My Ome, she gradually swells

Chapter 312 University!

Chapter 312 University! (Thanks to the leader of the evil god Su Xiao for the reward!)

Linhai Province, Nanqing City.

The capital of this coastal province is located in the largest university in the south——

Southern University.

In the more than 100 years since its establishment, NTU has experienced wars and withered, but it has never left here.It is surrounded by mountains on the north, and faces the sea on the other side. It is connected to other urban areas from east to west. It is connected to the inland area and the open sea. It looks like a fisherman sitting on the beach and looking at the other side of the unknown sea.

The students here often joked: "If there is a boat, every student from Nantah University will count as one, and they will definitely want to sail out and catch two nets of fish."

It not only shows the geographical location here, but also shows the style of study of Nantah University——

Freedom, bravery, and a celebration of exploration.

Nantah University itself has excellent scenery and many tourists. It is known as "Nanqing City's No. [-] Scenic Spot", so the joke above will add: "Be careful of tourists touching your fish!"

During the reporting period, for the safety of students, Nantah University restricted tourists from entering the campus.But even so, under the huge stone gate of Beizheng University, there are countless tourists taking pictures with the four huge and vigorous characters of "Southern University" on the top as the background.

It seemed that he was simply agreeing.

With no stranger around, Fu Chengque was finally able to let go.

They seem to have arrived at a certain tourist attraction, and the protagonist's new life has become the background board of parents and tourists!

Further away, a tall building caught her attention, "Why is that building so big!"

She was actually a little timid. When someone approached her, she couldn't help but move closer to Wen Yu.When someone looks at her, no matter male or female, she will immediately put on a straight face, frowning coldly, and her tall and slim figure is like a crane that is independent from the world.

Wen Yu noticed it and was overjoyed.

[Wen Yu]: Are you not tired?I see your face is twitching [猫猫指人][猫猫笑着]
Fu Chengque glanced at the screen, glanced at Wen Yu suspiciously, picked up the reading, gritted his teeth and typed a few words:

Seeing Wen Fu and Wen Fu approaching, the seniors of the new biography exclaimed, "We have a lot of handsome guys and beautiful women this year, and I am old! I can't rely on my face anymore!", then lamented and led them to fill in the information to register and pay the fee , which is quite interesting.

Fuck it, it's good to meet each other when the juniors and juniors meet each other! ?
Even if there are many couples in Nantah University, it is not so fast to get out of singles! ! !

the other side.

All the freshmen from NTU were stunned.

Again, the cafeteria is usually full of tourists, and we usually have to compete with tourists for food when we eat.

Wen Yu picked a place in the back - there is no need to turn off the lights here, and then turned around.


The female emperor's strategist officially became a student of Nantah University!

The Beizheng Campus of NTU, also known as the headquarters, has a huge area.There are eight school gates in each direction. The North Main Gate is expensive, but its real value cannot compare to the South Gate that existed at the beginning of the school. It is a priceless treasure!

"Yes, yes, it's very easy to find a partner anyway..."

Wen Yu responded with a smile, "Thank you, senior."

September is approaching, and it is the time to kill hundreds of flowers, but the flowers and plants here are very prosperous and dense.The southern scenery is obvious here, and there are coconut groves among the street trees.

In addition, the parents of the undergraduate freshmen of NTU also gathered outside the school gate. They could not go any further, so they gathered outside the gate, watching their children enter the university.

The senior with glasses sighed, "I said it can't be that fast! It's too fast! I'm only a freshman..."

The girl tensed her face, and there was a look of expectation in her eyes, but her face was still cold.

The surrounding freshmen followed suit, and the pressure of just arriving in an unfamiliar environment dissipated a lot.

Sister Glasses said happily: "Yangzhi is the best! But it's a bit far away. If you want to go, you can follow the guide signs."

The sky at Nantah University is always blue and open, and the wind is strong, and it is all sea breeze. It will always blow at a certain moment, cool and comfortable, and shake off all the anxiety caused by tension.At that time, the leaves will also play "唦唦" together, which makes people feel more peaceful.

Well, you can choose slowly.

When they saw that the junior refused the senior's help, and the junior girl looked at the junior for two seconds, and suddenly showed a small sweet smile, they suddenly felt——

College Students!
Real college students!


The two seniors who had settled the matter approached and shouted in a distant voice: "Two classmates, it's done! What a coincidence, you live very close together, let's go together, first take you to get your luggage, and then go to the dormitory! "


"Why do you know everything!" The girl withdrew her gaze.

