my universe in a bottle

Chapter 58 Entering the 2nd Realm, Breaking into the Life Level

Chapter 58 Entering two realms in a row, breaking into the level of life (third update)

Herodotus looks at the body.

His body speed is getting faster and faster, 36 times, 38 times. He is aging rapidly, as if he has entered a super-fast enlightenment and mysterious state, entering an incredible realm.

His conscious thinking was very fast, and the essence of the body suddenly appeared in front of him in an extremely simple manner. The genetic code that the gods were proud of, turned into a crooked and crooked building before his eyes.

"Creation is lacking."

"These genetic codes of life are tangible and godless, randomly spliced ​​and messed up."

Herodotus was thinking.

If the creation of life is compared to painting, before the eyes of the gods, there are even low-level plagiarized AI painters who collect various famous painting fragments and artificially synthesize a plagiarized painting.

This kind of painting, stitched and plagiarized, doesn't have the kind of undisturbed artistic conception pursued by the masters of painting.

"Our works have no artistic conception and are patchwork."

"The third awakening should be the integrity of the body."

Consciousness turned slightly.

Get rid of the powerful two-star genes on your body, elves, flies, and mosquitoes.
Only the two-star "electric eel gene" was left as the main gene, and a large number of weak and auxiliary one-star genes were added to highlight the main gene and make a perfect match.

The whole building was repaired by him, and it gradually turned into a beautiful and seamless genetic building.

Whoa, whoa!

He is like a master painter with a long history. The genetic structure is being recompiled, arranged, perfect, and harmonious, as if the ingenuity of nature, revealing a round and harmonious natural beauty.

On this earth, except for the alien Li Qing, all life on earth is extremely vulgar, without aesthetic feeling, and they are all Shishan codes.

Even after billions of years of evolution on the earth, life still has a lot of bloated and useless codes left, like crooked buildings.

Today, he is the first perfect work of life with artistic conception on earth.

Possessing pure and streamlined beauty, it seems to be the first god in the whole world who is expected to live forever!
A string of unbelievable values ​​appeared in my mind.

Awakening of Consciousness: 30%
"This is the third awakening after our second awakening."

He sighed, feeling something somewhere, "This is the third realm of life, the end of life, the body is perfect, the creation of life works is born artistic conception, nourishing the soul."

And this moment.

He felt free and easy, he breathed a sigh of relief, a sense of accomplishment filled his heart, and after that there was endless emptiness.

He felt like he was going to die.

In the ultra-high frequency world, consciousness is like a candle that is about to burn out.

"Unfortunately, the time is shorter than I imagined. In my life, I have seven years to live, but I have exhausted them all before my eyes."

"Along the way, after changing times, now I finally see the road to the third awakening, which is enough."

He sighed heavily: "Three times [awakening] can give us some power to fight back."

He could have lived for a long time, but in this mysterious world of super speed, he was going to be completely old.

He thought he was going to die, but the next moment.

His body was transformed into the specialty of an electric eel, and suddenly the brain's consciousness wave merged with the body's electromagnetic wave, and his body was like an electromagnetic wave amplifier, and the consciousness wave suddenly expanded to the whole world.

Hurrah! ~~
At this moment, he suddenly saw the endless souls floating in the whole world during the mass extinctions.

He was startled suddenly in front of his eyes: "This is the soul floating in the world, and it is also a kind of consciousness wave energy."

"Mass extinction after mass extinction, in this closed world, the dead souls have not dispersed too much, and have been kept in the closed world."

He swallowed.

It's like swallowing the sky and the earth.


A giant whale is devouring.

All the 17 trillion remnant souls in the entire elf world's history were all swallowed up by him in one breath.

He has become an unimaginably vast body of consciousness, with countless residual information impacting his personality in his brain, and at this moment he also has a powerful telepathic ability, listening to the voice of the common people throughout the earth.

He suddenly had an epiphany, and suddenly couldn't help laughing lowly:
"This is the gift accumulated by the entire civilization. The remaining souls of the 17 trillion common people who once lived in the air will help my exhausted soul consciousness continue to the future, fight for life with the world, and take some time to live in this world!"

His depleted consciousness returned.


"There are more than 20 years of life span to burn. Before dying of old age, find the fourth awakening in one breath! Take the fourth step of life."

His golden eyes flashed with splendor, his white hair shawl, he was stabbed by static electricity and danced wildly in the wind, extremely wild and majestic, stepping forward like a god and demon, he wants to fight for a future for civilization and continue to promote several huge milestones of civilization .

"Even, such a huge soul reserve buys me a lot of time, and maybe I can find new strength to survive."

Walk on the land, through the forest.

