At this time, Mengxiang suddenly turned to Lin Mo, his eyes like lightning: "Boy, it's a coincidence that you escaped, but do you think you can avoid the pursuit of the Yasha clan forever?"

Lin Mo was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled: "King Yaksha is so powerful, why not let us go and join forces with us to face greater threats together?"

Mengxiang and the Immortal King looked at each other, something strange flashed in their eyes.This suggestion made them think deeply.

Just when the tension reached its peak, Mengxiang suddenly burst into laughter: "Okay, interesting, since you are so arrogant, let's make a life-and-death bet to see if you are qualified to cooperate with our Yaksha King!"

"What are you betting on?" the Immortal King said with a ferocious smile.

"Bet on the strength of our slaves. My silver-fang slaves will face off against your blood-fang slaves. Let's see who can tear these two fugitives into pieces within the time of a stick of incense!" Mengxiang said in a confident tone.

"Okay, I accept the bet!" The Immortal King opened his mouth wide and revealed his fangs, "The battle of life and death that I have been waiting for for so long is finally here!"

After finishing speaking, the two of them roared away.

Lin Mo and the woman named Xiao looked at each other.

"King Yaksha is betting on our lives." Lin Mo said in a deep voice.

The woman surnamed Xiao's hands were trembling slightly, and she struggled to squeeze out a smile: "We can't escape and we can only fight to the end!"

Lin Mo and the woman named Xiao looked solemn.They understand that if they want to save their lives in front of rampant slaves, they must use their own magical powers.

"I have a magical power of teleportation that can move dozens of miles in a very short time." Lin Mo said, "What about you? Do you have any magic weapons or magical powers that can deal with rampant slaves?"

The woman named Xiao nodded and took out a jade box from her sleeve. In the box was a five-color lotus leaf. "I can summon the five-color glow to protect my body." She explained softly.

The two nodded tacitly and started to escape separately.

Lin Mo stared at Meng Xiang and the Immortal King, his eyes twinkling.He took a deep breath and activated his teleportation powers, and his whole body was like a stream of light traveling through the void.This magical power of teleportation made the Yaksha kings look shocked, and the elusive figure made them feel a little helpless.

He checked back from time to time and found that Yin Ya Ramang Nu was chasing after him.This rampant slave has a burly figure, his body is covered with spikes, his eyes are red, and his mouth spits out a foul smell.

"It's really scary." Lin Mo secretly exclaimed and teleported a few miles away.

The woman surnamed Xiao showed a five-color glow on the side, like a dream.The five-color jade boat in her hand gave off a faint light, forming a five-color shield that enveloped her.This five-color glow seems to have infinite mysterious power, making it difficult for people to glimpse her true strength.

She looked back from time to time and found the bloody-fang slave chasing after him with his bloody mouth open. "Fortunately, I have five-color glow to protect my body, otherwise I don't know what I would have encountered."

She gritted her teeth and sped up, determined to get rid of this rampant slave.

During the escape, Lin Mo and the woman surnamed Xiao exchanged their magical powers with each other.Lin Mo said with emotion: "The strength of King Yaksha cannot be underestimated, but if we can work together, there may be a glimmer of hope."

The woman surnamed Xiao smiled and nodded: "Your teleportation power is quite amazing, and my five-color glow can withstand some unexpected attacks. However, we have to be careful of the rampant slaves, they are the most ferocious subordinates of the Yaksha tribe."

After running wildly for thousands of miles, the two finally got away from the pursuit of Ram Nu for the time being.

Lin Mo looked stern: "I feel that these two rampant slaves have the strength of the Nascent Soul stage, and it will be easy to kill us."

The woman surnamed Xiao looked pale and nodded: "So, we must work together to have any hope of survival. Otherwise, we will fall into death sooner or later."

"We need to understand each other's strength so that we can better cooperate to deal with King Yasha and Ram Nu." Lin Mo took a deep breath with a firm gaze.

The two came to a cave and began to understand each other's cultivation and magic weapons.

Lin Mo said in a deep voice: "I have a Wujizi, which can be used with my magical power to exert powerful combat power."

The woman surnamed Xiao took out the five-color lotus: "I can rely on the five-color lotus to fly in the air and absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to heal. We can cooperate with heaven and earth to deal with it in the strongest form."

After the two discussed countermeasures for an entire hour, they breathed a sigh of relief.They understood that even if they got rid of the gang slaves temporarily, the more terrifying Yaksha kings would still not let them go.
In the process, the two gradually established trust.They understand that the life-and-death bet is just the beginning, and the threat of King Yaksha and Rampan still exists.And to deal with all this, they can only rely on each other's strength.

