Chapter 118 Victory
The two brothers Guy and Amalric of Lusignan were separated from the main force during this charge.

Besides them, there were more than ten cavalrymen.

They were also charged head-on, with all their companions around them, and the barrel helmet's narrow field of vision, which only had one line, made them unaware that they had lost touch with the main force.

They've gone crazy.

The Saracen soldiers who fought back hastily couldn't even find a commander in charge, so they could only fight on their own. Many panicked soldiers were driven away like a flock of sheep.

Even if there were many people who wanted to fight back, they were coerced by those who fled, so they could only drift with the flow and expose their younger generations to the enemy.

Wearing heavy armor and being able to see at night, the knights of the Crusaders were carrying out a one-sided massacre.

Blood stained their burqas red.

Even the horse clothes on the mount and the coat of arms on the horse armor were soaked in blood and blurred.

At this time, in the braziers arranged in the camp, clusters of flames suddenly swelled.

They gathered together as if they had life, forming a giant made entirely of flames.

A Zoroastrian priest wearing a white robe stood behind the giant. He was full of anger and cursed: "Damn the Frankish butcher, fall into the infinite hell! The holy fire will give you a just punishment!"

He waved the stick in his hand.

The flame giant opened its mouth wide.


A fireball made of flames was sprayed out by the flame giant, and it smashed into the formation of the Crusader cavalry like a bomb.

The three knights approaching were instantly engulfed in flames.

An approaching knight, his mount kicking up in fright.

He fell to the ground, looked at the burning cokes, and let out a mournful roar: "Brother!"

He struggled to get up from the ground, and the huge flame giant didn't scare him off.

I saw him tear off the metal cross hanging from his chest.

The top of the cross is a sharp spearhead.

This is his ancestral magic-breaking tool.

If Lothar was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this is clearly a cross made of magic-resistant gold.

"Burn, burn him to death, don't let him come over!"

When the white-robed priest saw the cross, he panicked and hurriedly manipulated the flame giant to rush towards the knight.

Resistance gold is not a particularly rare item.

Many churches hold "exorcism props" made of this metal.

The legends of knights slaying dragons and evil witches sung by bards are not all false.

After all, they are all evil dragons. There are ancient dragons that are more than a thousand years old and have a body size of tens of meters, and there are also small dragons that have just been born or are not grown up at all, and are only a few meters in size.

There are so few wizards in the world, apart from pursuing differences, they are more worried about being involved in conflicts among humans, and their long lives will be wiped out.

Who would want to change lives with these mortal knights whose average life expectancy is only a few decades, and it may not be long before they lose their lives in fierce fighting?

"Go to hell, pagan demon!"

However, the knight had long been enraged by his brother's death in battle. Regardless of the oncoming heat wave, he swooped forward and stabbed the cross on the chest of the white-robed priest.

In an instant, the flame giant vanished into thin air.

The magic-blocking gold blocked the flow of magic power in the body of the white-robed priest.

The knight fell to the ground, and after only a brief moment of contact, his burqa was already burning, and the surface of the armor even turned red due to the high temperature.

Guy seized this opportunity, leaned down from his horse, picked up a throwing spear from the ground, and threw it at the white-robed priest.

The next moment, the spear pierced through the chest of the white-robed clergyman, and a large amount of blood froth overflowed from his mouth, and the last trace of vitality was deprived of his already severely injured body.

Guy was panting heavily, sweating profusely from the heat.

He took off his helmet, looked around, and said suddenly: "It's broken, we have already left the main force, everyone, follow me!"

Amalric responded hastily.

"Brother, don't we hurry up and join the big army?"

In the long court life, he had already lost his blood courage. Compared with his brother, he didn't play much role in this battle at all.

The reason why he was not killed in battle was purely because this guy spared his life and was rich. The armor he wore was considered the best among all the armored cavalry.

Guy shouted: "What a fart, brother, we have already rushed here, and we don't want to move forward. Why should we make contributions? Are you willing to be a palace minister who depends on a woman's nepotism forever?"

Amalric froze.

After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go, let's do another big thing!"

Lothar kept gathering the team.

The cavalrymen wearing various burqas, like a sharp spear, pierced straight through the Saracens' chest.

The enemy's counterattack was so weak.

Scattered infantry is extremely vulnerable when facing a cavalry charge, especially when mixed with a large number of mobs who are not much stronger than serf conscripts.

Charged all the way, the enemies who fell to the ground were countless, but the damage to one's own side was minimal.

The light in front of Lothar's eyes lit up.