All kinds of common sense and knowledge gradually dissipated in the brain.

The horrible side effects still started.

He seemed to be impacted by huge information data, and his consciousness was submerged in the deep sea.

Genetic compilation?What is that, genetic storage?I don’t remember, the treasure of God?I don't know why.

Everything is getting farther and farther away, as if it were a dream.

"My head hurts and I have too much fragmented consciousness. This is the price!" Herodotus turned into an old man, staggering with difficulty, walking on the ground of the World Tree, like an senile dementia patient, who is less and less able to remember who he is. who.

"However, the consciousness is actually integrating."

"They didn't choose to reject me. It was their last instinct of trust, and they were loyal to me, the imperial general, as before."

Herodotus felt all this with astonishment.

As his consciousness wave completely merged into the electromagnetic wave, his whole body was transformed into an electromagnetic sensor of the body, sensing endless wave bands and information.

At the same time, the fragmentary memories of the past of the entire Artabian people are merging into one mass.

"This is our last strength." It seemed that countless people were waving flags and shouting behind him, shouting and tsunami, dedicating their strength to Herodotus, the strongest imperial hero who was once the Atabians.

"I hear your voices."

With a long sigh, he looked at the remaining phantoms.

"I'm not the emperor, but the general of the empire. It's time for a battle. This kind of strength is enough to go to the front line."

He stepped into the front line step by step.

"Before the power you gave me is exhausted, I will personally defeat the high-level command of the entire abyss world, stop their trinity, and summon the ancient demon monarch in the dark."

"what happened?"

"What just passed?"

Everyone seemed to see a white-haired, but tall and mighty old man flashing past him like an extremely fast phantom.

Tread! !Every time he took a step, he felt his soul consciousness burning!

Consciousness is being liberated at an uncontrollable speed, and it is still accelerating, like a high-speed train, which cannot stop getting faster and faster!
Gradually, he actually began to sense the consciousness of the gods far away on the tree.


It can even sense the treasures of gods owned by the gods, and link all the treasures of gods to assist in its calculations.

He seems to have the wisdom of the whole world.

He came to the world tunnel.

On the enemy's front, all the soldiers of the abyss felt a sense of oppression in the dark, and their consciousness was being drawn.

This is an unimaginable supernormal existence with coercion and terror, and endless electromagnetic waves spread from this elven god king.

"what are you??"

The old man occasionally flashed golden arcs all over his body, as if wearing an ancient divine garment, he stepped in step by step, reaching the line of defense.

Suddenly, the former general of the old empire raised his head and felt something abnormal. The black mysterious giant outside the high crystal wall was spinning, and the camera was aimed at him.

"Huh? Outside the world, watching me?"

His eyes are captivating, looking up at the sky beyond the crystal wall.

Thoughts were beating rapidly, trying to decipher with all my thoughts.

He looked at the surveillance ball camera, like the vast black eyes of Chaos Gaotian, and a kaleidoscope of mysterious textures rotating in the interpupillary distance: "Is that the treasure of Chaos Outer God? This time I actually felt something mysterious. The information wave is mobilizing that mysterious creation."


The next moment, he was connected to that mysterious information wave, as if he had deciphered the other party's genetic lock code, and when he accessed the inside, a phantom suddenly appeared in his consciousness.


He penetrated into it, and in these eyes, he saw two mysterious and huge pictures overlooking the world.

One gazes at the entire elf world.

One stares at the entire abyss world.

That's a fantastic perspective on new experiences.

"This is the ancient god of chaos, the god of light, listening to a pair of chaotic eyes on the ground!" He even tried to input a certain frequency band and began to manipulate the giant in chaos outside the huge crystal wall.


The angle of view of the camera rotates slowly.

At this time.

Herodotus had a headache, and he seemed to have entered a stage. At this time, he saw countless colored light beams that ordinary eyes could not see, and he was able to read and analyze various information bands in the endless void at will. The brain is thinking of a number.

Awakening of Consciousness: 40%

"Huh! It turned out to be a scene outside the chaotic world! You can see a more distant world! Look at the farther side of the world!"

He was surprised in his heart, and even he was slightly absent-minded.

Hungry and thirsty, he began to try to control the eyes of the ancient gods outside the silver chaos of the world, adjust the viewing angle, and rotate the direction.

Soon, Herodotus saw the elven crystal wall world, the third world adjacent to the abyss crystal wall world.

In the third empty square world in the silver chaos.

Numerous equipments are placed on the shelves, and an elegant young man exuding a mysterious aura, sitting on a black sacred seat, holding an unknown book of truth in his hand, turned his eyes, and suddenly said:
"Herodotus, you have crossed the line."

(End of this chapter)

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