Chapter 304
"The Sutra of Saving Human Beings"!
It turns out that at this moment, He Mu is actually using taboo means to forcibly transform the two forbidden fairy kings, and he wants to completely enslave them!
Of course, like Yuan Tianzun's Bing Zi Mi, this "Lingbao Saving People's Sutra" is naturally not the original version created by Lingbao Tianzun, but He Mu's supernatural powers sublimated by means of immortality.

Different from the original intention of Lingbao Tianzun, He Mu's modified version discards the original true meaning of solving adversity and overcoming difficulties, and does not pay attention to the restraint of ghosts, gods and ghosts, but strengthens the meaning of the word "saving people". At a high speed, it magnified the divinity in the scriptures and turned it into a magic power that tampered with the true spirit and enslaved the strongest.

It can even be said that what He Mu is reciting at this moment is not so much Lingbao Tianzun's "Salvation of Human Beings", but another version of the God-salvation formula, which is similar to the thinking of the later Ruthless Emperor.

He Mu's talent is naturally peerless, and his revised "Saving the Human Sutra" is very effective, but after only halfway through the recitation, the two of them, King Jinmao and Ji, have been completely immersed in the Tao of Duhua, and it is difficult to extricate themselves.

In He Mu's opinion, at most two and a half times, the two immortal kings in the restricted area will be completely converted, and they will join the Nine Heavens camp from then on, and will never betray again.

When liquidating the foreign lands in the future, Jiutian will be able to fight against the two great immortal kings. Although the strength is a little weaker, it is still much stronger than nothing.

Moreover, in this way, He Mu really spared the lives of the two of them, and did not violate his promise to the master of the ancient axe.

Kill two birds with one stone!
As for why, He Mu used such cruel means?

Obviously, there is only one reason——

He Mu didn't believe in the two forbidden fairy kings from the fairyland, and it was impossible to truly accept the surrender of the two. It was obviously the best choice to completely turn the two into their own.

"..., the cave is mysterious and solemn, the jade sound is full of clouds, and the immeasurable bandits are thoughtful. Respect your life for hundreds of millions of years, Taiping destroys military swords, Jishou looks at Yuchen, and spirits disperse gold."

Finally, He Mu recited the last verse of the revised version of "The Sutra of Saving Human Beings". Now that the recitation has been completed three times, He Mu did not continue. Instead, he raised his head and looked at the two immortal kings in front of him.

With the cessation of the Great Dao Tianyin, the strange brilliance of the sky gradually dissipated, but at some point, this place was already full of golden lotuses, and golden springs also came out from the ground.

At this moment, the two immortal kings of the restricted area also woke up from the dao realm. They stood up together, with smiles on their brows, pinched the dao seal with both hands, and saluted He Mu with a smile.

"Thank you God for releasing me, allowing us to peek through the door of the avenue."

After all, the two worshiped again after growing up, with a respectful attitude, like two ascetic Taoists who did not care about the world of mortals and devoted themselves to seeking the Tao.

Like a newborn.

This method really fundamentally reversed the thoughts and ideas of the two immortal kings, causing their true spirits to be confused, as if they had been reborn, and their past obsessions and persistence were all gone!
Even the originally flawed dao fruits of the two have been faintly refined, and there is a possibility of recovery and consummation.

But such a result is in exchange for the annihilation of personality. It is the first time that such a beautiful vocabulary as new life appears so terrifying and infiltrating, which makes people shudder.

The power of the "Blessing of Human Beings" is so terrifying!

Looking at the two great immortal kings in front of him, He Mu himself was a little surprised.

This version of the "Sutra of Saving Human Beings" was deduced and revised by him himself, and He Mu naturally knew that its effect was outstanding, and it should not be weaker than that of the later ruthless empress.

But now, the first time he performed the new version of "The Book of Salvation", its power still shocked He Mu.

The most important point is that the "Jing of Saving Human Beings" bridged the Dao fruit of the two great immortal kings, allowing them to be reborn.

You must know that the Dao Fruit of the two immortal kings themselves has flaws, which almost interrupts the possibility of the two of them going further, making them only exist as the lower limit of the king realm for life, and it is difficult for them to advance half a step.

But now after being transformed, this blemish has been weakened, and the two Immortal King Dao Fruits have the possibility of consummation. Perhaps one day, the two can really completely erase the blemish, and no longer represent the lower limit of the Immortal King realm.

Such a thing, before being saved, the two Immortal Kings in the restricted area must have never dared to think about it.

However, this may not necessarily be a good thing, but all exercises and supernatural powers related to saving Hua have certain side effects, and He Mu's revised "Ding Ren Jing" is no exception.

After being transformed, the futures of the two great immortal kings are actually locked up. Perhaps the Dao fruit is expected to be perfect, but it is almost impossible to break through to the extreme level, and the hope of becoming a giant has been completely lost and no longer exists.

Of course, He Mu didn't care much about this. In the nine heavens and ten lands of today's chaotic ancient era, he just needs two immortal kings who will never make trouble as a helper. He Mu really never thought about contributing to the All Heavens camp.

The limit of the two of them is to resist foreign lands. As for the future against darkness and strangeness, what He Mu can use to help him is, after all, the supreme heroes like Huang, Ye, and Chu, or the people like Wu Shi and Ruthless. the ancient giant.

Even the butchers, burial masters, and others who can suppress Jiehai today will only be icing on the cake in the future, and these people cannot be counted on in a real war.

Today's Supreme Immortal King and Diguang Immortal King are like this, let alone a few useless firewood that should have fallen into the hands of Emperor Huangtian.


Putting aside some distracting thoughts in his heart, He Mu looked at the two immortal kings who had been completely transformed in front of him, and finally his face was no longer cold, but there was a little more smile towards himself.

"It's not easy for the two of you to abandon the past and change your past. Now that you can understand the truth, it's not in vain for me to spend all my hard work."

"After the two of you go back today, you should gather your followers together, teach them lessons diligently, and save them for usefulness. When you clean up the foreign lands in the future, you will pay off your crimes with merit and thoroughly wash away the dust of past contamination."

Hearing He Mu's words, the two of them bowed together again, speaking respectfully.

"Thank you for the teaching of God, we two will definitely obey."

He Mu nodded in relief, and stopped talking. Seeing this, the two forbidden fairy kings stopped standing still, but retreated one after another. According to what He Mu said, they returned to their own restricted area to prepare for the battle.

He Mu also returned to the Tianxian Academy, continued to practice in the small courtyard, perfected the old and new methods, and strived to ascend to the realm of the fairy king as soon as possible.

At this point, the haze that shrouded the Three Thousand Daozhou was completely dissipated, and even part of the haze of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was dissipated.

A new hope and vitality was finally born in a corner of history at a time when no one had noticed.

(End of this chapter)

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