Fu Chengque nodded slightly, and gave a soft "hmm" obediently.

Take a stroll here together, feed the ducks in the lake; some go to the library to read books, attend class together and finish class together...



From the enthusiasm of the seniors, the attitude of the little girlfriend is polite, but the mood is always dull.

The student dormitories of Nantah University are covered with red tiles, the brick walls are very beautiful, and the wrought iron railings on the fence are twisted like expensive decorations.Each building has five floors, but...

Just a Mimi!

Tsk tsk tsk, one of these two new juniors is very handsome and the other is very beautiful, that's great.

Everyone looked up at the six pillars of the NTU gate, which stood tall like white jade, and they were a little shocked to see it reflecting the radiance under the scorching sun.The school gate separates two worlds, one half is the noisy society, the other half is the quiet school road, its shadow slanted toward the school, spread on the ground, like a dark carpet, inviting them to enter.

She suddenly turned her head and said in a solemn tone: "By the way, if you want to talk, remember to ask which college the other party is from. Runzheng Campus is half an hour away by a bridge, but Mingzhong Campus is far away. You have to take the bus." Two hours... a long-distance relationship!"

The unaware seniors still enthusiastically led Wen Yu and the two to get their luggage, and then went to the dormitory while chatting and introducing.

However, you can see the sea on the fourth and fifth floors!
When we arrived at the fork in the road, the senior sister pointed to the two buildings that were not far apart, and greeted, "Here, you live here."

Want a clean toilet...

Wen Yu and Lu Min also briefly parted ways here.

In this completely unfamiliar place, Xiao Qingmei immediately switched on the defensive mode!

On the side, the two seniors were stunned for a moment——

Fu Chengque immediately lowered her eyes and shut her mouth.

The many wheels beside me rolled over the stone road and made a humming sound, which was so noisy that it was a bit disturbing.

The dormitory... woo woo woo.

One of the two seniors is tall in a short skirt, the other is short and wears glasses. They have very different styles, but they share the same enthusiasm, and they are very familiar with each other.

The tall senior sister laughed: "The nearest to here is the samei canteen, but the taste of samei is mediocre. Also, NTU is very beautiful at night, you can go for a walk, or go to the seaside."

Shouldn't you be a cold batch! ! !

The senior sister wearing glasses said, "Our new biography has more girls, and they have management, software, energy, etc., and more boys."

Wen Yu and Fu Chengque stood aside and sent messages and photos to their parents, and while waiting for the seniors to take them to the dormitory with their luggage, they stepped up the steps and looked into the distance from a high place, whispering.

As if in response to some oath.

[Fu Chengque]: Shut up!

The dormitory is a standard four-person room, with beds and tables, each with a wardrobe, which is fairly sturdy.Clothes can be dried on the balcony, so don’t even think about the washing machine, just wash it with your own hands.It is better to have an independent bathroom and a water heater, which avoids the embarrassment of a large bathroom and a large toilet.

Wen Yu also looked over, and said with a smile: "That building is called Jiade Building, the tallest building in Nantah University, where administrative offices are located. There is also a lake below called Chamei Lake. When the lotus blooms, the lake will be full of beautiful scenery!"

Hey Hey hey!
Brothers and sisters, why don't you give the seniors some face! ? !
And you, elementary school girl!

Standing at a higher place, you can also get a glimpse of Nantah under the cover.

The two even followed to the door of Fu Chengque's 402 dormitory, hesitating to speak.

Fu Chengque said sadly: "Do I want to take a big bath? The bathroom has to be shared with other people..."

After tidying up, I closed the door and went to the cafeteria.

Building 506, Chamei No. [-], this is Wen Yu's dormitory.

Wait until a small "campus card" is pinched in my hand——

It's just that the elementary school girl seems a bit cold-tempered. Generally, male students usually find it difficult to get close to such a girl, and she may be single in college.

Fu Chengque used to think about these things for a long time, but today, she chewed them rather dull.

There are also volunteers waiting downstairs in the dormitory to help carry luggage upstairs.

Wen Yu nodded.

The tall senior sister clapped her hands and said, "Primary school girl scared me, so I said you shouldn't be the character who can easily agree to strangers."


Then he introduced some new news by the way.

Their topic was particularly off topic. The tall senior sister looked back at the two of them, "I suddenly remembered that Nantah University is famous for its balance between men and women, so it's easy to see couples when you walk on the road..."

