eldest son of Ming dynasty

Chapter 351 My brother is really a hero of the world!

There is another big test on the grassland, which is the huge temperature difference between day and night.

The irons worn by soldiers and held in their hands were hot during the day and would freeze at night.

Sometimes when a gust of wind blows, there will be some fishy smell of excrement and urine.

It is not unreasonable for the nomads of all ages to want to fight in the Central Plains. Although the Central Plains sometimes has natural disasters, at least there are many beautiful spring days.

According to Zhou Shangwen's deployment, immediately there were scouts under the guidance of the guide to sneak towards the Yongxie Bubu Department step by step. It was not the first time for the soldiers to fight the Tatars on the grassland, and they all had basic qualities.

Because the war was approaching, Zhou Shangwen also became generous. He took out all the meat and salt brought by the food transport team. If we win tomorrow, there will be no shortage of food. If we lose, we might as well eat it, or keep it. Feed the enemy?
Ma Sheng is the eldest brother. He knows that his brain is not as good as his younger brother. This is natural, but the feeling of brotherhood is not fake.

At night, the wind and ice man on the grassland, he found Ma Rong, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Second brother, when the battle starts, I will follow you closely, and remember to answer me when I call you. In times of chaos, you will also Don't run around."

Ma Rong felt warm in his heart.

In the daily trivial life, the brothers did not lack for quarrels, and even fought, but only those who have experienced life and death in the field understand the value of brotherhood.

Death is the best flavoring agent for feelings.

"Brother, do you think it's different this time?"

Ma Sheng said carelessly, "There is a bird that is different, but it is a million households, what are you afraid of?!"

Ma Rong smiled, "Brother, you usually don't read much, so maybe you don't understand. I'll tell you today."

"Say it!" The rough elder brother calmed down rarely.

The sky is full of stars, the ground is blowing from the north, and 2 people lined up here is actually quite spectacular. They abandon their wives and children, far away from their hometown.

It has been many years since such a huge 'expedition' arrived here in the Central Plains.

"Although I only met the emperor once or twice when I was in the military academy, and the emperor was still very young at the time, I can feel that the emperor is a talented and bold monarch. Maybe the elder brother doesn't pay attention to the affairs of the capital, but I know... ...For example, you see we can ride horses, hold swords, eat bacon...these are all silver,"

"But the national treasury is empty. How can there be millions of taels of silver? His Majesty tried his best to raise these. Looking at the history books, there are few wise lords and many stupid lords in all dynasties. With so much silver, His Majesty did not create it." A palace, no treasure has been found, big brother, believe it or not, even at this moment, His Majesty must be asking people to inquire about the progress of the war."

Ma Sheng blinked his big eyes, "...so?"

"The three of us, father and son, are military generals, and generals are only useful when they meet a sage. In words that my elder brother can understand... If we win, our Ma family will also be named Marquis and Boss in the future!"

This is what Ma Sheng cares about.

But for Ma Rong, what he wants is to assist Mingjun, expand the territory, leave a name in history, and pass it on from generation to generation!
The night passed quickly,

The light spilled across the horizon to the earth.

According to the previous arrangement, the two brothers went to find Ma Yihuai, and Zhou Shangwen specially let the father and son get one. They cooperated well, and the father must fight to the death for the son and the son for the father!

The other one was led by him himself.

The two departments each have 1 horses, and the remaining 2000 people are led by Xu Zhen'an in the rear and protect the grain transportation team.

The Yongxiebu tribe has tens of thousands of households, and they don't suffer in terms of numbers.

One meal last night, one meal this morning, everyone's stomachs are filled with oil and water, so there is no need to say more about the rest.

The three of Ma Yihuai and his son came out of Zhou Shangwen's camp, and immediately led the soldiers and horses to set off. Seen from the air, it looked like wild geese branching out in parallel, with black spots stretching away from the team one by one.

On the ground, there is dust and grass blades flying.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes broke the silence on the grassland.

These Ming cavalrymen were no longer infants who had just entered the field. Some people died around them, and some people were promoted. The battlefield has tempered them into soldiers of hundreds of battles.


The grassland is the most suitable place to ride horses. Under the guidance of the scouts, the brave soldiers turned over several low hillsides and found oval white and gray tents in an oasis at the foot of the mountain.

The tents are connected to form a surface, densely packed, dotted on the oasis, like a piece of white moss.

1 people are enough to form a visual impact all over the mountains and plains. The horses rushing down the hillside are extremely fast, and the arrows arrive first before the people arrive.

The arrows formed a piece of curtain and fell after drawing an arc in the sky.

Cattle and sheep neighing, humans howling, all sounds suddenly filled the world.

Tatar soldiers wearing animal skins came out of the camp one by one, some looking for their horses, some looking for their knives.

The wooden fence around the camp was first ignited, and the flames drove the soldiers on duty to flee in a hurry.

Just like the Tatar soldiers went to the Central Plains to hunt grass valleys, the sudden Ming army seemed to have fallen from the sky. The Yongxiebu tribe was caught off guard, and the people inside were in chaos.

The tribal leader was discussing matters with his subordinates, but there was a loud commotion outside the tent, and then someone came in to report,
"Boss, there are Ming troops outside, and the Ming troops are here!"

He was not surprised, his drooping beard was a little gray, and in his decades of career, he had never encountered groups of Ming troops rushing into the grassland like this moment.

