much results. Nanshan was guarded by two yellow flags among the Qing army.

The Lianghuang Banners are Huang Taiji's direct troops, with strong combat power and well-equipped equipment. The terrain of Nanshan is much steeper than that of the East and West mountains, so it is naturally difficult to break through.

Zuo Guangxian also encountered the same problem here.

"Those who are bastards, those who are bastards! They are all fucking lunatics!"

Hun Tianxing Hui Dengxiang gritted his teeth, and the hand holding the knife was trembling.

In Shaanxi, whether he was fighting other bandits or fighting officers and soldiers, he had never fought such a fierce battle.

Prime Minister Hui Deng's armor was mostly damaged, his hair was dirty, and his body was covered in blood. He looked extremely slovenly, and he did not have the slightest bit of the demeanor of a big bandit when he was in Shaanxi.

"No wonder those Liao soldiers are all so good at fighting."

Standing next to Prime Minister Hui Deng, Hun Shi Thousand Ma Jinzhong was no better at this time. He and Prime Minister Hui Deng had just led their troops to retreat. They were also covered in blood and were in a miserable state, and said with a bitter smile.

"We are facing a group of savages like this. If we can't fight them, I'm afraid they'll be buried somewhere long ago."

Ma Jinzhong was also filled with fear at this time. Thousands of people filled in, but they couldn't even conquer a small village.

The slave soldiers in the village were not wearing armor, so they were braver than ordinary officers and soldiers.

But those armor-piercing slave soldiers are really ruthless, especially those heavily armored soldiers. They all seem to be desperate, not like humans, but more like evil spirits.

The archers of the slave soldiers were extremely accurate, cruel and poisonous.

Xiang Huiden glanced east and whispered.

"I heard that Xiao Cao broke another battalion, but I don't know if it's true."

Ma Jinzhong spat on the ground and cursed.

"Donkey Ball, that's a monster. How can we compete with him?!"

"These are these dog Tatars! I have never suffered such a big loss!"

Ma Jinzhong cursed, gritted his teeth, and looked forward from the corner of his eye.

"If we continue to fight like this, what is the size... Then what did Chen Wang mean..."

While he was talking, Hui Dengxiang felt Hui Dengxiang push him.

"Lao Hui, you are a loser, push me if you have nothing to do..."

Ma Jinzhong turned to look at Xiang Huiden who was standing aside impatiently, and the curse words got stuck in his throat midway through his words.

Ma Jinzhong's subsequent words were all held in his throat, and he couldn't even say a single sentence.

Because the Chen Wang he just said was less than five steps away from him.



Ma Jinzhong stammered. Chen Wang was as ruthless as Cao Bianjiao. He was also defeated by Chen Wang in the past.

Moreover, Chuang Wang Gao Yingxiang was defeated by Chen Wang, so Ma Jinzhong was naturally afraid.

Now that Chen Wang had just been wronged, Chen Wang, the real owner, appeared in front of him, so he was naturally even more panicked.

Ma Jinzhong's discussion had already been heard by Chen Wang.

But Chen Wang ignored Ma Jinzhong.

He has never been a narrow-minded person who cannot tolerate even a single complaint.

Chen Wang also saw what Ma Jinzhong and Hui Dengxiang did before.

When attacking the mountain, neither Ma Jinzhong nor Hui Deng was timid. They took the lead and killed a lot of Tatars. They were both considered men.

Chen Wang was now focused on the fortress in front of him.


The golden sound of retreat came, and all the Ming troops on the mountain road who were attacking the stronghold became expressionless.

Many people are unwilling, but even so, they understand that now is the time to retreat.

At this time, a burst of cheers of victory echoed in the Qing army's camp.

The Ming army's retreat was not completely unorganized, but they fought and retreated. Most of the soldiers who died and were injured were taken away by the retreating soldiers.

The Qing army did not take advantage of the situation to cover up the killings, and their situation was not good.

They also have injured soldiers who need to be treated, soldiers who died in the battle need to be restrained, and there are also damaged village walls that need to be repaired. They must seize the time to complete the repairs while the Ming army temporarily stops their troops.

The Qing army generals in the camp shouted to the soldiers who were still able to move, and gave orders loudly.

Everything seems like it was yesterday.

But soon, everything was completely different from yesterday.

A group of Qing soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield on the camp wall suddenly changed their expressions, and the panicked Da Sheng shouted something, which made other people in the camp extremely confused.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!!"

The next moment, a huge roar came from the bottom of the mountain. At this moment, multiple sections of the outer camp wall collapsed at the same time.

A Qing army general who was close to the camp wall had his entire upper body damaged by a cannon that penetrated the camp wall before he could react.

The sudden change caused all the Qing troops to panic.


A harsh and sharp suona sound suddenly sounded from the bottom of the mountain.

All the Qing soldiers in the camp clenched their weapons and marched down the mountain.

But the large amount of smoke and dust raised by the collapsed camp wall obscured their view.

But soon, they saw everything.

Countless heavy armored infantry wearing bright helmets and armor, holding swords and shields in their hands, passed through the smoke and dust, and stood on the corpses on the ground, neatly arranged in military towns, slowly pressing down. Come!

The cold light was breathtaking, countless red tassels were billowing in the north wind, and the wild mountain wind rolled up a large fiery red flag in the formation.

Pearl tassels are fluttering, pheasant tails are moving, and flags are fluttering.

But before anyone could see the words on the flag clearly, in the next moment, a large number of heavy arrows were shot out from the Ming army's formation!

 Mentioned in previous chapters.

  Chen Wang trained the cavalry under his command to the highest standards. The ones he selected later were the elites of each army, in contrast to the Qing army's guard camp, which was Baya Labing.

(End of this chapter)

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