In front of them, an organized enemy finally appeared. It was a group of scaly infantry holding spears and lined up among the tents. The commander who led the group encouraged the soldiers loudly in Arabic.

Wizards in this world seem to have very few methods that can be used to strengthen the fighting power of ordinary people, and spellcasters rarely directly participate in secular wars.

At the very least, under Saladin's command, there is no spellcaster who can grant people the ability to see night like Flynn.

But as we went deeper, the bonfires and torches became denser and denser.

The Saracen soldiers were finally able to roughly recognize the outline of the enemy. Although sometimes the reaction was a little slower, the incidents of attacking teammates mistakenly for the enemy had been greatly reduced.

"Don't worry about them, just run over them!"

Lothar gritted his teeth and issued the order.

Although the spearmen in formation are relatively more restrained than the cavalry, it is only relative.

Few cavalry commanders will really charge into the gun formation head-on.

Moreover, the enemy's formation is too thin, and the formation formed by less than 50 infantry can't resist the charge of the knights at all.


The war horse forcibly bumped into the enemies one by one.

However, there was also a hussar who was knocked off his horse by a spear during a high-speed charge. Fortunately, he rolled over and rushed into the barracks by relying on the flexibility of his half-body armor to avoid being trampled by the following cavalry.

At the next intersection, more infantry in heavy armor appeared and formed a neat square formation.

Lothar recognized at a glance that they were definitely heavy infantry composed of dismounted Mamluks, just like the most elite infantry in the Crusades were always foot knights. (except Varangian Guards)

Mamluk foot cavalry is also the most elite infantry in the Saracen army.

Lothar didn't even think about it, so he shouted: "Scatter to both sides!"

The knights directly followed the hussars who had received Lothar's order, bypassing this dense enemy line of defense.

Many of them didn't even notice the infantrymen who were ready to fight, but mechanically followed the direction of their comrades in front.

Like a Saracen camp with a chessboard layout, there are gaps everywhere, and places where they can gallop everywhere.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Lothar's armor was already stained with blood. He finally found the enemy's stable, but here, it was surrounded by thousands of infantry in heavy armor.

Lothar realized that even if he broke through the stable and successfully ignited a fire here, the results he could achieve would be very limited.

The loss is likely to be the entire cavalry.

Obviously this is not worth the candle.

He immediately changed directions and decided to lead his troops to retreat.

The results of tonight's battle are already gratifying enough. Perhaps the total number of people who died directly under their horseshoes is less than 2000. However, due to the darkness, the incidents of howls, stampedes, and mutual attacks occurred. It is conservatively estimated that this number can also Double it again.

What's more, the Saracens tonight are bound to be unable to sleep well. Soldiers who can't get a good sleep can imagine their performance the next day.

Tomorrow, the offensive and defensive momentum can be changed.

Soon, the entire cavalry team rushed out from the side of the enemy's tent. Lothar chose a direction and led the team away without looking back.

After counting the number of people, Lothar discovered that the cavalry had also suffered a great loss, with more than a hundred cavalry remaining in the enemy camp.

Although most of them are separated, Lothar must admit that the probability of surviving is at most only [-]% if they are separated from the main force under such circumstances.

And if you wait until the night vision ability disappears, this probability will drop to [-]% very quickly!
There was a trace of impatience on Lothar's face: "The evacuation time was clearly agreed, why are they still stuck in it?"

Baron Godfrey persuaded: "We have achieved enough battles tonight. Let those who stay in the enemy camp fight to the death. This is their honor."

Lothar looked around and found that Ulm and other hussars did not rush out with the brigade.

He gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Everyone is under Baron Godfrey's command for the time being, hussars, follow me to charge again, I have to try to rescue our comrades."

He wasn't acting recklessly.

He was only one step away from upgrading, but he was afraid of being seen by the rest of the cavalry under his command, so he didn't dare to use his full strength.

He believed that even if he couldn't save his teammates who were trapped in the enemy's camp, he would be able to get out of this wave.

The knights and cavalry looked at each other.

Someone immediately shouted: "Great regiment leader, I'm with you, it just so happens that we haven't had enough killing yet!"

"That's right, my lord, you are not the only one who is unwilling to give up your comrades!"

The knights and cavalry were excited.

Lothar's bravery, fearlessness, piety, justice, and wisdom completely conquered them. In the future, even if they leave the Holy Land, they will definitely spread Lothar's reputation.

They would rather die with such a commander, because it means "honor"!
People in this era often regard honor as more important than life.

(End of this chapter)

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