my universe in a bottle

Chapter 23 God's Punishment, Final Judgment Day

Chapter 23 God's Punishment, Final Judgment Day

Gollum! !

The giant gulped down the material shelf behind him, swallowing a large amount of canned food and mineral water, and soon the empty cans fell on the ground, like a person who overeats.

Food enters the spine Tower of Babel through the mouth, allowing the troops in the tower to eat. At the same time, there is a special crude digestion mode centered on the spine, which is absorbing the energy in the food.

Flesh is growing.

The meridians are all over the bones.

The skeleton in front of him has turned into a flesh-and-blood life with bright red muscles and a healthy body. He continued to elongate his leg bones and elongate his body, until he became a tall and strong figure of 1.8 meters!

This giant swallowing madness has no eyes, ears, or nose.

His appearance is just a white wax life made of simple muscles and bones, otherwise, he would definitely see the expression of someone outside the crystal wall.

That is mercy.

Li Qing's eyes were like a prison guard seeing the prisoners in the prison having their last supper.

When Li Qing knew the real goal of the other party to build the Tower of Babel, he was just watching a civilized heroic movie, war, calculation, conspiracy, conspiracy, trick. Emperor Altabia is an outrageous scientific research lunatic , If you are not crazy, you will not risk your life for the first time in the ultraviolet annihilation world so excited to come to see yourself, let alone build a crazy creation like the Tower of Babel, wanting to become a god.

But Li Qing suddenly felt sad.

Because Emperor Atabia, building the Tower of Babel, was handing himself the butcher knife to kill him.

Hiding around as a small life, constantly evolving to adapt to extinction, there is nothing to do with him, but becoming so big, merging with giants, wanting to improve genes time and time again, and continue to evolve?
From the perspective of the other party's cognition, there is nothing wrong: look!How powerful is God?How big is God?So directly evolve into a god in one breath, grow up in this world with the huge template of god's flesh and blood, and eventually be able to resist the outer gods!
But what he doesn't know at all is that:
God is far more powerful than thought.

It was all a lie to him, God is a weak chicken.

In the real world, humans have never defeated the ubiquitous bacteria.

On the contrary, human life is more fragile, a gun can kill a life, just as fragile as Ning Guochang, otherwise, he would not commit suicide.

The bigger the body, the bigger the target.

Before, there were not many ways to kill him. After all, this king hides and hides, and he doesn't know where his real body is, but now there are hundreds of ways to kill him!

You must know that this is a free country, and it is not difficult to even get a gun to destroy him.

As for, it is not a real life, there is no vital point, and the wound can be repaired again and again?

I'm afraid I don't know.

Caliber is justice and ammunition is truth.

There are many rich people in this country who like to build private arsenals. They store ammunition in tens of thousands of 10,000+. What’s the use of repairing it?Bullets are cheap, and you grow so big that you smash your whole body.

It is very simple to kill him by various means.Li Qing suddenly thought of a motto in "The Unbearable Lightness of Being":

When humans think, God laughs.

Of course, he didn't mean to laugh, nor was he qualified to laugh.

The wisdom and talent of the other party is in the position of the Atabians, comparable to Newton and Einstein, the human scientists of the earth, and the great men who lead the era of civilization.

This great founder of civilization is not something that ordinary workers like me can laugh at.

But, living in a narrow bottle, the more you think, the closer you will be to the truth?Just like the ancients in the era, has there never been Einstein?Has no other wise man appeared?


No matter how smart they are, they will be limited by the backward cognition of their own era, living in an information cocoon, and even can only superstitiously believe in ghosts and gods, and refer to the circle of heaven and earth.

Thinking of this, Li Qing was deeply moved, and said outside the crystal wall:
"Emperor Artabia, as the original saint living in the ancient primitive land, you have worked hard enough, amazing enough, and defying the sky enough to achieve this step."

Emperor Altabia, who was swallowing big mouthfuls, froze for a moment.

Hearing this epitaph that seemed to be an evaluation of his life, an inexplicable fear spread in his heart.

What does it mean?
Becoming a god and entering God's restricted area is my death?
He suddenly put down the food, turned around and immediately punched the crystal wall.

The bones broke instantly.

The flesh and blood exploded into blood mist.

The toughness of the crystal wall has reached an incredible level.

"Mortal on earth, you have worked hard enough." Li Qing said suddenly, only a few words remained: "I hope you can survive on Judgment Day."

Emperor Atabia's heart suddenly changed upon hearing this.


He kept punching.

Struggling frantically, adjusting the muscle and bone structure again as before, uniting the spirit, energy and spirit, trying to smash the crystal wall of this world, constantly evolving, and adjusting the structure like opening a can of beef.

Unfortunately, all this is meaningless.


"It's impossible, there's no response."

"Obviously so transparent, but so hard!"

"Your Majesty, according to simple surveying and mapping, the material of our bones is currently unable to smash this structure at all!"

"Impossible, this is the power of a god, this is a god! It is an omnipotent god! How can a god not smash the crystal wall??"

"Can't the power of the gods break the crystal wall? So that's the case. This may be a limitation of the world's rules somewhere. No wonder the powerful outer gods cannot easily come to our world."

In the Tower of Babel, the voices of countless scholars were rising and falling, and they were constantly discussing.

Not the same as canning rings.

This tough crystal wall material is unimaginable, not a difficulty.

It seems that no matter how it evolves, as long as it is still a carbon-based life made of bones and flesh, it is completely vulnerable to this material.

And right now.

The icy voice of the Outer God resounded from the mind of the emperor who was driving the giant, and resounded from all the common people in the whole world, and his majestic and mighty voice echoed in all the ocean cities.

"People on the earth are extremely sinful, arrogant, and blaspheme the God of Creation without repentance."

The sound pierced the sky and fell to the ground.

"This civilization is about to end, and this moment should be a day to judge the fate of mankind."

Outside the crystal wall, the towering vast gods, like a giant outside the world, seem to have mastered the whole world, containing all the principles and principles of heaven and earth.

He was overlooking the entire humble land, overlooking the entire city kingdom piled up with toy blocks.

"I, when the judgment day comes down!"

"I will judge the sinners on the earth. Hell will cover the whole world. The wicked will be thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone to perish forever."

That immense wave of consciousness is transmitted to every corner of the world, as if it is the origin of all life, with the brilliance of the initial divinity.

In the imperial city, hand-to-hand combat is still going on.

The soldiers on both sides suddenly paused. Everyone listened to the voice, and their minds went blank.

The final judgment is about to begin.

Outer God, he will set off the next mass extinction immediately!

(End of this chapter)

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