After in-depth discussion, the two people's expressions became more solemn.

Lin Mo said in a deep voice: "You and I both understand that what we are facing is not only rampant slaves, but also King Yaksha manipulating us from behind. All of this is a trap set by them."

The woman surnamed Xiao nodded with a solemn expression: "However, we have no way to escape. King Yaksha is far stronger than us and cannot be defeated at all."

"Yes, so the only thing I can think of is to join forces with you." Lin Mo continued, "We each show our magical powers and cooperate to deal with the pursuit of Ram Nu and King Yaksha. This is the only way to survive."

The woman surnamed Xiao pondered for a while and nodded slightly: "I understand what you mean. We really can only fight like this. I hope we can escape this disaster with the blessing of the five-color lotus."

The two of them had firm eyes and continued to flee forward quickly in tacit agreement.They know that as long as they are alive, there is hope.

When the two fled thousands of miles away, two tragic wolf howls suddenly came from the distance, echoing in the valley.

The expression of the woman surnamed Xiao changed: "This is the signal of a slave!"

Lin Mo's mind turned and he immediately made a judgment: "It means that Rampant is coming, we must leave quickly!"

The face of the woman surnamed Xiao changed slightly. She knew that once the rampant slave appeared, it would bring a greater threat to them.

Lin Mo frowned and quickly used his magical power to increase his perception range.He found that there were indeed two powerful and ferocious beings in the distance, approaching them.Faced with this sudden threat, Lin Mo decided without hesitation to help the woman surnamed Xiao out of danger. "Quick, follow me!" Lin Mo said, releasing the blue roc shadow and increasing his escape speed.The woman surnamed Xiao followed closely behind, and the five-color glow looked extremely lively.

The two of them traveled thousands of miles like lightning, escaping from the range of the howling slaves.The howling in the distance became more and more shrill, seeming to indicate that a more dangerous situation was about to come.

"Thank you!" The woman surnamed Xiao whispered her thanks through a message while escaping.A glimmer of hope arose in their hearts. As long as they could hold on, they might be able to escape from the clutches of the devil.They are determined to rely on the right time, place and people to fight against Ram Nu and King Yaksha to the end!
Lin Mo concentrated on the investigation and determined that there were two rampant slaves approaching in front.He reminded the woman surnamed Xiao to be more vigilant, and at the same time cast the cyan roc phantom spell to speed up their progress.The woman surnamed Xiao thanked Lin Mo for his help and released several defensive spells to deal with possible surprise attacks.

The two of them moved forward vigilantly, and finally succeeded in avoiding the pursuit range of Ram Nu.Lin Mo explained that there was not much mana left in his body and he could no longer help.The woman surnamed Xiao nodded and took out a magic weapon and a bronze mirror from her sleeve to help her move faster.

The two began a long escape.From time to time, the screams of rampant slaves can be heard in the distance, which is frightening.Lin Mo and the woman named Xiao encouraged each other and walked carefully through the dark jungle.

While escaping, Lin Mo once again sensed the presence of two rampant slaves approaching.When he was about to remind the woman named Xiao, a large mass of blood-red mist suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

"No, that's a blood cloud!" The face of the woman named Xiao changed drastically.Lin Mo also realized that something was wrong.He quickly formed several defensive seals to ward off incoming attacks.

The blood cloud swept over, and the magic weapon mirror in the hand of the woman named Xiao shone with dazzling light.A huge black dragon suddenly emerged from the clouds, opening its mouth to swallow most of the blood cloud.Lin Mo took the opportunity to use a golden shield to block the remaining blood mist attack.

Just when the two of them relaxed a little, a bloody light suddenly shot out from behind the blood cloud.It was Ram Nu who launched a surprise attack on them! Lin Mo had sharp eyesight and quick hands. He waved his hands, and arcs of gold and silver were drawn in the air, deflecting the blood.A thrilling chase continues.

Lin Mo and the woman surnamed Xiao had just escaped the sneak attack of the blood cloud, and suddenly Lin Mo noticed something unusual. He swayed, and the gold and silver shield bounced off another bloody light with a bang.This time, Ramnu's attack was almost in front of Lin Mo, and it was dangerous and dangerous.

Lin Mo responded calmly. With a wave of his hand, gold and silver arcs danced in the air, forming a solid protective barrier.Ramu's attack was blocked, but another Ramu took the opportunity to pounce and successfully broke through the defense line.Lin Mo retreated quickly, using gold and silver arcs to protect his body, barely blocking the attack.

"Be careful, these slaves are very cunning." Lin Mo reminded.