"How many men do they have?"

"There are tens of thousands!"

Yibu took a breath and was furious at the same time, "Take the knife! Go and order, all Mongolian Batulu mount their horses and fight! Women and children retreat! This gang of arrogant Ming troops dare to challenge our Yongxiebu tribe. Let them learn from our courage!"

"Where's Jinong? Jinong is on his way. Now that the Ming army is attacking, should we tell him to change the route as soon as possible?"

The person beside him reminded him like this, but he didn't hesitate for a moment and didn't express anything.

"Let's face the battle first!"

He also has a wife and children, no matter how much he boosted his morale in the tent, when he returned to his wife and children, he still told the truth.

He has three sons and four daughters, born to him by different women. The eldest son is nearly 30 years old, and the youngest son is only sixteen. He also gathered them together, held the eldest son by the collar and said, "Gurle, you The big brother of all of them, as a warrior, you have to protect them!"

The man shouted excitedly, "Father Khan, our brothers will accompany you on the horse!"

He didn't explain too much, and he didn't allow anyone to follow him.

boom! !

There was a loud noise, and it was unknown what was knocked to the ground outside.

Just like the chaos brought about when the Han people were hit by the iron hooves of the Tatars, the Mongolian camp at this time was also a purgatory on earth.

Zhou Shangwen took the lead. He has always been extremely brave in battle. In order to protect him, his personal guards always spared their lives in the attack. The general obeys his life, so the whole army is like a pack of wolves.

The red-clothed Ming army and the gray-clothed Mongols were strangled together, with swords, flesh and blood, open fire, fists...

Ma Rong yelled, "Brother, pay attention to the biggest tent!!"

Riding on a horse can see far,
After cutting off one of his heads, Ma Sheng stood up and looked over. The center of all the tents was indeed the largest one, but the space between the tents was crowded with men and women, and there was no other way but to kill them.

"Don't go deep alone!"

Not far away, Ma Yihuai reminded that, as a general, he always pays attention to the situation on the battlefield.

The effect of the sudden attack on the Mongol camp was shocking,

Many people in the camp were fleeing, and even the hastily organized battle forces were chaotic, and they couldn't stand the impact of [-] Ming troops at all.

The Ming army spreading like a black mist quickly penetrated into the camp, and the battle between soldiers broke out instantly, and usually several Ming troops hacked and killed the Tatars in front of the tent.

And the Yongxiebu tribe also has many brave soldiers, they shouted words that Ming people could not understand,

Dozens of people often gather together to break through,
The sound of weapons colliding can be heard endlessly.

From time to time, the blood column soared into the sky.

Zhou Shangwen slashed for a while, the armor on his body was already covered with blood, he shouted, "Sun Xilie!"

"The end is here!!" A young man in his 20s roared in response.

"They are fleeing, gather your troops and leave the battlefield to outflank the rear!"


Sun Xilie reined in the horse's head, pulled out a military flag and turned back, "Long Wuwei listens to the order!! Follow this general!"

On the other side, Ma Yihuai was also stepping on the corpse, and kept advancing into the depths of the camp. The eldest son and the second son were in front of him on the left and right, and the army quickly opened a road in a fan shape.

After Ma Sheng was reminded by his younger brother, he kept staring at the largest tent. At a certain moment, he saw that the curtain of the tent was lifted, and a group of people surrounded an old man standing in front of the tent.

Looking at the clothes, the status is not low.

"Officer Tartar!!"


There were a lot of random guns on the battlefield. Ma Sheng was in a daze, and he slashed a Mongolian soldier after turning sideways.

Under the machete, Ma Rong tore and shouted, "Brother, be careful!"

In desperation, Ma Sheng ran two steps forward with his horse's belly between his legs, but the machete still hit his left shoulder,

When the stabbing pain came, Ma Sheng almost fell off his horse. As soon as he gritted his teeth and turned his head, he slashed horizontally. The Mongolian soldiers reacted quickly and blocked in front of them with knives.

clang! !

Ma Sheng is a brave general on the battlefield, with great strength, he directly cut the man off the horse, then drew out the dagger on the side of the saddle, and slammed it through the man's body!

Then he grinned. Although his left arm could not move because of the pain, his right hand held a gun above his head. His body was bloody and his face was ferocious.

"Who will fight again!!"

Seeing this scene not far away, Ma Rong couldn't help admiring, "My brother is really a hero of the world!"

"Drive!!" Ma Sheng's fighting spirit became even more intense. Regardless of his injuries, he continued to fight and charge.

Infected by him, all the Ming soldiers around were also excited.

Maybe Ma Rong is amazing in strategy, but the confrontation between the two armies is a competition of courage.

Ma Sheng's blood was like a catalyst, and hundreds of riders followed him like a gust of wind blowing through the defense line of the Yongxiebu tribe.

Ma Yihuai brandished a long spear in the rear, and after finishing off the enemies around him, he rushed over, "Second brother! The boss is red-eyed, you lead people to outflank it from the flanks! Otherwise, if the boss rushes in like this, it will be dangerous if he is surrounded!"


Ma Rong had already observed the battlefield just now, and the Yongxiebu tribe was caught off guard, and there was no time to resolutely resist, so it shows that the army is also going to invade the Tatar side!

Victory, will definitely win!

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