She hasn't opened her mouth for a long time, and the first sentence is just a complaint:
"Wow! Xiaoyu, my dormitory doesn't have a private bathroom!!!"

Turning to Fu Chengque, she said softly, "I'll move it up first and then come down to help you. I'll have a meal later."

When Wen Yu thought about it, it seemed to be true!
The little girlfriend asked anxiously again: "Do you guys have any?"

Fu Chengque pursed her lips, said nothing on the surface, and agreed with her classmate's words in her heart——

The food in Chamei Cafeteria of Nantah University is actually quite delicious, and the auntie who cooks the food has a strong hand, so she slams a spoonful, fearing that there will not be enough freshmen.

Xiao Qingmei's face grew colder.

Fu Chengque mumbled for a moment, then nodded slightly.

[Fu Chengque]: Wait until the shark kills you!
After reading it, Wen Yu held back his laughter halfway.

The tall senior sister laughed loudly: "Our Nantah University is like this..."

college! ! !
You can stick with Xiaoyu as you like!

"My tea plum has seven, but your tea plum has eleven..."

The university has a long history, is adjacent to the sea, and has frequent exchanges with foreign countries. Its buildings are a combination of Chinese and Western.Slanted roofs, red tiles, arches, columns, corridors and high steps constitute everything students of NTU see.

Passing by the bank of Chamei Lake, the strong wind tore the sleeves in the open space.Just right, to dry the sweat from the sun all the way.

The cafeteria that the senior sister said was "not tasty" was still overcrowded, Wen Yu and the two ordered food, found a place to sit down and eat slowly, and waited for Lu Min to come.

When Wen Yu returned to Fu Chengque, the two seniors looked at him in horror as if seeing a ghost, and shouted, "Here we come! Wow! It's really here!"

The senior sister wearing glasses said with a smile: "The ducks in Chamei Lake are all in pairs."

ah ah ah...

Not good, on the first day of school, Empress Orange Sparrow wanted to set up her own family——

The tall senior sister pointed to the surrounding buildings and said: "This, this, this, over there and over there are all dormitory buildings of NTU, with a total of [-] buildings. You are all in Chamei Building, junior, you are Chamei Seven , how much is the school girl...?"

The girls' dormitory where Fu Chengque lives has already been occupied, but there is no sign of it.

The two senior sisters chatted happily with each other, talking about various things eloquently.

Cough, serious, can't laugh out.

At least a freshman year, right?

They are really old...

The numbers Chamei [-] and Chamei [-] are far apart, but they are actually not that far apart, just separated by a section of towering greenery.


Speaking of this, the two senior sisters couldn't help but look at each other, and understood each other's thoughts in an instant:

Compliment about where Nantah’s food is delicious and where it’s fun. You must go to such and such a place. One said, “The desserts in Yang Zhi Canteen are super delicious!” The other said, “Nanjing University has four canteens, and rice and soup are free!”

Originally, he thought that several strong roommates would greet him when he opened the door, but in fact, he was the first to arrive.

Wen Yu asked in surprise: "Same university, long-distance relationship?" He only knew that there was a distance between Beizheng and the other two campuses, but he never thought it would be so far away.

Wen Yu looked at his little girlfriend's expression and was overwhelmed with joy. After thinking about it, he took out his phone and quickly pressed a message:

Shouldn't you scold him!
Wow!Where's your aloofness? ? ! !

Fu Chengque withdrew her gaze and exclaimed in a low voice, "It's so beautiful here!"

After entering the school gate, walk along the tree-shaded Beizheng Road to the welcome office, and then volunteers from various departments will hand over again and guide you to apply for admission.

In the end, what supermarkets, KTVs, coffee shops came across, what buildings in front of me, what are their functions, in short, what to say.

The two suddenly realized.

God, the world of young people!

"Remember to read more."

The girl looked back from the completely unfamiliar scenery, looked at the familiar face, and said "Hmm!"

He was injured back then, but now he sees other people getting cold faces, and he is inexplicably happy.

There were two remaining positions, Fu Chengque chose left and right, but couldn't find a suitable one, finally sighed and chose the one closest to the door.

The tall senior sister rushed to Wen Yu and said, "Student, you are Chameiqi, 506 on the fifth floor."

ah! ?What's the situation! ?

The sun was setting and the sky was getting dark. Wen Yu would like to follow the instructions of his parents and the uncle next door, and together with Fu Chengque, make her bed first.