The woman surnamed Xiao nodded and looked around cautiously, for fear of another sneak attack.She also felt the pressure. She calmly activated the magic plate, and the golden seal script flashed, releasing powerful spiritual power.The two worked together again and successfully withstood the fierce offensive of Ram Nu.

Just as the two were taking a break, two blood-red figures suddenly emerged from the woods in the distance and rushed towards the two of them.It turned out that two rampant slaves teamed up to attack Lin Mo and the woman named Xiao!
The two rampant slaves jumped up at the same time, spraying terrifying blood mist from their mouths, and rushed towards Lin Mo.

At the critical moment, Lin Mo's eyes flashed with mysterious light.He chanted the spell, and the air was filled with mysterious mana fluctuations, and a golden and silver light suddenly flashed across his body.

He raised his hands, and a golden and silver robe appeared on his body, and four huge golden arms grew.

The four golden arms quickly hit the two rampant slaves, making a deafening impact.Rampant was hit by the golden arm, and he was thrown far away with a groan. He fell to the ground and rolled a few times.

At the same time, a huge blood-red shadow appeared behind Lin Mo, which was the threat from the blood elf in his body.

The woman surnamed Xiao opened her eyes wide and looked at the changes in Lin Mo's body in disbelief.At the same time, a mysterious blood shadow appeared behind Lin Mo, carrying a strong bloody aura.This power seems to be able to deter rampant slaves.

Lin Mo felt the strange changes on his body and smiled lightly, "This is an ancient magical skill that I have practiced. It seems to have some effects."

The two slaves were immediately frightened and fled into the woods by rolling and crawling, not daring to act rashly again.

A dangerous crisis was finally temporarily lifted, and Lin Mo and the woman named Xiao were able to take a breather.However, a greater threat is still approaching from behind, and their lives and deaths still hang by a thread.

The two rampant slaves exchanged glances with each other, seeming to have reached some kind of tacit understanding.They attacked separately, with one targeting Lin Mo and the other targeting the woman surnamed Xiao.

Seeing that Ram Nu was trying to distract the two of them, Lin Mo shouted decisively: "Ignore them, and quickly implement our plan!"

The woman surnamed Xiao understood and took out a magic plate from her sleeve. It was inlaid with azure jade, which was her magic weapon.At the same time, Lin Mo also waved out a small golden flag. This was the golden flag he got during the weapon refining process.

The two of them suspended the magic weapon in the air and drew dazzling spells in mid-air.

The woman surnamed Xiao moved the Dharma plate, and the golden seal script bloomed, echoing Lin Mo's golden flag.The two merge to form a powerful magic circle, integrating defense and attack.

The golden flag and the Dharma plate reacted to each other and erupted into strong energy fluctuations.A small magic circle gradually took shape, emitting surging magic power fluctuations, preparing to deal with the powerful rampant slave.

Seeing this scene, the rampant slaves decided to adopt a more cunning strategy.They quickly changed directions and tried to bypass the defense line from both sides in an attempt to create chaos between the two.

Lin Mo frowned slightly, took a deep breath, and activated the Da Geng Sword Formation.The sword formation instantly unfolded, fixing the surrounding space and preventing Ramu from crossing easily.However, a rampant slave showed cunning skills and nimbly avoided the sword formation, trying to get around to the back.

"Be careful on the right side!" the woman surnamed Xiao reminded.

Lin Mo's eyes flashed, and he turned around instantly. Gold and silver arcs danced, blocking Ram Nu's escape route.The two worked closely together to successfully resolve Ramnu's division of labor offensive.

The moment the magic circle was formed, Lin Mo shouted loudly and shot out countless golden blades from the magic circle, directly piercing into Ram Nu's body.

This was Lin Mo's new golden silk sword formation. Countless gold threads turned into sharp blades, trapping the two rampant slaves in the sword formation and unable to move.

Lin Mo continued to hold the magic weapon and controlled the golden sword formation, trying to chop the two rampant slaves into pieces.However, one of the rampant slaves suddenly turned into a ball of blood mist, easily escaped into the gap in the sword array, and successfully escaped.

The remaining slave in the sword array was quickly dismembered into many pieces of meat, but they were quickly reassembled into shape.Upon seeing this, Lin Mo used the ice energy to try to weaken the vitality of the rampant slaves and freeze them, but found that the effect was little.

"These guys are getting more and more complicated. We need to find a way." Lin Mo looked at the woman named Xiao, with perseverance shining in his eyes.

The woman surnamed Xiao understood it. She stirred the magic plate, and the golden seal script surged, and the magic power was powerful.The two cooperated tacitly, preparing for the next more intense struggle.

Lin Mo saw that the Da Geng Sword Formation did not have much effect on Ram Nu, and secretly sighed that something was wrong. (End of chapter)

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