Wen Yu couldn't help asking: "Senior sister, is it far from the college building?"

Even if it doesn't involve broadcasting and hosting, the media field is pretty good-looking.

what's the situation! !


in short--

Then, with eyes and expressions of "Oh my god, that's incredible" and "This is too fast", he watched Wen Yu carry Fu Chengque's luggage upstairs the whole time.

Chamei canteen.

"Didn't you read the introduction before you came to Nanjing University?"

The two watched the senior sister leave.

Boss Wen is young, with a fortune of millions, and belongs to a small dwelling.

Wen Yu turned his eyes away from his little girlfriend, and said with a smile: "Sister, we are going to eat in the cafeteria later, do you have any recommendations?"

University, of course, is mainly about studying... Even if she came to Nantah University, the only non-important reason for her is to have a free love with Xiao Yu!

There is no other way, the university is like this.

Wen Yu smiled somewhat, while Fu Chengque remained expressionless the whole time.

"Then what tree?" Fu Chengque followed Wen Yu's expectations.

There is no elevator!

"You tell me."

Sister Glasses took two steps forward, landed next to Fu Chengque, walked side by side with the two, and said enthusiastically: "But it's still about learning. To be honest, let's let it go first..."

Wen Yu could see it clearly, he laughed haha, and took the initiative to explain the confusion to the senior sister who was helping: "Sister, we are classmates, we have known each other since usual..."


Wen Yu laughed heartily.

Together with them, there were also freshmen dragging their suitcases. Under the introduction of senior sisters and seniors, they all looked around curiously, and their eyes were full of longing and excitement.

Nanda is really big!
Even the two seemingly "well-informed" seniors didn't know each other. They just waved their hands and said, "Oh, we don't know about this. If you are interested, you can go in and see for yourself." Such lines are not uncommon.

"Banyan tree."

I'm sorry, students!

The girl's face was ashen.

He glanced at Fu Chengque, the little girlfriend sensed his gaze, squinted, and her eyes collided, she understood the little boyfriend's teasing, and pretended to be slightly annoyed.

The senior wearing glasses turned her head to Fu Chengque and said, "At Chamei Eleven."

That is to say, she is carrying a bag and has a tender face, otherwise she is no different from seniors, juniors and seniors, she walks with her head down, avoids strangers, and is a cold group.

Wen Yu was a little confused after the communication——

The leading volunteer had long since realized the strangeness, and instead said proudly to the students at the front: "Nanjing University is famous all over the country for its scenery, and there are so many tourists here that it is usually open for tours. Freshmen are not allowed to enter. In the future, you will inevitably be used by them to swipe the cafeteria and enter the school gate, hahaha just get used to it..."

Joy also floated on Wen Yu's face, "It's really worth the hard work of the two of us to get in, it's so worth it!"

There are [-] departments in the headquarters, including Xinchuan College where Wen Yu and Fu Chengque are located and Lu Min's law school.

The two looked around happily and curiously.

Due to the long history of Nantah University, the dormitory buildings are relatively old. Except for the brand new hardware such as air conditioners, the beds, walls, tables and chairs all have traces of use.

"Mr. Fu, look at that tree over there, it's so big!" Wen Yu pouted towards the distance.

Whether it is Chamei Lake or Chameilou, the source of the name is the many tea plum trees in Nantah University.There used to be all over the mountains and plains, but now they are only kept by the lake and beside the buildings. There are not many of them, but the name "Chamei" is still preserved.

From now on, they will learn how adults think, learn how adults live, know everything, bear everything, and...enjoy everything!
Bowing his head to play with the campus card, Wen Yu went to look at Xiao Qingmei, and Fu Chengque just happened to look over, and when they met, there were smiles and slightly suppressed excitement.

The tall senior said, "It's okay, it's a bit far from our courtyard building, but it's more lively and convenient here, so it's okay."

When my junior calls you, you should—

I want a big water heater to splash...

And a new bed no one ever lays on.

 Finally got to college...

  I can really write, I can actually write 78 words in high school... I can't help but admire myself hahaha.It seems that many readers also waited until they ran out of patience, and retreated after reading the confession, fault.

  Thank you Yaowanyue for the reward of [-] coins!
  Thanks to Xiao Yue for the reward of [-] coins! !
  Thanks to Wujin Tianze, Xuanmochen, and Mu Naipoi for their rewards! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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